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研究生(外文):Chan-Chia Chang
論文名稱(外文):A study on the knowledge sharing behavior on blogs and forums
指導教授(外文):Hung-Chang Chiu
外文關鍵詞:word-of-mouthblogsforumsknowledge sharing
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Electronic word-of–mouth (eWOM) plays a major role for customers’ buy decision. Through blogs and forums, company may be able to use eWOM to maintain a better customer relationship by enhancing customers’ knowledge sharing. Thus, this study attempts to enhance our understanding of knowledge sharing intention to enhance their valuable knowledge or experience leading to eWOM behavior through blogs and forums.
This study uses this model of cost-benefit framework to predict the users’ contribution behavior. It provides four types of benefit (include reputation, reciprocity, enjoy helping, self-efficacy) and two types of cost (include convenient costs and interaction costs) developed from psychology literature. The results suggest that qualified support for all of our hypothesized relationships.
According to social exchange theory, if the blogs or forums can provides a controllable benefit to its users or reduce the user cost, access can also be linked to behavior. Thus, firm may be able to use the results of this study to enhance customers’ knowledge sharing intention in their blogs or forums.
Introduction 1
Theoretical Rationale and Hypothesis Development 4
Extrinsic Benefits—Reputation 6
Extrinsic Benefits—Reciprocity 8
Intrinsic Benefits—Enjoy Helping 9
Intrinsic Benefits—Self-Efficacy 11
User cost—Convenient costs 13
User cost—Interaction costs 14
Methodology 17
Sample and data collection 17
Measures 20
Data Analysis and Results 23
Reliability and Construct Validity 23
Hypotheses Testing 24
Conclusions 26
Discussions 26
Managerial implications 30
Research Limitations and Future directions 32
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