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研究生(外文):Shang-Feng Huang
論文名稱(外文):A Study on Turkish Application for Membership of the European Union
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As a pivotal state like Turkey, has developed its relationship with the western states since the Cold War. Turkey has been a member of the Council of Europe. But its application for the European Community/European Union has been delayed for fifty years. The importance of Turkey for western countries is due to its geopolitical situation. However, it is only one of the reasons for the relationship between Turkey and the European Union.
We will observer the Turkish foreign relations with its neighbors, and discover the internal problems of the country, including the kurds and the political mechanism. Hoping through the two dimensional research could figure out how the Turkish application for the European Union will evolve in the future.
On the other hand, we cannot ignore the influence of the difference of cultures and religions. Contemporary, there is no solution for the tough question. This research would focus on the observation of internal problems of Turkey and its relations with neighborhood. As for the questions of cultures and religions must be another long-time subject. It will be the research of the next phase for our correlative observation.
第一章 緒論
第一節 研究動機與目的-------------------------------------------------------------2
第二節 研究方法與架構-------------------------------------------------------------5
第三節 研究範圍與限制-------------------------------------------------------------8
第四節 文獻探討----------------------------------------------------------------------9
第五節 論文內容架構---------------------------------------------------------------14

第二章 土耳其爭取加入歐體╱歐盟之努力經過.
第一節 冷戰時期---------------------------------------------------------------------15
第二節 後冷戰時期------------------------------------------------------------------22
第三節 後911時期------------------------------------------------------------------30

第三章 影響土耳其加入歐盟之國內因素
第一節 人權問題與少數民族問題之影響---------------------------------------39
第二節 軍方干涉政治問題之影響------------------------------------------------53
第三節 凱末爾主義與伊斯蘭主義之影響---------------------------------------62
第四節 新興公民社會之影響------------------------------------------------------70
第五節 小結---------------------------------------------------------------------------77

第四章 影響土耳其加入歐盟之國際因素
第一節 土耳其與中亞地區關係發展之影響------------------------------------79
第二節 土耳其與高加索地區關係發展之影響---------------------------------83
第三節 土耳其與中東地區關係發展之影響------------------------------------88
第四節 塞普勒斯問題之影響------------------------------------------------------99
第五節 土耳其與美俄關係發展之影響----------------------------------------103
第六節 歐盟對於土耳其入會之態度-------------------------------------------111
第七節 小結-------------------------------------------------------------------------118

第五章 土耳其與歐盟之整合進展狀況
第一節 政治整合進展-------------------------------------------------------------121
第二節 經濟整合進展-------------------------------------------------------------131
第三節 安全整合進展-------------------------------------------------------------137

第六章 評估與展望
第一節 土耳其與歐盟相對重性之評估----------------------------------------143
第二節 土耳其加入歐盟之展望-------------------------------------------------149

第七章 結論---------------------------------------------------------------------------155


圖4-1 2005年歐盟對於支持土耳其加入的民意調查--------------------------114

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