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研究生(外文):Chang, Yu-Chi
論文名稱(外文):Write with Internet
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在人文主義的工具透明觀點,與科技決定論之間,過去有Haas進行電腦如何影響寫作的研究,也有Michael Heim討論電腦寫作於存有論上的意義。研究者欲將此落實到網路田野。因為網路讓電腦書寫文本突破時空限制,進一步挑戰了以單一個人為主導的書寫概念。一個含有工具意義的網路書寫理論如何可能?
Writing is considered the embodiment of human thought, and writing interface is merely a tool. Since the birth of computer and Internet, online writing has attracted academic attention because computers offer entirely different functions and ways of writing from pen and paper. Can tools, besides assisting, to some extent, decide the form and content of writing and, perhaps, direct our thoughts?
Between humanist’s transparent tool point of view and technology determinism, we have Haas conducting research on how computer affects writing, and Michael Heim discusses the meaning of computer-generated text from ontology. I would like to take what they have accomplished and put it into the field of internet. Because Internet has made the computer-generated text break through the boundary of time and space, and further challenged the concepts that writing is a single person behavior. So, is it possible to develop an internet writing theory which take tool into consideration?
Researcher has observed and interviewed eight internet writers. I found within the internet interface the traces of man and tool writing together. Writers, from inspiration to the process of thinking and writing, even the interaction with readers after writing, have closely connected to internet writing interface. Internet writing interface is not just a tool, but an environment for thinking and a partner we write with.
第一章 緒論 7
第二章 文獻探討 14
第一節、書寫是意識外部化與介面互動的過程 15
第二節、意識外部化到了電腦時代因速度之故而更形明顯 23
第三節、從電腦走向網路是延續還是創新? 38
第三章 網路書寫理論模式 45
第一節、承襲文獻而來的研究問題 46
第二節、網路書寫的現象 51
第三節、理論模式概述 55
第三節 網路書寫之理論模式 69
第四節 書寫理論之變與不變 72
第四章 示例性的個案研究 75
第一節 速度的寫作 78
第二節 中介後個人化的寫作 84
第三節 作者面對具體而實際的讀者 88
第五章 結論與建議 93
第一節 網路之於書寫:實體與虛擬的書寫差距 95
第二節 個案研究對網路書寫理論的反思 97
第三節、個案研究對傳統書寫理論的反省 100
參考書目 103


圖2-1 寫作流程圖 26
圖3-1 部落格文章頁面 62
圖3-2 部落格文章編輯頁面 63
圖3-3 傳統書寫寫作流程圖 72
圖3-4 網路書寫模式 74

表3-1 部落格本身元件 61
表3-2 部落格網頁特性 64
表3-3 部落格如何串聯其他部落格 65
表3-4 電腦書寫與網路介面(Blog)的交會效果 69
表4-1 受訪者背景 76
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