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研究生(外文):Yi-Fu Lin
論文名稱(外文):The Effects of Incubation Temperature on Egg Hatching, Sex Determination and Sexual Size Dimorphism in the Chinese Stripe-Necked Turtle, Ocadia sinensis
指導教授(外文):Sheng-Hai Wu
外文關鍵詞:sexual size dimorphismsex determinationgrowth rateactivityTestudinesOcadia sinensis
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爬蟲類中,普遍存在著雌雄體型二型性(sexual size dimorphism, SSD)及溫度決定性別(temperature sex determination, TSD)的現象。造成SSD的原因,除了出生時體型大小、幼體及成體時期成長率、成熟所需體型大小及年紀等外,孵卵時期環境溫度也可能造成雌雄體型的差異。前人研究顯示高溫孵出個體體型較大,低溫孵出者體型較小,因此TSD種類所表現的SSD,可能也與孵化溫度有關
臺灣四種淡水龜科中,斑龜(Ocadia sinensis)性別決定機制尚未知。斑龜成龜體型為雌龜大於雄龜。因此本研究選擇斑龜為實驗對象,希望瞭解其性別決定機制,及瞭解孵卵時期溫度與成長率、活動力等之關係。
結果顯示,斑龜屬於TSD物種,孵卵時期環境溫度為30℃及32℃時,皆孵出雌龜;而24℃時,孵出之幼龜皆為雄龜。32℃時所需的孵化天數最短(46.1 ± 1.6天),24℃所需的天數最長(90.8 ± 2.6天)。孵化成功率及出生體型大小,不受孵卵時期溫度影響。
Sexual size dimorphism (SSD) and temperature sex determination (TSD) are common in some reptile groups (e.g. turtles and crocodiles). SSD may result from hatchling size differences, juvenile and adult growth rates, age and size at maturity, and incubating temperatures. It has been demonstrated that eggs incubated in high temperatures produce larger hatchlings, it is possible that SSD found in TSD species may result from the difference in incubation temperature.
Among the four batagurid turtles found in Taiwan, the sex determination mode of the Chinese Stripe-Necked Turtle, Ocadia sinensis, is unknown. It is known that the size of females is larger than that of males in this species. In this research, I plan to determine the sex-determination mechanism of Ocadia sinensis, and, to understand the relationship between incubation temperature of eggs and juvenile growth rate and activity performance.
I designed incubation experiments at five different temperatures (24℃、26℃、28℃、30℃、32℃) in order to determine the effects of incubation temperature on hatching success, sex ratio, hatchling body size, activity performance, and juvenile growth rate.
I demonstrated that Ocadia sinensis is a TSD species; at incubating temperatures of 30℃ and 32℃, all hatchlings are females; all hatchlings are males when eggs are incubated at 24℃. Eggs hatched the fastest when incubated at 32℃ (46.1 ± 1.6 days), longest when at 24℃ (90.8 ± 2.6 days). Hatching success and the size of hatchlings are not influenced by incubation temperatures..
The activity performance of juveniles hatching at higher temperatures is higher than those hatching from lower temperature. Growth rate is faster in individuals hatching from high temperatures. There is no significant difference between individual growth rate and size of hatchling or activity performance of juveniles.
Since growth rate is faster in high incubation temperatures than in low temperatures, incubation temperature could be one of the factors that cause SSD. However, there is no significant within-sex difference in growth rate among hatchlings incubated at different temperatures. It indicates that gender itself is one of the factors that influence growth rate.
中文摘要 ....................................................... I
英文摘要 ....................................................... II
目錄 .......................................................... IV
表目錄 ........................................................ V
圖目錄 ........................................................ VI
前言 .......................................................... 1
材料與方法 .................................................... 4
一、樣本收集 .............................................. 4
二、孵卵環境 .............................................. 4
三、孵化後處理及飼養 ...................................... 5
四、活動力測試 ............................................ 7
五、性別判別 ............................................. 7
結果 .......................................................... 11
一、生殖特性 .............................................. 11
二、孵化天數與孵化成功率 .................................. 11
三、出生體型 .............................................. 12
四、畸形率 ................................................. 13
五、性別 .................................................. 13
六、活動力 ................................................. 15
七、幼龜初期成長率 ........................................ 15
八、出生體型、活動力與初期成長率之關係 .................... 16
九、混養對活動力與初期成長率之影響 ....................... 17
討論 .......................................................... 18
一、生殖特性 .............................................. 18
二、孵化天數與孵化成功率 .................................. 18
三、不同孵卵溫度與成長率之關係 ............................ 18
四、性別決定機制與親源關係 ................................ 19
五、性別決定機制與適應 ................................... 20
六、溫度決定性別機制對幼龜初期成長率之影響 ................ 21
七、雌雄體型差異 ......................................... 22
結論 .......................................................... 24
參考文獻 ....................................................... 25
表 ............................................................. 32
圖 ............................................................. 44
林傑斌、林川雄、劉明德、飛捷工作室•2004•SPSS 12 統計建模 與應用實務•博碩文化•臺北、臺灣。

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