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研究生(外文):Cong-Zheng Jiang
論文名稱(外文):The study of friction stir welding in Cu/Al dissimilar metal
指導教授(外文):Wei-De Wu
外文關鍵詞:Friction stir welding
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摩擦攪拌銲接製程為固相銲接的一種,因為無熔融過程,所以適合異種金屬的接合。故應用摩擦攪拌銲接於銅、鋁合金的接合上會有學術、工業上的重要性。考量銅、鋁合金的加工性及導電、導熱性,以及參考實際應用上的需求,本研究所選用之材料為1100工業用純鋁與磷青銅,探討兩者的對接摩擦攪拌銲接之特性與兩者之交互流動。實驗結果顯示完成了異質金屬厚度為6mm 1100工業用純鋁與磷青銅的接合,且在研究中顯示了可銲接性及佳的機械性質。
Copper alloy and Aluminum alloy are usually used in heat exchanger or heat sink. So, how to combine this two dissimilar metals join together has become a serious problem. Because those two metals have different fused junction characters, usually use solid phase process to join them together. For example, friction welding, explosion welding, supersonic frequency welding, brazing and soldering. But they also have some limitations, like friction welding and explosion welding have geometry limits, brazing and soldering used only particular materials. But friction stir welding can overcome all the problems above.
Friction stir welding (FSW) is a kind of solid phase process, and it is new and promising welding process that can produce low-cost and high-quality joints of heat-treatable alloys. So for academe and in industry, FSW is important .This research use 1100 Al alloy and phosphorus bronze for base metal, discuss the butt joint’s characteristic of the two dissimilar metals.The resule shows that preformed dissimilar FSW of 1100 Al alloy and phosphorus bronze with 6 mm thickness, and it reported the weldability and mechanical properties of a dissimilar high-quality weld of Al and Cu alloys.
It is shown that the material is transported by two processes. The first is a wiping of material from the advancing front side of the pin onto a zone of material that rotates and advances with the pin. The material undergoes a helical motion within the rotational zone that both rotates, advances, and descends in the wash of the threads on the pin and rises on the outer part of the rotational zone. After one or more rotations, this material is sloughed off in its wake of the pin, primarily on the advancing side. The second process is an entrainment of material from the front retreating side of the pin that fills in between the sloughed off pieces from the advancing side.

致謝 Ⅰ
中文摘要 Ⅱ
英文摘要 Ⅲ
總目錄 Ⅳ
表目錄 Ⅵ
圖目錄 Ⅶ
第一章 前言 1
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2-1、鋁合金材料 4
2-1-1、鋁合金銲接性質 4
2-1-2、1100鋁合金 4
2-2、銅合金 6
2-2-1、銅合金銲接性質 6
2-2-2、C5191磷青銅 6
2-3、銅鋁異種金屬接合技術 7
2-4、摩擦攪拌銲接 8
2-4-1、摩擦攪拌銲接原理 8
2-4-2、摩擦攪拌銲接之優點 12
2-4-3、摩擦攪拌的缺點 13
2-5、銲道洋蔥圈 13
2-6、銲道微觀組織分佈 15
2-7、動態再結晶 17
2-8、攪拌頭的型式 19
2-9、摩擦攪拌銲接之參數 23
2-10、材料流動的觀察方式 28
2-11、摩擦攪拌在異種材料的接合 35
2-12、銲道攪拌區硬度值的變化 36
第三章 實驗方法與步驟 38
3-1、實驗流程 38
3-2、摩擦旋轉銲接機架設及夾具準備 38
3-3、工具頭及銲材的選擇 39
3-4、銲材的選擇 40
3-5、製程參數設定 41
3-5-1、傾斜角度設定 41
3-5-2、偏位的設定 41
3-5-3、銲接速度及轉速 41
3-6、金相觀察 42
3-7、X-Ray繞射分析 45
3-8、SEM顯微觀察與EDS半定量分析(SEM/EDS) 45
3-9、電子微探儀定性&定量分析(EPMA) 45
3-10、機械性質的量測 45
3-10-1、硬度量測 45
3-10-2、拉伸試驗 45
3-10、機械性質的量測 46
第四章 結果與討論 47
4-1、偏位對接合品質的影響 47
4-2、轉速及進給速率對接合品質的影響 48
4-3、錐度對攪拌區形狀的影響 49
4-3-1、匙孔周圍鋁側垂直面的金屬流動 49
4-3-2、摩擦攪拌銲接塑性金屬不同深度之水平流動狀況 57
4-3-3、銲道橫截面的流動 65
4-3-3-1、攪拌區形成過程的分析討論 66
4-3-4、凸梢前後垂直面的金屬流動 72
4-3-4-1、無錐度凸梢在匙孔中前後垂直面之金屬流動 75
4-4、銲道表面洋蔥圈形成模型 77
4-5、摩擦攪拌銲接3-D模型 79
4-6、FSW前後X-ray繞射分析 81
4-7、攪拌區之顯微組織觀察 84
4-8、銅在有螺牙的凸梢經FSW後之破壞示意圖 88
4-9、攪拌區之成分分佈分析 90
4-10、拉伸性質及硬度量測 93
第五章 結論 98
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