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研究生(外文):Chia-Yu Tsai
論文名稱(外文):Vegetation classification and mapping of Piluchi watershed
指導教授(外文):Ming-Yih Chen
外文關鍵詞:Piluchi watershedvegetation classificationmatrix cluster analysis (MCA)detrended correspondence analysis (DCA)vegetation map
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畢祿溪流域是德基水庫重要集水區之一,存有豐富多樣的植物資源。本研究調查與分析畢祿溪流域內之植群,共設置57個樣區,調查上木胸高直徑(DBH)及地被覆蓋度,以矩陣群團分析(MCA)及降趨對應分析(DCA)進行植群分類,分為9型,植群型分布與海拔高及水分梯度級有關,海拔由高至低依次為:(A) 玉山箭竹型、(B) 玉山圓柏型、(C) 臺灣高山杜鵑型、(D) 臺灣鐵杉型、(E) 臺灣二葉松型、(F) 狹葉櫟型、(G) 臺灣黃杉型、(H) 臺灣赤楊型、(I) 臺灣肉桂型。另就地被植物進行矩陣群團分析,區分成9地被型。
The vegetation of Piluchi watershed, a part of Techi Reservoir basin, were investigated, classified and mapped. 57 plots were sampled in the study area. The diameter at breast height (DBH) of overstory and the coverage of understory species were investigated. Totally 545 species of vascular plants, belonging to 294 genera and 113 families were found. Of them 187 species were endemic in Taiwan, and 48 species including 19 endemic species were recognized as rare species, that have to be strictly protected.
According to floristic compositions of the plots, 9 vegetation types were classified by matrix cluster analysis (MCA) and detrended correspondence analysis (DCA). The distributions of vegetation types were related to the altitude. From high to low elevation, vegetation types are: (A) Yushania niitakayamensis type, (B) Juniperus squamata var‭. morrisonicola type, (C) Rhododendron rubropilosum var. taiwanalpinum type, (D) Tsuga‭ ‬chinensis‭ ‬var‭. ‬formosana‭ ‬type, (E) Pinus taiwanensis type, (F) Cyclobalanopsis stenophylloides‭ ‬type, (G) Pseudotsuga wilsoniana‭ ‬type, (H) Alnus‭ ‬formosana‭ ‬type, and (I) Cinnamomum insulari-montanum type.
The main disturbances on the vegetation in Piluchi watershed are wildfires and debris flows. Pinus taiwanensis type was commonly found on the sites disturbed by wildfires, and would gradually succeed into Tsuga‭ ‬chinensis‭ ‬var‭. ‬formosana‭ ‬type, Cyclobalanopsis stenophylloides‭ ‬type, Pseudotsuga wilsoniana‭ ‬type, or Cinnamomum insulari-montanum type, if there is no fire for a long time. If no debris flow occurs, the vegetation by the riverside, such as Pinus taiwanensis type, Cyclobalanopsis stenophylloides‭ ‬type and Alnus‭ ‬formosana‭ ‬type, would probably succeed into Cinnamomum insulari-montanum type.
Based on the vegetation types for map units, this study also provided a vegetation map of Piluchi watershed for related research and management. For the conservations of biodiversity, soil and water, all man-caused illegal disturbances should be strictly prohibited in the watershed.
圖目次 -- II
表目次 -- III
摘要 -- 1
Abstract -- 2
一、前言 -- 4
二、研究區概況 -- 6
三、研究項目與方法 -- 12
(一)植群調查與分析 -- 12
(二)植群圖繪製 -- 17
四、結果與討論 -- 19
(一)植物種組成 -- 19
(二)稀有物種 -- 23
(三)森林植群分類 -- 28
(四)各植群型主要樹種族群結構 -- 38
(五)畢祿溪流域植群圖 -- 47
(六)干擾與演替之推論 -- 49
(七)各植群型之物種多樣性 -- 53
(八)地被植物類型 -- 54
(九)本研究之植群分類與前人研之比較 -- 58
五、結語 -- 60
六、引用文獻 -- 62
附錄一、畢祿溪流域樣區資訊 -- 66
附錄二、畢祿溪流域植物名錄 -- 68
附錄三、畢祿溪流域稀有植物照片 -- 63
附錄四、畢祿溪流域植群型照片 -- 90
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