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論文名稱(外文):A study on global handset market and Taiwan handset printed circuit board industry supply demand forecasting
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1. Introduction…………………………………………………………1
1.1 Research background and motivation……………………………1
1.2 Methodology...………………………………………………………2
2. Industry Overview……………………………………………………4
2.1 Global PCB industry as a glance.………………………………4
2.2 Printed circuit board in Taiwan……………………………….8
2.3 Competitiveness analysis of PCB industry in Asia.………15
3. Handset PCB Suppliers Analysis – Taiwan……………………26
3.1 Top 4 handset PCB manufacturers at a glance–Taiwan……26
3.1.1Compeq: The long industrial leader strengthens its stance in global market share………………………………………………26
3.1.2 Unimicron chasing aggressively behind Compeq in a bid to lead the local market…………………………………………………32
3.1.3 Unitech is standing neck-to-neck to Unimicron, struggling to move upwards………………………………………………………..35
3.1.4 WUS keeps steadily in forth place, trying to bridge the gap between the leaders…………………………………………37
3.2 Taiwan handset PCB supply, historical performance………40
3.3 Determinants of supply………………………………………….46
3.4 Taiwan handset PCB future forecast…………………………48
4. Global Handset Development and Demand Forecasts…………53
4.1Worldwide handset development by geographic regions……53
4.2 Worldwide handset demand, historical performance………56
4.3 Worldwide handset device performance, future forecast…62
4.4 Top players as a glance…………………………………………67
4.5 Major mobile phone manufacturers market share forecast…74
5. Global handset demand and handset PCB supply correlations.79
5.1 Handset demand vs. handset PCB supply, historical performance…79
6. Taiwan PCB supply future forecast…………………………….82
6.1 Big-four production capacity forecast (what can be offered)…………82
6.2 Forming threat from mainland China………………………….83
6.3 Global handset demand the major driving force………….85
6.4 Sustainable technology capability the key to success……86
6.5 Partnership with handset manufacturer………………………87
7. Conclusion…………………………………………...…………….88
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