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研究生(外文):Ching-Wen Liao
論文名稱(外文):Adaptive Active Noise Control in Ducts with Dual Voice Coil Speaker Actuator
外文關鍵詞:Active noise controlAdaptive algorithmCommutation errorDual voice coil speakerFace velocity sensor
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本文率先推導喇叭聲管系統的新第二路徑數學模式和雙音圈喇叭的新面速度感測器,並且以新第二路徑數學模式為基礎結合了主動噪音控制(ANC)與喇叭振速控制(FVC),設計出使用改良的濾波遞迴式最小平方誤差法(FxRLS)之適應性回饋式音壓振速(ANC/FVC)控制器。實驗顯示搭配速度感測器之適應性回饋式音壓振速控制器的消音性能比使用傳統回饋式音壓控制器還要好。本文中也定義一交換誤差(CE)並且加入到傳統殘留誤差行形成新殘留誤差來改善適應性演算法的收斂速度,使用新殘留誤差推導出了有限脈衝響應(FIR)濾波器與無限脈衝響應(IIR)濾波器之適應演算法的新適應性演算法分別為: FxLMS/CE、 FxRLS/CE 和 FuRLS/FRE+CE 演算法,並且以離散時間的 Lyapunov 穩定性準則來證明演算法的收斂性,電腦模擬與實驗也顯示新演算法免除以往濾波器的參數必須緩慢更新的條件。
A novel secondary-path model of speaker-duct systems and a face velocity sensor of dual voice coil speakers are first developed in this study. A combined design of active noise control (ANC) and face velocity control (FVC) based on the identified secondary-path model is further proposed to set up an adaptive feedback ANC/FVC controller with a modified filtered-X recursive least square (FxRLS) algorithm for ANC applications. Experiments show that the feedback ANC/FVC controller with the developed velocity sensor can achieve better performance as compared to that of a FIR filter with the conventional FxRLS algorithm. A commutation error (CE) is then considered in addition to the conventional residual error to generate the innovative residual error. Such an error is applied into cost functions to derive finite impulse response (FIR) and infinite impulse response (IIR) filter-based adaptive algorithms for ANC applications, referred to as FxRLS/CE and FuRLS/FRE+CE algorithms, respectively. Convergence analyses based on Lyapunov stability criteria for time-varying discrete-time systems can be carried out for the FxLMS/CE, FxRLS/CE and FuRLS/ FRE+CE algorithms to ensure stability. Computer simulations and experiments demonstrate that the innovative residual error-based adaptive algorithms can free the restriction of the slow-adaptation assumption in the conventional ANC approaches.
致謝..... .......................................Ⅰ
中文摘要. .......................................Ⅱ
英文摘要. .......................................Ⅲ
論文目錄. .......................................Ⅳ
圖目錄. .......................................Ⅶ
第一章 緒論....... ..............................1
1-1前言 .......................................1
1-2文獻回顧....... ..............................3
1-3論文概要....... ..............................5
第二章 喇叭聲管系統之新數學模式的建立與鑑別.....6
2-1喇叭聲管系統之數學模式.. .....................7
2-1-1喇叭聲管系統之新數學模式....... ............7
2-2實驗設備....... ..............................16
2-3喇叭聲管系統之新數學模式的鑑別... ............18
第三章 雙音圈喇叭之面速度感測器的建立與鑑別.....21
3-1雙音圈喇叭之面速度感測器的數學模式........ ..21
3-3雙音圈喇叭之面速度感測器的鑑別與驗證...... ..26
第四章 回饋式音壓振速控制器設計..... ...........34
4-1音壓誤差與振速誤差...... ....................34
4-2-1音壓控制器設計........ ....................36
4-2-2振速控制器設計........ ....................39
4-2-3回饋式音壓振速控制器.. ....................41
4-2-4傳統回饋式音壓控制器.. ....................43
4-3回饋式音壓振速控制器之消音實驗... ...........45
第五章 使用交換誤差之適應性 FIR濾波器設計.... ..50
5-1交換誤差....... .............................50
5-2使用FxLMS/CE演算法之適應性FIR濾波器....... ..53
5-2-1 FxLMS/CE演算法....... ....................53
5-2-2 FxLMS/CE演算法之收斂性........ ...........56
5-2-3 FxNLMS/CE演算法...... ....................59
5-3 使用FxRLS/CE 演算法之適應性FIR濾波器........61
5-3-1 FxRLS/CE演算法....... .....................61
5-3-2 FxRLS/CE演算法之收斂性........ ............65
5-4-1適應性FIR濾波器之消音電腦模擬.. ............71
5-4-2適應性FIR濾波器之消音實驗...... ............75
第六章 使用交換誤差之RLS-based IIR濾波器設計.....80
6-2-1 FuRLS/FRE+CE演算法... ......................83
6-2-2 FuRLS/FRE+CE演算法之收斂性.... ............87
6-3-1適應性IIR濾波器之消音電腦模擬.. ............90
第七章 結論和未來展望...... .....................95
7-2 未來展望.....................................97
參考文獻.......... ...............................98

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