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Advisor:秦夢群秦夢群 author reflink張奕華張奕華 author reflink
Narrow Field:教育學門
Detailed Field:綜合教育學類
Types of papers:Academic thesis/ dissertation
Publication Year:2006
Graduated Academic Year:94
number of pages:261
keyword (chi):校長轉型領導學校組織學習學校組織創新
keyword (eng):principals’ transformative leadershiporganizational learningorganizational innovation
Ncl record status:
  • Cited Cited :183
  • HitsHits:1030
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本研究係以採用文獻分析及問卷調查法為主,利用「國民小學學校狀況調查問卷」為工具,針對台灣地區國民小學教師進行調查,總計施測1375人。使用之統計方法包括描述性統計、t 檢定及單因子變異數分析、結構方程模式進行分析。
This study focuses on the multi- relationships among the three main factors:
principals’ transformative leadership,organizational learning and organizational innovation at elementary schools. The researcher tries to explore:
1. the current situation in which the principals’ transformative leadership,organizational learning and organizational innovation in elementary schools as far.
2. different patterns of transformative leadership,organizational learning and
organizational innovation which are based on different backgrounds of the principals,teachers and schools.
3. the possible co-relationship in between the above three main factors
4. the investigation of the fitness of thecase-effect relationships among the three
variables this study: principals’ transformative leadership, the organizational learning and organizational innovation in elementary schools.

This study is based on literature analysis and questionnaires. The “Investigative Questionaire of the General Situations of Elementary Schools” is the main tool in use. There are 1375 teachers participating and giving their response towards the questionnaire.
Descriptive statistics,t-test ,ANOVA, Cluster analysis and structural formulas are the techniques applied in the estimation ,calculation and analysis.
The main results of this study are as the following:
1. At each level of the principals’ transformative leadership, the highest effective is the “ encouraging motivation” where as the lowest being “intellectual inspiration”.
2. At levels of organizational learning, the pattern is” using technology” where as the most frequently appeared information is rare.
3. In all the levels of organizational innovation in elementary schools, highest score appears in “ organizational atmosphere” and lowest in “administrative management”.
4. Among the total transformational leadership, organizational learning and innovation, there’s a tendency that shows no distinctive difference caused by the factors such as gender and age of the principals.
5. Investigation on principals who have graduate school degrees indicate that there’s no significant difference related to their performance in transformational leadership, organizational learning and innovation.
6. The principals whose tenure or seniority are between 5 and 15 years perform better in transformative leadership, organizational learning and innovations in elementary schools.
7. School teachers of different genders don’t have distinctive difference of awareness on principals’ transformative leadership, organizational learning and innovation.
8. Teachers who are older than fifty years old have stronger awareness on principals’ transformative leadership, organizational learning and innovation in elementary schools.
9. Teachers with side jobs tend to have higher levels of awareness towards principals’ transformative leadership, organizational learning and innovation at schools.
10. There’s no significant difference in their awareness as to principals’ transformational leadership, organizational learning and innovation with respect to different educational backgrounds.
11. Teachers with teaching experience of more than 25 years have higher levels of awareness towards principals’ transformative leadership, organizational learning and innovation in the schools.
12. Schools’ history doesn’t play a major role in influencing the principals’ transformative leadership, organizational learning and innovation at schools.
13. The schools with fewer than 12 classes seem to perform better in principals’ transformative leadership, organizational learning and innovation at schools.
14. As to principals’ transformative leadership and organizational learning, the schools which are located in countryside and towns mostly perform at a normal standard whereas in organizational innovation they do as good as those city schools.
15. The principals’ transformative leadership works through organizational learning and ultimately has great impact on schools’ organizational innovation.

The results gained from this study can be the useful information for educational administrators, school principals and schools when implementing principals’ transformative leadership, organizational learning and innovations at schools.
第一章 緒 論
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 研究問題 6
第三節 研究假設 7
第四節 重要名詞釋義 11
第五節 研究方法與步驟 16
第六節 研究範圍及限制 18
第二章 文 獻 探 討
第一節 轉型領導理論及相關研究 19
第二節 組織學習理論及相關研究 47
第三節 組織創新理論及相關研究 83
第四節 轉型領導、組織學習與組織創新之關係 111
第三章 研究設計與實施
第一節 研究架構 119
第二節 研究對象 120
第三節 研究工具 122
第四節 資料處理 151
第四章 結果分析與討論
第一節 校長轉型領導、學校組織學習、學校組織創新之現況分析 155
第二節 不同校長背景變項在校長轉型領導、學校組織學習、學校組織
創新之差異探討 176
第三節 不同教師背景變項在校長轉型領導、學校組織學習、學校組織
創新之差異探討 183
第四節 不同學校環境變項在校長轉型領導、學校組織學習、學校組織
創新之差異探討 194
第五節 校長轉型領導、學校組織學習、學校組織創新之結構方程模式
第五章 結論與建議
第一節 結論 218
第二節 建議 223
壹、中文部份 229
貳、英文部份 241
附錄一 國民小學學校狀況調查問卷(預試) 256
附錄二 國民小學學校狀況調查問卷(正式) 262

表 次
表2-1 轉型領導理論所強調的主題一覽表………………………..……………20
表2-2 轉型領導的定義彙整表……………………………………..……………22
表2-3 轉型領導相關研究彙整表…………………………………..……………40
表2-4 組織學習的定義彙整表……………………………………..……………51
表2-5 Dorai和McMurray的組織學習評量工具之層面與題目一覽表..………74
表2-6 Jerez-Gomez 等人的組織學習評量工具之層面與題目一覽表………...75
表2-7 學校組織學習相關研究彙整表…………………………….…….………78
表2-8 創新的定義彙整表………………………………………………..………84
表2-9 組織創新的定義彙整表…………………………………………..………86
表2-10 組織創新相關研究彙整表………………………………………..………99
表2-11 組織創新的主要研究取向一覽表…………………………………..…..102
表3-1 本研究之預試之樣本統計表……………………………………………120
表3-2 本研究抽樣校數及人數一覽表………………………………..…………121
表3-3 國小校長轉型領導量表題目因素負荷量一覽表………………………125
表3-4 校長轉型領導量表模式之適配度指標一覽表…………………………132
表3-5 學校組織學習量表題目因素負荷量一覽表……………………………134
表3-6 學校組織學習量表模式之適配度指標一覽表…………………………140
表3-7 學校組織創新量表題目因素負荷量一覽表……………………………143
表3-8 學校組織創新量表模式之適配度指標一覽表…………………………149
表4-1 校長轉型領導總量表與個別因素向度描述性統計摘要表……………156
表4-2 校長轉型領導量表個別題目得分描述性統計摘要表…………………160
表4-3 學校組織學習總量表與個別因素向度描述性統計摘要表……………163
表4-4 學校組織學習量表個別題目得分描述性統計摘要表…………………167
表4-5 學校組織創新總量表與個別因素向度描述性統計摘要表……………169
表4-6 學校組織創新量表個別題目得分描述性統計摘要表…………………173
表4-7 不同性別校長量表得分之變異數分析摘要表…………………………177
表4-8 不同年齡校長量表得分之變異數分析摘要表…………………………178
表4-9 不同學歷校長量表得分之變異數分析摘要表..…………………………179
表4-10 不同學歷校長量表得分之事後比較摘要表……………………………179
表4-11 不同年資校長量表得分之變異數分析摘要表…………………………181
表4-12 不同年資校長量表得分之事後比較摘要表……………………………182
表4-13 不同性別教師量表得分之變異數分析摘要表……..………………… 184
表4-14 不同年齡教師量表得分之變異數分析摘要表…………………………185
表4-15 不同年齡教師量表得分之事後比較摘要表……………………………186
表4-16 不同職務教師量表得分之變異數分析摘要表…………………………188
表4-17 不同職務教師量表得分之事後比較摘要表……………………………189
表4-18 不同學歷教師量表得分之變異數分析摘要表…………………………190
表4-19 不同年資教師量表得分之變異數分析摘要表…………………………192
表4-20 不同年資教師量表得分之事後比較摘要表……………………………193
表4-21 不同歷史學校量表得分之變異數分析摘要表…………………………195
表4-22 不同歷史學校量表得分之事後比較摘要表……………………………195
表4-23 不同規模學校量表得分之變異數分析摘要表…………………………197
表4-24 不同規模學校量表得分之事後比較摘要表……………………………198
表4-25 不同地區學校量表得分之變異數分析摘要表…………………………199
表4-26 不同地區學校量表得分之事後比較摘要表……………….……...……200
表4-29 本研究結構方程模式整體適配度檢定指數一覽表……………………214
表4-30 本研究結構方程模式指標變項的個別項目信度摘要表………………215
表4-31 本研究結構方程模式主要變項之效果摘要表…………………………216

圖 次
圖2-1 單循環的學習模式圖……………………………………………………..58
圖2-2 雙循環的學習模式圖……………………………………………………..59
圖2-3 再學習的循環模式圖……………………………………………………..59
圖2-4 組織學習的步驟圖………………………………………………………..63
圖2-5 組織學習的層面圖………………………………………………………..68
圖2-6 組織學習層次圖…………………………………………………………..69
圖2-7 組織學習層面圖…………………………………………………………..70
圖3-1 研究架構圖………………………………………………………………119
圖3-2(a) 轉型領導量表之驗證性因素分析圖(完全標準化係數)………………130
圖3-2(b) 轉型領導量表之驗證性因素分析圖(參數估計 t 值)………………..131
圖3-3(a) 學校組織學習量表之驗證性因素分析圖(完全標準化係數)…………138
圖3-3(b) 學校組織學習量表之驗證性因素分析圖(參數估計 t 值)…………139
圖3-4(a) 學校組織創新量表之驗證性因素分析圖(完全標準化係數)…………147
圖3-4(b) 學校組織創新量表之驗證性因素分析圖(參數估計 t 值)………..…148
圖4-1(a) 校長轉型領導量表總分次數分配直方圖………………………………157
圖4-1(b) 校長轉型領導分量表總分次數分配直方圖…………………………...157
圖4-1(c) 校長轉型領導分量表總分次數分配直方圖……………………………158
圖4-1(d) 校長轉型領導分量表總分次數分配直方圖…………….……………..158
圖4-1(e) 校長轉型領導分量表總分次數分配直方圖……………………………159
圖4-1(f) 校長轉型領導分量表總分次數分配直方圖……………………………159
圖4-1(g) 校長轉型領導分量表總分次數分配直方圖…………………………...160
圖4-2(a) 學校組織學習量表總分次數分配直方圖………………………………164
圖4-2(b) 學校組織學習分量表總分次數分配直方圖…………………………...164
圖4-2(c) 學校組織學習分量表總分次數分配直方圖……………………………165
圖4-2(d) 學校組織學習分量表總分次數分配直方圖…………………………...165
圖4-2(e) 學校組織學習分量表總分次數分配直方圖……………………………166
圖4-2(f) 學校組織學習分量表總分次數分配直方圖……………………………166
圖4-3(a) 學校組織創新量表總分次數分配直方圖………………………………170
圖4-3(b) 學校組織創新分量表總分次數分配直方圖…………………………...170
圖4-3(c) 學校組織創新分量表總分次數分配直方圖……………………………171
圖4-3(d) 學校組織創新分量表總分次數分配直方圖…………………………...171
圖4-3(e) 學校組織創新分量表總分次數分配直方圖……………………………172
圖4-3(f) 學校組織創新分量表總分次數分配直方圖……………………………172
圖4-3(g) 學校組織創新分量表總分次數分配直方圖……………………...……173
圖4-7 本研究結構方程模式之完全標準解……………………………………211
圖4-8 本研究結構方程模式之參數估計t值:皆達顯著水準…………….…212
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1. The Effects of Transformational and Transactional Leadership of Elementary Schoo1 Principals on the Culture Characteristics and Effectiveness of School Organization.
2. The study of the relationship among transformational and transactional leadership, school culture and school effectiveness in junior high schools in Taiwan
3. Organizational Factors, Creativity of Oragnizational Members and Organizational Innovation
4. The study of principals'' transformational leadership styles and leadership effectiveness in the elementary schools:take four countries of North Taiwan as examples
5. The Study of the Relationship among the Principal''''''''s Leadership Style, the Teachers'''''''' Work Value and Organizational Commitment in Elementary Schools.
6. A Study of the Relationship between Organizational Learning and Teachers'''' Professional Growth in Junior High Schools
7. A Study of the Relationships Among Principals’ Leadership Behavior, Teacher’s Organizational Commitment, and School’s Organizational Performance in Elementary Schools
8. A Study of Elementary School Principals’ Transformational Leadership and School Effectiveness.
9. A study of the relationships between organization learning and effectiveness of elementary school.
10. A Study of The Relationships Between Taiwan Elementary School Principals'''' Transformational Leadership and School Organizational Climate
11. The relationships among the market orientation, organizational learning, organizational innovations, and organizational performance—The empirical examination for Information Technology Industry in Scientific Industry Park
12. A Study of Transformational Leadership for the Elementary School Principals
1. 秦夢群(1999)。營造學習型組織學校:教育行政人員應有的體認與策略。教育資料與研究,27,9-12。
2. 林愛玲(1997)。知識網路-組織學習提升策略之探討。人力資源發展月刊,122,4-9。
3. 林新發、邱國隆、王秀玲(2004)。學習型組織在國民小學之應用。國民教育,44(3),62-79。
4. 林明地(2000)。助長學校組織學習的關鍵:校長轉型領導。學校行政雙月刊,8,4-11。
5. 林合懋(2001)。國民小學校長的成就目標、終身學習經驗、轉型領導與其多元智慧學校經營理念之關係。國立政治大學教育研究所博士論文,未出版,臺北市。
6. 邱紹一、樊學良、林建江(2005)。我國技專校院策略管理模式之建構。教育資料與研究,63,101-109。
7. 吳清山(2004)。學校創新經營的理念與策略。教師天地,128,30-34。
8. 吳宗立(2000)。轉型領導理論在學校經營的應用。國教新知,47,4-11。
9. 朱愛群(1997)。學習型組織意涵之探索。警學叢刊,27(5),153-176。
10. 秦夢群(2003)。由組織興革觀點談活化組織的策略。教師天地,129,17-21。
11. 曹建文(2002)。組織學習理論的模式及其重要論辯議題之探討。研習論壇月刊,16,36-44。
12. 陳銘薰(2000)。組織學習理論的發展和內涵-知識管理與組織學習的互動。中衛簡訊,148,26-31。
13. 陳嘉彌(1997)。教師參與在職進修動機與其接受創新程度間之關係研究。教育研究資訊,5,45-62。
14. 楊國德(2002)。知識社會與組織學習。成人教育,65,10-18。
15. 蔡進雄(2003)。臺灣地區中小校長轉型領導實徵研究之回顧與前瞻。教育資料與研究,54,54-61。
1. A Study on Relationships between Principal’s Transformational Leadership and School Cultural Preference and School Innovative Management in Elementary Schools
2. 制度性創新事業的動態浮現歷程:複雜科學觀點
3. A study of the relationships among Principals' Transformational Leadership, Organizational Innovation, and the School Effectiveness in junior high schools in Taiwan.
4. 無錫國專與傳統書院的轉型
5. 修憲後我國監察制度與芬蘭國會監察使制度之比較分析
6. 吳閩方言音韻比較研究
7. A Study of the Relationships Among Principals’ Leadership Behavior, Teacher’s Organizational Commitment, and School’s Organizational Performance in Elementary Schools
8. The Effect of the Teachers’ Perceptions of Principals’ Transformational Leadership and Organizational Innovation Climate on the Innovative Performance of Management in Vocational High Schools
9. A Study on Relationships among Principals' Strategic Leadership, Organizational Learning, and Innovative Management Effectiveness in Elementary Schools
10. Research on the Relationship of Private Senior High Schools Between Principals’ Competing Values Leadership, Teachers’ Professional Commitment, Organizational Innovation and School Organizational Effectiveness — the Construction of Effective Management Mo
11. Relevant research about the elementary principal’s transformational leadership,organizational innovation and teachers’ job satisfaction
12. 職場年齡歧視之研究
13. The Impact of the Knowledge Economy on the Labour Law in Taiwan
14. Effect of personality impression, capability judgment, likeability and interview performance on university enrollment interview with different settings
15. 領導人角色與風格與企業文化、企業創新能力之研究
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