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研究生(外文):Hsin-Yi Lin
論文名稱(外文):Fabricating an artificial antibody film for detecting myoglobin — using microcontact printing method
指導教授(外文):Tse-Chuan Chou
外文關鍵詞:molecular imprintingmicro-contact printingmyoglobinrecognition binding site
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  肌紅蛋白質具有多種疾病的指標,尤其是急性心肌梗塞(acute myocardial infarction, AMI)早期的心肌損傷標幟物,血清肌紅蛋白質的升高的幅度和持續時間可以幫助評估梗塞部位和梗塞處的面積大小。如果血清中高達2000 ng / ml,將會引起腎臟方面的併發症,血清肌紅蛋白質濃度越高,死亡率也高,所以肌紅蛋白質的量也可預測死亡率的發生。
  實驗結果顯示經由ITC於非均相的滴定實驗及實際使用不同單體製備模版,可由本研究測試的單體中決定組裝肌紅蛋白質模版的最適交聯劑及功能性單體分別為TEGDMA及MMA。TEGDMA高分子膜對肌紅蛋白質有最低親和力及最低肌紅蛋白質吸附量2.37 ± 0.30×10-11 mole / cm2,而MMA與TEGDMA在1:3的條件下製備模版且UV下聚合9小時,對肌紅蛋白質有最高吸附量15.03 ± 0.89 × 10-11 mole / cm2(2645.28 ng / cm2)。當使用酸洗(AcOH)、鹼洗(NaOH)或以不同濃度的胰蛋白脢移除目標分子時,使用2 wt. % SDS和0.6 wt. % NaOH清洗條件,移除率可達72.82 %且imprinting factor為5.82。在探討模版吸附的動力機制中,可求得模版上的專一性吸附的部份Kd為3.4 × 10-7 M,辨識性孔洞n*有7.24 × 10-11 mole / cm2(即模版表面的的active sites);而非專一性吸附的phase 2的Kd2為1.355 × 10-5 M,假性孔洞量n*為9.62 × 10-10 mole / cm2。
  肌紅蛋白質模板在使用IgG、HSA、hemoglobin做競爭性吸附時,在獨立蛋白質環境下進行再吸附,Myo-MIP吸附量相於其他蛋白質的莫爾比分別為115.5、230.9及2.5。在雙成份等莫爾濃度下作競爭性分析,對肌紅蛋白質的選擇性分別為94.18 %、98.21 %及61.09 %。  
  在真實樣品下做模版吸附效能評估,當在經20倍稀釋的血清中肌紅蛋白質總濃度多了50 ng / ml,模板吸附量增加0.63 × 10-11 mole / cm2,而在未經稀釋尿液樣品中,進行再吸附,吸附的imprinting factor可達37.4 ± 3.21。
  由此可見,本研究不但成功的製備出的肌紅蛋白質模版,也證明了在真實樣品下感測的可能性,不過在模版選擇性方面,肌紅蛋白質對人體中最多含量的兩種蛋白質(IgG及HSA)選擇性皆可在高達90 %以上,對hemoglobin的選擇性卻不好,這點將會對未來的應用條件有所限制。

Myoglobin is known to be an important biological index for the diagnosis of various diseases. Myoglobin tests are done to evaluate a person who has symptoms of acute myocardial infarction (AMI). The serum myoglobin concentration measured over a period, allows the prediction of the position and the area of myocardial infarction. In large quantities, myoglobin can damage the kidneys and break down into toxic compounds, causing kidney failure.
In general, the tests for detecting myoglobin are either indicative (i.e. rapid tests), or they need to use expensive natural antibodies (i.e. clinical immunoassays). Additionally, processes for detecting myoglobin by immunoassay in the clinical setting are usually complicated, as antibody activity is not easy to maintain. Therefore, if MIPs can serve as artificial antibodies able to replace their natural counterparts, we can look forward their application in immunoassays.
  The purpose of this research was to optimize the formation of myoglobin-imprinted polymers to be used in micro-contact printing, which has as its ultimate objective the development of a biosensor.
Comparing the Isothermal Titration Calorimeter (ITC) results, obtained in a heterogeneous titration system used to prepare the polymer films with various monomers by UV polymerization for 9 hours, TEGDMA (a crosslinking agent) exhibited the lowest and MMA (a functional monomer) exhibited the highest affinity to myoglobin. The adsorpted quantity of myoglobin on the polymer film prepared with TEGDMA was 2.37 ± 0.30×10-11 mole / cm2. With a ratio of MMA and TEGDMA of 1 to 3, the Myo-MIP appeared to have the highest adsorption quantity, 15.03 ± 0.89 × 10-11 mole/cm2 (2645.28 ng/cm2). For evaluating the removal and imprinting factors of the Myo-MIPs various wash conditions: i.e. acidic, basic, and trypsin extraction methods were investigated. Finally, an extraction solvent comprising of 2 wt. % SDS and 0.6 wt. % NaOH used at 80 ℃ for 30 min was shown to give the highest imprinting factor i.e. 5.82 with 72.82 % myoglobin removal. Scatchard binding plots showed the dissociation constant for the specific binding phase to be 3.4×10-7 M and the theoretical recognition binding site capacity to be 7.24×10-11 mole/cm2; for the non-specific binding phase Kd = 1.355×10-5 M and the non-specific recognition binding site capacity was determined as 9.62×10-10 mole/cm2.
  The selectivity binding experiments were carried out in both single protein and binary protein systems. The molar ratio of adsorbed myoglobin to IgG, HSA and hemoglobin was found to 115.5, 230.9 and 2.5 respectively. In binary competition systems, myoglobin selectivity to IgG, HSA and hemoglobin was respectively 94.18 %, 98.21 % and 61.09 %.
Rebinding the template protein in natural biological matrices, i.e. human serum diluted 20 times by phosphate buffer, showed the film to have significant uptake when 50 ng/ml myoglobin was added compared to myoglobin free controls. Furthermore, when re-binding in undiluted urine, the imprinting factor was determined as 37.4 ± 3.21.
This research has resulted in the successful imprinting of myoglobin and proved the possibility of sensing real samples. Comparing IgG and HSA uptake under competitive conditions, the selectivity of the Myo-MIP was 90 %. But the limited selectivity with respect to hemoglobin will limit application in the immediate future.
中文摘要……………………………………………… I
英文摘要……………………………………………… III
誌謝…………………………………………………… V
目錄…………………………………………………… VII
表目錄………………………………………………… XIII
圖目錄………………………………………………… XV
專有名詞對照表……………………………………… XXV
符號說明……………………………………………… XXIX
第一章 緒論…………………………………………… 1
 1-1前言……………………………………………… 1
 1-2分子辨識要素…………………………………… 2
第二章 原理…………………………………………… 6
 2-1分子模版………………………………………… 6
   2-1-1分子模版之起源與發展………………… 6
   2-1-2分子模版之原理………………………… 8
      2-1-2.2分子模版的優點……………… 17
   2-1-3製備分子模版所需之材料……………… 17
      2-1-3.1目標分子之決定……………… 17
      2-1-3.2高分子單體之決定…………… 18
      2-1-3.3起始劑之決定………………… 26
      2-1-3.4溶劑之決定…………………… 27
   2-1-4分子模版之應用………………………… 28
      2-1-4.1研究方面……………………… 28
      2-1-4.2實際產品的開發……………… 34
   2-1-5分子模版面臨之問題與未來發展……… 34
      2-1-5.1分子模版待解決的問題……… 34
      2-1-5.2分子模版未來的發展………… 36
   2-1-6分子模版之動力式推導………………… 37
 2-2儀器原理………………………………………… 38
   2-2-2等溫滴定微卡計之原理………………… 42
      2-2-2.1卡計之基本介紹……………… 42
      2-2-2.2恆溫滴定微卡計之基本介紹… 43
   2-2-3傅立葉變換紅外光譜儀之原理………… 49
   2-2-4非接觸式原子力顯微鏡之原理………… 52
   2-2-6表面輪廓儀之原理……………………… 56
第三章 研究目標……………………………………… 58
 3-1肌紅蛋白質……………………………………… 58
   3-1-1肌紅蛋白質之簡介……………………… 58
   3-1-2肌紅蛋白質之結構……………………… 58
   3-1-3肌紅蛋白質的臨床意義………………… 60
 3-2蛋白質的檢測…………………………………… 67
   3-2-1目前蛋白質的檢測方式………………… 67
   3-2-2市面上肌紅蛋白質的檢測方式………… 69
   3-2-3研究肌紅蛋白質分子模版之動機與優勢 72
第四章 實驗設備與方法……………………………… 74
 4-1藥品與儀器……………………………………… 74
   4-1-1藥品……………………………………… 74
   4-1-2儀器……………………………………… 77
 4-2實驗的流程與方法……………………………… 78
   4-2-1製備分子模版前的準備工作…………… 78
      4-2-1.2緩衝溶液之配製……………… 82
   4-2-2製備肌紅蛋白質微接觸壓印分子模版… 83
      4-2-2.3分子模版之再吸附…………… 86
      4-2-2.4吸附效能之評估……………… 88
   4-2-3其他變因探討…………………………… 93
      4-2-3.1 pH值對肌紅蛋白質分子模版的
   4-2-4蛋白質於分子模版上之定量方式……… 93
      4-2-4.1於溶液中的校正曲線………… 94
      4-2-4.2於膜上的校正曲線…………… 94
   4-2-5其他分析………………………………… 95
         (AFM)………………………… 98
         (EDS)………………………… 98
 4-3研究架構與流程………………………………… 99
第五章 實驗結果與討論……………………………… 100
 5-1實驗各變因的決定……………………………… 100
 5-2校正曲線………………………………………… 103
   5-2-1肌紅蛋白質之抗體用量決定…………… 103
      5-2-1.1二級抗體之用量決定………… 103
      5-2-1.2一級抗體之用量決定………… 106
   5-2-2不同蛋白質之定量方式………………… 111
          5-2-2.1-a G型球蛋白質(IgG)
      5-2-2.2於分子模版上之定量………… 116
          5-2-2.2-a G型球蛋白質(IgG)
          5-2-2.2-b 人類血清白蛋白質
 5-3製備肌紅蛋白質分子模版……………………… 120
   5-3-1交聯劑之選擇…………………………… 120
   5-3-2功能性單體之選擇……………………… 130
   5-3-4聚合時間對模版效能影響……………… 146
      5-3-5.1使用不同濃度的NaOH及2 wt.%
      5-3-5.2使用不同濃度的AcOH及2 wt.%
   5-3-6 pH值對肌紅蛋白質分子模版效能之影
      響……………………………………… 158
          估…………………………… 161
      5-3-6.3 pH對模版製備及再吸附的影
           響………………………… 162
      影響…………………………………… 168
      影響…………………………………… 168
      5-3-8.1飽和吸附曲線………………… 168
      5-3-8.2 Scatchard Plot…………… 169
 5-4肌紅蛋白質分子模版對干擾物之吸附………… 175
      吸附效能評估………………………… 175
      質分子模版吸附效能評估…………… 176
          響…………………………… 177
          之影響……………………… 178
          的影響……………………… 179
      效能評估……………………………… 187
 5-5分子模版薄膜之特性分析……………………… 192
   5-5-1分子模版FTIR之定性分析……………… 192
   5-5-2分子模版表面元素分析評估…………… 196
   5-5-3分子模版AFM表面影像評估…………… 199
      5-5-3.1 NIP及Myo-MIP表面影像…… 199
      5-5-3.2肌紅蛋白質粒徑評估………… 199
   5-5-4分子模版alpha-step膜厚評估………… 204
第六章 綜合討論與結論……………………………… 205
 6-1綜合討論………………………………………… 205
   6-1-1研究達成情形綜合整理………………… 205
   6-1-2交聯性與功能性單體的選擇…………… 209
      6-1-2.1最適交聯性選擇……………… 209
      6-1-2.2最適功能性單體選擇………… 209
          的原因……………………… 210
   6-1-3綜合比較各清洗條件…………………… 213
   6-1-4綜合探討pH值對分子模版之影響……… 215
      論……………………………………… 217
   6-1-6模版選擇性綜合比較…………………… 218
   6-1-7分子模版目標物單顆分子的迷思……… 220
      抗體或生物感測器可行性的評估…… 221
 6-2結論……………………………………………… 224
第七章 研究改善與未來展望………………………… 226
 7-1研究改善建議…………………………………… 226
   7-1-1實驗方面………………………………… 226
   7-1-2走向應用………………………………… 227
 7-2未來展望………………………………………… 228
參考文獻……………………………………………… 230
附錄…………………………………………………… 244

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