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研究生(外文):Feng-Ming Yang
論文名稱(外文):The Study of the Effectiveness of Post Grouting for Large Drilled Pile
指導教授(外文):Sheng-Huoo Ni
外文關鍵詞:load transferbearing capacitygroutingpile
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  Four preliminary compression tests of bored piles with two different post-grouting methods of single-stage and multi-stage respectively in one project of Taiwan High Speed Rail are studied to explore the effectiveness of post grouting in this study. Nine methods recommended by Fellenius (1980) to determine the ultimate bearing capacity of four tested piles are applied. The t-z curve and q-z curve methods are also employed to study the loading distribution behavior and loading settlement behavior at pile tip under vertical loading so that the skin friction and end bearing can be otained and the effectiveness of post grouting can be understanded accordingly.

  The bearing capacity, skin friction, end bearing, t-z curve, q-z curve and soil stiffness are discussed for single- and multi- stage of post grouting, rspectively. The following conclusions are made after thorough evaluation,
(1). The bearing capacity of pile applied single- stage post grouting is only half of prediction value. The caking effect caused by stabilizing agent in the shaft due to longer constrution period of pile significantly reduced the skin friction, especially for the cohesionless soil. The end bearing capacity is also lower than the expect value. The performance of this method is poor.
(2). The improved post grouting method, namely multi-stage grouting, is more significantly effective than single stage in the aspect of end bearing capacity, t-z curve, q-z curve and soil stiffness.
(3). The contribution proportion of end bearing under vertical loading is increased due to the improvement of q-z curve so that the design of pile can be proceeded economically.
中文摘要 I
誌謝 III
符號說明 IV
目錄 VI
表目錄 VIII
圖目錄 IX

第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2研究方法 2
1.3研究內容 2

第二章 相關理論及文獻回顧 4
2.1前言 4
2.2大口徑基樁的施工方法 4
2.2.1反循環基樁 4
2.2.2全套管基樁 5
2.3樁底灌漿的方法 5
2.3.1 U型管灌漿方式 6
2.3.2 平板灌漿方式 7
2.3.3鑽掘灌漿方式 7
2.4基樁垂直載重試驗方法 8
2.4.1標準加載法 8
2.4.2循環加載法 9
2.4.3等時距加載法 9
2.4.4等速貫入法 9
2.4.5快速加載法 10
2.4.6沈陷控制法 10
2.5基樁試樁結果的分析方法 10
2.6 基樁與土壤最大摩擦力及樁底最大阻抗預估方法 13
2.6.1 計算fs的理論與經驗公式 13
2.6.2 計算qb的理論與經驗公式 15
2.6.3 經驗法量測的t-z及q-z曲線 16

第三章 試樁的試驗工址與施工方法 29
3.1 前言 29
3.2 試樁之工址地質狀況 29
3.2.1 工址TK287+781 29
3.2.2 工址TK307+077 30
3.3 試樁的性質 30
3.3.1試樁的施工方法 31
3.3.2樁底灌漿的方法 31
3.4基樁載重試驗 33
3.4.1反力系統配置 33
3.4.2加載方法 34
3.4.3估算試樁的極限承載力 34

第四章 試驗結果分析與討論 43
4.1前言 43
4.2基樁載重試驗結果 43
4.2.1 TP1試驗結果 43
4.2.2 TP3試驗結果 44
4.2.3 TP1B試驗結果 44
4.2.4 TP3B試驗結果 45
4.2.5小結 45
4.3試驗資料分析結果與討論 46
4.3.1基樁承載力分析 46
4.3.2試樁載重分佈曲線、t-z曲線及q-z曲線 47
4.3.3試樁結果比較 53
4.3.4小結 56

第五章 結論與建議 100
5.1結論 100
5.2建議 102

參考文獻 103
自述 107
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