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研究生(外文):Dian-Feng Jiang
論文名稱(外文):Study of Fuzzy Controller for Improving Decoupled Control Performance of Induction Motor Drives
指導教授(外文):Tien-Chi Chen
外文關鍵詞:fuzzy controllerdecoupling controlinduction motormotor parameter estimation errors
  • 被引用被引用:1
  • 點閱點閱:475
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  The induction motor is widely utilized in industry because its advantages including stability of rotating speed, simple structure, low cost, and mechanical robustness. Decoupling control is one kind of control strategies developed in recent years for induction motor drives. Its main idea is to reduce coupling between d-q current dynamics of the induction motor. A dynamic decoupling controller mentioned in this thesis is one kind of decoupling control schemes that has better decoupling control performance than many kinds of conventional controllers. It still has disadvantage, as when there are motor parameter estimation errors, decoupling control performance would be reduced sharply. To solve this problem, application of fuzzy theorem is proposed to enhance control performance of the decoupling controller.

  The fuzzy controller generates coupling compensation voltages to adjust the voltage commands produced by the decoupling controller. Through appropriate fuzzy rules and input/output membership functions setting, better decoupling control performance and system responses can be obtained. Combining the proposed decoupling controller after fuzzy controller is added and the digitalized PWM algorithm to generate three-phase voltage control signals to the induction motor drive. A 32-bit TMS320F2812 digital signal processor and motor driver circuit are used to implement this whole control scheme. Simulation and experiment results demonstrate that the proposed control scheme is superior to the original decoupling controller.
List of Figures and Tables....................................................VI
Chapter 1 Introduction.........................................................1
1.1 Motivation...............................................................1
1.2 Outline..................................................................5
Chapter 2 The Proposed Decoupling Control Method with Compensating Fuzzy Controller.....................................................................6
2.1 Induction Motor Model....................................................6
2.2 Coupling Compensation Methods............................................8
2.2.1 Feedforward Decoupling Controller....................................8
2.2.2 Cross-Coupling Decoupling Method....................................10
2.2.3 The Dynamic Decoupling Controller...................................11
2.3 Compensating Fuzzy Controller.........................................13
2.4 Overall Control Block Diagram...........................................18
Chapter 3 Simulation and Experimental Control Program Algorithm...............20
3.1 Digitalized Pulse Width Modulation......................................20
3.1.1 Flux Linkage Vector.................................................21
3.1.2 The Frequency and Voltage Control...................................23
3.2 Simulation Program Flows................................................26
3.3 Experimental Program....................................................27
3.3.1 Fuzzy Controller Experimental Program...............................27
3.3.2 The Main Program and Other Registers’Settings......................29
3.4 Experiment Hardware Architecture........................................34
Chapter 4 Simulation and Experiment Results...................................36
4.1 Simulation Results......................................................36
4.1.1 Simulation—Constant Speed Command..................................37
4.1.2 Simulation—Changing Speed Command..................................49
4.2 Experiment Results......................................................61
4.2.1 Experiment—Constant Speed Command..................................61
4.2.2 Experiment—Changing Speed Command..................................70
Chapter 5 Conclusions.........................................................76
5.1 Conclusions.............................................................76
5.2 Suggestions.............................................................77
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