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研究生(外文):Yu-Tsung Cheng
論文名稱(外文):The Assessment on the Efficiency of Vapor Recovery System in Gas Station
指導教授(外文):Man-Ting Cheng
外文關鍵詞:Gas Stationmembrane-adsorptionvapor recovery system
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油氣經薄膜處理不僅可有效回收儲存油氣之外,因揮發性高分子量的油氣成份進入薄膜脫附系統,使油氣在薄膜罐中進行脫附分離,以脫附99 % 效率以上,可有效率的被分解為碳氫化合物及空氣,將以液態汽油及高濃度油氣的型態回流到油槽,僅容許釋放乾淨的空氣排放,此實驗的最終目的是將可回收油氣封存在儲油槽中,減少加油站VOCs油氣逸散量,提升現階段油氣回收系統的效率。
在加油槍A/L回收率實際測試方面,在有裝設真空輔助式油氣回收系統之回收率1:1,與薄膜吸附式油氣回收系統回收率1:1.5,測試結果顯示出裝設真空輔助式油氣回收系統可以減少75 %的油氣逸散,薄膜吸附式油氣回收系統回收率可以減少95 %的油氣逸散至環境中。
實驗進行九天,選擇在下班加油尖峰時段,在加油站的『加油泵島』及『加油站周界』設置八個採樣點,在二個不同高度採樣,由實驗結果顯示,比較真空輔助式油氣回收系統與增設VACONOVENT薄膜吸附式油氣回收系統兩種方式,以取樣高度、取樣時段、取樣位置等因素加以分析,在尖峰時段、離峰時段以不同取樣高度由『加油泵島』及『加油站周界』VOCs之濃度隨尖峰時段、離峰時段VOCs濃度值有明顯減量效果,薄膜吸附式油氣回收在『加油泵島』VOCs濃度減量可達45 %。綜合研究的結果,本論文為國內首次評估加油站第二階段油氣回收系統增設VACONOVENT薄膜吸附式油氣回收系統之效率,所量測數據可提供改善加油站揮發性有機物逸散問題的參考資料。
This research mainly investigates the improvement of vapor recovery efficiency by adding a VACONOVENT membrane-adsorption vapor recovery system to the traditional vacumm type system. The membrane-adsorption system can collect the excessive gasoline vapor in the fuel tank and recycle back into liquid gasoline. Such system can achieve A/L values up to 1.5. Therefore the membrane-adsorption system not only effectively reduces the vapor discharge but also improves the vapor discharge problem. In order to evaluate the recovery efficiency, an experiment was conducted to measure the concentrations of VOCs at various locations in a gasoline station and the A/L values under the conditions with and without the VACONOVENT membrane-adsorption system. The purpose of these measurements is to understand the VOCs pollution problems during the refueling process.

The gasoline vapors are not only effectively recycled and the adsorbed vapors are stored in the membrane. Because the volatile macromolecules are absorbed by the membrane unit and then followed by the desorption process in the membrane pot. The percentages of desorption can reach to 99%. The adsorbed vapors are decomposed to hydrocarbon and air and then flow back to the fuel tank as the liquid gasoline. Only the clean air is allowed to be discharged so that the VOCs pollution is reduced.

In the actual test of the A/L recovery efficiencies, the recovery efficiency is 1: 1 for the traditional vacuum system and 1:1.5 for the system adding the membrane-adsorption vapor recovery unit. The results show that the system with the vacuum recovery unit can reduce 75% vapor discharge and the membrane-adsorption recovery system can reduce 95% vapor discharge.

The measurements were conducted at eight locations with two various heights from ground in a gas station during the heavy traffic hours and the regular hours. The experiments were performed for nine days. With the additional VACONOVENT membrane-adsorption vapor recovery system, the reduction rate of VOCs concentrations near the gasoline refilling location can reach to 45%. In conclusion, this research evaluates the improved vapor recovery efficiency by adding the VACONOVENT membrane-adsorption gasoline vapor recovery system to the traditional vacumn system. The results provide the useful data and information for improving the air pollution problem in the gas stations.
摘要 i
Abstract iii
目錄 v
表目錄 viii
圖目錄 x
第一章 前言 1
1.1 研究動機與目的 1
1.2 研究方法 2
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2.1 現行國內加油站管制之相關法規 4
2.1.1 加油設施設置真空輔助式油槍油氣回收設備補助辦法 4
2.1.2 新設加油站油氣回收設施標準 5
2.2 油品環保規範訂定 5
2.2.1 油品管制 6
2.2.2 汽油含鉛量管制 7
2.3加油站油氣回收之揮發性有機物減量成效評估 8
2.3.1 加油站VOCs排放量 9
2.3.2 加油站油槍油氣回收設備削減量 12
2.4 加油站人員暴露健康及周界環境評估 23
2.4.1 加油站周圍環境暴露評估 23
2.4.2 加油站對操作人員健康的影響 24
2.5 加油站油氣回收系統原理相關介紹 28
2.5.1 第一階段卸油油氣回收設備 28
2.5.2 第二階段加油槍油氣回收設備 29
2.6 收集國外油氣回收設備發展現況及未來發展趨勢 39
2.6.1 國外油氣回收設備政策推動 39
2.6.2 油氣回收設備發展現況 41
2.6.3 油氣回收設備搭配 ORVR設備 41
2.6.4 油氣回收設備未來發展趨勢 45
第三章 實驗方法及理論探討 48
3.1 研究步驟之流程 48
3.1.1 測試方法 49
3.1.2 加油站採樣規劃 50
3.1.3 檢測儀器設備 51
3.2 A/L回收率之效率性能 52
3.2.1 加油站A/L回收率之效率性能 52
3.2.2 加油站A/L回收率之測試方法 54
3.2.3 加油站各階段油氣回收VOCs排放量 57
3.3 薄膜吸附油氣回收之理論探討 58
3.3.1 薄膜分離基本理論 58
3.3.2 薄膜油氣處理技術 59
3.3.3 薄膜運作的程序 61
3.4.4 油氣回收設備的經濟效益評估 62
第四章 結果與討論 64
4.1 第二階段油氣回收各廠牌性能測試結果 64
4.2 加油站周界VOCs濃度分析 73
4.3 加油站各加油島VOCs濃度分析 81
4.4 薄膜吸附回收設備與儲油槽呼吸效應探討 87
4.5 油氣回收槍與汽機車加油時使用性探討 88
第五章 結論與建議 89
5.1 結論 89
5.2 建議 91
參考文獻 93
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