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論文名稱(外文):Improving Resource Utilization by Over-Admission
外文關鍵詞:QoSAdmission Control
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通訊網路使用網路聚合(Network Convergence)的策略,以此提供一個開放的服務平台,ALL-IP網路,因ALL-IP網路是以封包交換網路承載各類服務[1],所以不容易保證服務品質。一個經常被採用的方式是使用資源保留(Resource Reservation)方式以保證服務品質,但服務可能會因失約或未依約沒有充分運用所保留之資源而導致資源閒置、降低網路資源使用率。為了要提高資源使用率,營運者必須要有解決的方法,以提高整體資源使用的效能。
本研究提出一個有效使用資源的概念—超額允入(Over-Admission),超額允入的意義是讓允入控制機制允入比所擁有的資源量還要多的訊務量,以增加資源使用的效能。但是超額允入訊務之後,Admission Controller可能會允入過多訊務造成溢流(Overflow)。這會使系統效能下降,所以網路管理者必須要找出合適的允入量以提高系統整體效能。
The telecommunication industry is moving toward a converged network, which uses a single global IP based packet-switched network, which uses a single global IP based packet-switched network to carry all types of network services, the quality of service cannot be fully guaranteed [1]. One of the popular methods to guarantee the quality of service is to use resource reservation. This kind of methods, however, might cause resource underutilization because the resource requesters may not show up or, even if does, it does not fully utilize the reserved resources. In order to enhance the efficiency of resource utilization, this study proposed an efficient resource utilization concept, that is, over-admission. Over-admission, in which the admission controller may admit more traffic volume than what it can allowed. Even though over-admission is effective, it has its own problems: the admission controller may admit too excessive traffic to impair the system performance. In order to maintain system performance, it is important for the network administrators to find out the appropriate admitted amount that does not cause excessive overflow.
In this thesis, an analysis model is constructed to estimate the optimal admitted traffic amount under various traffic conditions. Then, simulation is conducted to verify this model and to evaluate the performance of our proposed method. The results reveal that this analysis model can improve the efficiency of resource utilization.
第一章 導論 1
1.1 All-IP Networks 1
1.2提供單一核心網路的QoS管理架構 4
1.2.1 IntServ (Integrated Service)架構 4
1.2.2 DiffServ (Differentiated Service)架構 4
1.3提供多核心網路的QoS管理架構 5
1.3.1 TEQUILA(The Traffic Engineering for Quality of Service in the Internet at Large Scale)管理架構 5
1.3.2 AQUILA(Adaptive Resource Control for QoS Using an IP based Layered Architecture)管理架構 5
1.3.3 BBQ (Budget-Based QoS Network Management)管理架構 6
1.4 資源保留機制的缺點 6
1.5解決資源閒置之方法 6
1.5.1 解決預測誤差而失約的問題 7
1.5.2解決訊務未依約使用資源的問題 7
1.6 研究目的與方法 8
1.7 論文組織結構 9
第二章 相關研究 10
2.1提供多核心網路的QoS管理架構 10
2.1.1 TEQUILA 10
2.1.2 AQUILA 11
2.3.3 BBQ (Budget-Based QoS Network Management)管理架構 12
2.2 超額分配與允入法的相關研究 16
2.3 文獻討論 19
第三章 分析模型 20
3.1 假設條件與系統環境 20
3.2 分析模型之探討 21
3.2 收益與損失之探討 22
3.3 由語音訊務的特徵求溢流機率 23
3.4 訊務Active機率 24
3.5 溢流機率(Overflow Probability) 29
第四章 模型驗證與效能評估 34
4.1 實驗目的與方法 34
4.2 收益與損失的定義 35
4.3 實驗拓撲、變因與參數 35
4.4 模型驗證 37
4.4.1 Mean Holding Time對溢流機率之影響 37
4.4.2 Active Ratio對淨收益誤差之影響 38
4.4.3 Capacity對淨收益誤差之影響 39
4.4.4 C1:C2對淨收益誤差之影響 41
4.4.5 Active Ratio對最佳超額允入比例誤差之影響 42
4.4.6 Capacity對最佳超額允入比例誤差之影響 43
4.4.7 C1:C2對最佳超額允入比例誤差之影響 44
4.5 參數變化對淨收益之影響 45
4.5.1 Active Ratio變化對淨收益之影響 45
4.5.2 Capacity變化對淨收益之影響 47
4.5.3 C1:C2變化對淨收益之影響 48
4.6超額允入法的robustness 50
4.7實驗結論 52
第五章 結論 54
參考文獻 55
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