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研究生(外文):Li-Ju Huang
論文名稱(外文):Validation of a Construction Performance Evaluation System
指導教授(外文):Andrew S. Chang
外文關鍵詞:performance measuresevaluation systemconstruction projectconstruction performancemeasure validationperformance evaluation
  • 被引用被引用:10
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Few indicators such as schedule progress or subjective judgment are used to evaluate construction performance. In recent years, studies try to create ways and measures to evaluate performance, but, validation is lacking. This research was aimed at validating the effectiveness and accuracy of the construction performance evaluation system, developed for the Public Construction Commission(PCC) in 2002.
Seven real projects were selected to verify the 17 measures of the PCC’s system for 9 months from 2005 to 2006. Each project was evaluated at three points during the process: the early, middle, and finishing phase. Taking into consideration of the roles of the people scoring, personal subjectiveness, and the scale of the project, in order to validate the indicators, the scores of the measures in each phase reflect their effectiveness in sensitivity, appropriateness, weight, range, and quantity. Finally, those scores were compared with those evaluated by quality inspection of PCC, and the results confirmed the effectiveness of the studied measurement.
The results of the above tests illustrate that the PCC’s evaluation system can distinguish the level of construction performance. In addition, research-interviewed participants commonly recognized that this mechanism could help them grasp key points and avoid purely subjective evaluation with a user-friendly interface.
This research also found that the PCC’s system, ideal in design for large public work projects, seemed complicated for small and medium sized projects. Accordingly, two new modified models were proposed, to better fit the needs of small and medium sized projects. By reducing several indicators, the resulted evaluation system could comply effectively with the scale of the project, show acceptable quality and accuracy to the original 17 measure system.
摘 要 i
Abstract ii
誌 謝 iii
目 錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 vii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究目的 1
1.3 研究範圍 1
1.4 研究方法與步驟 2
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2.1 績效評估理論 4
2.1.1 研究階段 4
2.1.2 績效評估本質與目的 5
2.1.3 績效評估架構 5
2.1.4 績效評估系統測試 6
2.2 施工績效評估系統 7
2.2.1 評估指標與特性 7
2.2.2 評估時機 9
2.2.3 回饋修正 9
2.2.4 國外施工績效評估制度 10
第三章 原評估機制與參與者意見 12
3.1 原設計之評估機制 12
3.1.1 指標架構與內容 12
3.1.2 指標權重分配 13
3.1.3 使用時機 14
3.1.4 回饋機制 14
3.1.5 使用步驟 16
3.2 工程單位使用績效評估 17
3.2.1 對評估機制的看法 17
3.2.2 期望及需求 20
3.2.3 角色立場 20
3.2.4 主客觀 21
3.3 送審時間指標修正 21
第四章 案例評估與分析 23
4.1 實際評估 23
4.1.1 案例說明與評估者 23
4.1.2 評估人員資歷 24
4.2 評分結果及分析 24
4.2.1 整體平均 25
4.2.2 個別指標 27
4.2.3 與機關品質查核比較 33
4.2.4 主客觀指標評分 36
4.3 調整權重評分 41
4.3.1 調整權重原因 41
4.3.2 評分差異分析 42
4.4 評估指標本質測試 43
第五章 不同工程規模之評估系統 46
5.1 工程規模 46
5.1.1 中型工程 46
5.1.2 小型工程 47
5.1.3 使用流程及時機 50
5.2 案例測試與分析 51
第六章 結論與建議 55
6.1 結論 55
6.2 建議 57
參考文獻 58
附錄一 各工程規模施工績效評估工具 60
附錄二 各專案評分結果 73
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