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研究生(外文):Jen-Yi Fan
論文名稱(外文):Growing Nano-Capsule Array Inside an Alumina Membrane by the Laminate Foils Approach
指導教授(外文):Gou-Jen Wang
外文關鍵詞:anodic alumina oxideanodizationlaminate foils approachnano-capsule array
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The foils laminate approach can be implemented to grow bi-directional porous pattern from both the top and bottom surfaces of an aluminum foil. It was intuitively inferred that leakage of the etchant between the foils may a feasible cause to have the upward pores grow in the notches of the unpolished surface. The leakage blocking and triple layers laminate experiments were conducted to verify this hypothesis. Experimental results disprove this leakage hypothesis. It is further inferred that applied voltage is diluted by the aluminum foils induced capacitor. The voltage reducing effect suppresses the dissolution more than oxidation such that an additional porous array that grows down from the cell base is formed. This voltage reducing mechanism has been verified by the pore height comparison and washer insertion experiments. Moreover, the laminate foils anodization was implemented to grow a nano-capsule array inside an alumina foil. This special structure of anodic aluminum oxide is novel.
第一章 緒論……………………………………………………………….1
1.1 研究背景與動機…………………………………………………1
1.2 論文大綱…………………………………………………………5
第二章 陽極氧化鋁膜………………………………………………….6
2.1 多孔性氧化鋁膜簡介……………..……………………..………6
2.2 鋁的陽極處理 …………………………………………...……...8
2.2.2 穩態成長……..……………………………………………10
2.3 影響多孔性氧化鋁膜特性的參數…….……….………………11
2.4 規則排列的陽極氧化鋁膜孔洞………………………………..16
第三章 陽極氧化鋁膜的製備…………………………………………...20
3.1 實驗規劃……………………….…………………………...…..20
3.2 實驗步驟………………………………………………………..21
第四章 以鋁疊層法製作具奈米膠囊陣列結構之陽極氧化鋁膜…….36
4.1 陽極氧化鋁疊層法……………………………………………..36
4.2.1 漏液阻隔…………………………………………………..40
4.2.2 三層鋁疊層法…….…..…………………………………42
5.1 結論……………………………………………………………..50
5.2 未來展望………………………………………………………..51
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