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本研究以文獻分析法及問卷調查法進行之,係以臺北市市立國民中學教師為取樣對象,共計抽取270人,回收265份,回收率98.1%。本研究之研究工具為「學校組織行為問卷」,包含「國中校長領導」及「教師組織公民行為」二部份。統計方法係採用信度分析、因素分析、描述統計、t 檢定、單因子變異數分析及典型相關分析等。
The major purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between principals’ transformational leadership and teachers’ organizational citizenship behaviors in junior high schools in Taipei. It was first mapped out with a survey of the current situations of principals’ transformational leadership and teachers’ organizational citizenship behaviors and further explored the interrelations among the three key factors: principals’ transformational leadership, teachers’ backgrounds, and teachers’ organizational citizenship behaviors. It is aimed to provide the educational authorities and principals with the insights to order leadership styles.
Literature review and a questionnaire were conducted in this study. A total of 265 junior high school teachers in Taipei were invited to participate in the research. The self-report questionnaire was comprised of two main parts: principals’ transformational leadership and teachers’ organizational citizenship behaviors. The collected data were analyzed through reliability analysis, factor analysis, descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA and canonical correlation.
The findings of this study revealed:
(1) In general, the current situations of both principals’ transformational leadership and teachers’ organizational citizenship behaviors were satisfactory.
(2) Principals’ transformational leadership varied with teachers’ backgrounds and school size. In brief, in the aspects of charismatic-inspirational, those who have been at the teaching career for 6-10 years experienced more than those whose careers are less than 5 years. As for the aspect of intellectual stimulation , the teachers in charge of administrative work performed better than homeroom teachers or others. In addition, teachers at a school size of 13-24 or 25-59 classes perceived greater importance of charismatic-inspirational than those in larger schools (more than 60 classes) while teachers at a school size of 13-24 classes acted better than those in larger schools.
(3) In Taipei, teachers’ organizational citizenship behaviors varied with their different backgrounds. For instance, those who have been teaching for 6 years performed better than those who are less experienced (less than 5 years) concerning their organizational citizenship behaviors. What’s more, comparing to homeroom or subject teachers, those in charge of administrative work did better regarding organizational citizenship behaviors and interpersonal relations
(4) Principals’ transformational leadership was positively correlated to teachers’ organizational citizenship behaviors in junior high schools in Taipei. Namely, the better principals’ transformational leadership was, the better teachers’ organizational citizenship behaviors would be.
Further implications from the perspective of principals’ transformational leadership and teachers’ organizational citizenship behaviors were put forward with the ultimate aim of providing the educational authorities with suggestions for future research.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 研究問題與方法 6
第三節 名詞解釋 8
第四節 研究範圍與限制 11
第二章 文獻探討 12
第一節 校長轉型領導的理論基礎 12
第二節 教師組織公民行為的理論基礎 35
第三節 校長轉型領導與教師組織公民行為之相關研究- 59
第三章、研究設計與實施 65
第一節 研究架構與假設 65
第二節 研究樣本與工具 69
第三節 研究程序與資料處理 75
第四章 研究結果分析與討論 77
第一節 北市國中校長轉型領導與教師組織公民行為現況的調查 77
第二節 教師之背景變項不同對校長轉型領導與教師組織公民行為差異情形的探討 79
第三節 校長轉型領導與教師組織公民行為典型相關的探析 92
第五章 結論與建議 96
第一節 結論 96
第二節 建議 104
參考書目 107
附錄 117
表 次
表2-1 特質論 16
表2-2 行為論 17
表2-3 權變論 18
表2-4 國內外專家學者轉型領導的行為層面分析 28
表3-1 有效樣本的基本資料分析 70
表3-2 正式問卷學校回收一覽表 71
表3-3 組織公民行為各構面之信度分析 73
表3-4 組織公民行為量表之正式問卷題項分配表暨因素分析表 74
表4-1 校長轉型領導與教師之組織公民行為各構面現狀總計表 78
表4-2 教師性別對校長轉型領導之t-考驗 79
表4-3 教師性別對教師組織公民行為之t-考驗 80
表4-4 教師年齡對校長轉型領導之單因子變異數考驗 80
表4-5 教師年齡對教師組織公民行為之單一因子變異數考驗 81
表4-6 教師服務年資對校長轉型領導行為之單一因子變異數考驗 82
表4-7 教師服務年資對教師組織公民行為之單一因子變異數考驗 83
表4-8 教師學歷對教師組織公民行為之單一因子變異數考驗 84
表4-9 教師學歷不同對教師組織公民行為之單一因子變異數考驗 85
表4-10 教師擔任職務對校長轉型領導行為之單一因子變異數考驗 86
表4-11 教師擔任職務對教師組織公民行為之單一因子變異數考驗 87
表4-12 不同學校規模對校長轉型領導行為之單一因子變異數考驗 89
表4-13 不同學校規模對教師組織公民行為之單一因子變異數考驗 90
表4-14 教師身分對校長轉型領導之t-考驗 91
表4-15 教師身分對教師組織公民行為之t-考驗 91
表4-16 特徵値與典型相關係數 93
表4-17 校長轉型領導與教師組織公民行為典型相關分析摘要表 94
表5-1 背景變項在校長轉型領導行為構面上的差異情形 99
表5-2 背景變項在教師組織公民眾行為構面上的差異情形 102
圖 次
圖3-1 本研究架構圖 65
圖4-1 校長轉型領導與教師組織公民行為典型相關分析徑路圖 95
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