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研究生(外文):I-Hsuan Lin
論文名稱(外文):Integrated Measurement and Verification of Flow Characteristics-A Case Study of Computer Game
指導教授(外文):Wen-Chih Chiou
外文關鍵詞:Flow CharacteristicsFlow ExperienceMeasurement ModelPC Game
  • 被引用被引用:19
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Flow is a kind of pleased status that people can acquire fun from the activity. The computer popularization and internet were constantly creative to increase the interaction between people and computer. During this process people will absorbed in their activity easily. Most of prior study measure flow by questionnaire after the activity. The out come of such way heavily dependents on the answer willing and memory of testers. The most important issue is that people’s physiology and behavior will change during the interactive process. Unfortunately the questionnaire can’t measurement the frequency and strength of these changes. Based on previous drawbacks, this research provides an integrated model which combines physiology, behavior, and flow experience index to measure the characteristics of flow. We also apply such model to measure and verify flow characteristics of computer game.

We apply the biofeedback technique (i.e. EEG, GSR, and HR) to measure the physiology character of flow, and apply usability test software (i.e. Morae) to capture the behavior character of flow. Thirty eight college students were recruited to join this experiment. The results firstly verify the necessity of integrated model to measure flow characteristics more flexible. Secondly, the flow experience questionnaire is more appropriate for general situation and the physiology or behavior index will be more appropriate for specific flow characteristic measurement, especially for control and enjoyment during the play game process.

Future research will focus on comparison between different game types, combined more diverse physiology and behavior measure index to measure flow status during interactive process.
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 研究流程 3
1.4 名詞界定 4

第二章 文獻探討 5
2.1 沉浸理論與特徵 5
2.1.1 沉浸與遊戲 9
2.1.2 沉浸與個人特質 11
2.2 沉浸經驗衡量工具 13
2.3 生理衡量指標 16
2.3.1 腦波衡量 17
2.3.2 皮膚電流反應及心跳衡量 22
2.4 行為衡量指標 22
2.5 小結 24

第三章 模式建構 25
3.1 衡量架構 25
3.2 衡量工具及實驗環境配置 26
3.3 衡量流程 35
3.4 資料記錄與分析 37
3.4.1 生理衡量指標 37
3.4.2 行為衡量指標 39

第四章 模式驗證 41
4.1 驗證過程 41
4.2 驗證結果 45
4.2.1 信度及樣本資料分析 45
4.2.2 個人特質對沉浸經驗、生理及行為衡量指標之影響 46

第五章 結論與建議 59
參考文獻 65

附 錄 71
附錄一、實驗說明與受測同意書 71
附錄二、軟體操作 72
附錄三、實驗問卷 81
附錄四、實驗排程 83
附錄五、放聲思考範例題 84
附錄六、受測者資料 85
附錄七、過關及失敗情境之皮膚電流反應/心跳值變化 87
附錄八、眨眼記錄 89
附錄九、滑鼠點擊記錄 91


















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