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研究生(外文):Li-Nung Tsai
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Aircraft Maintenance Reliability Control Program
指導教授(外文):Dzwo-Min Dai
外文關鍵詞:Reliability Control ProgramANOVALogistic RegressionSimulation
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航空公司之可靠性管制計畫(Reliability Control Program)目的在於透過監控航機或附件之性能表現,探究造成航機性能可靠性不佳之主因,並且執行與維護計畫、航機系統、零附件與訓練需求有關之必要改進方案,確保航機系統與附件的故障率落在既定的可接受範圍之內。
在航機系統的可靠性表現方面,主要透過個別航機系統之每月故障延誤與取消率(Technical Delay and Cancellation Rate)來監控航機系統表現狀態,針對三月移動平均比率(3-month rolling average)超出上限控制值(Upper Control Limit, UCL)的航機系統進行分析與檢討其成因,並且提出改善方案,加以改進。
Airlines’ reliability control program is aiming at discovering root causes of poor aircraft system or component reliability through monitoring their performances and execute appropriate corrective actions involving changes of aircraft maintenance program(AMP), modification of aircraft system or component, and relevant training requirements to ensure the reliability performance of aircraft system or component are within the predetermined and acceptable level.
As for aircraft system reliability, it is the monthly technical delay and cancellation rate that is used to monitor each aircraft systems’ performance respectively. For those aircraft systems whose three-month rolling average delay rate exceed the predetermined upper control limit(UCL), which will generate “Alert”, engineers should conduct investigations to find out root causes and propose corrective actions to restore the system performance to an acceptable level.
Therefore, the goal of this research is to analyze real technical delay and cancellation data through different approaches including analysis of variance(ANOVA) and logistic regression modeling to discuss the possible deficiencies of setting up UCL. At the same time, this research also proposes three different methods of setting up the UCL, and further applies the methodology of system simulation to conduct the experimental test of those proposed settings.
The result of this research recommends that in considering the successful alert ability, false alert conditions, and flight delay and investigation cost, it is better to conduct investigations when continued alert signal appeared, and use the upper limit of 90% confidence interval of previous year’s average 3-month rate to set up next year’s UCL and compare it with the 3-month rate of the next year. On the other hand, if the cost of each investigation is 40% higher than each flight delay cost, it is suggested that setting up the UCL with the upper limit of 95% confidence interval of the previous year’s average monthly rate, and compare it to next year’s 3-month rolling average rate will be more suitable.
The main contribution of this research is to provide a guideline of adjusting UCL. However, exactly which method to apply is deeply depending on each airlines policy and the difference of its flight delay and investigation cost.
目 錄
第一章 序 論 10
1.1研究背景 10
1.2研究動機 11
1.3研究目的 13
1.4研究範圍與對象 13
1.5研究流程 13
第二章 現況與文獻回顧 15
2.1可靠性管制計畫(Reliability Control Program) 15
2.1.1法源依據 15
2.1.2 AC 120-17A 15
2.2研究對象之可靠性管制計畫 24
2.2.1概述 24
2.2.2資料蒐集(Data Collection) 25
2.2.3性能分析(Performance Analysis) 25
2.3航機系統 29
2.3.1航機系統章節 29
2.3.2航機系統可靠性分析 31
2.4相關文獻回顧 33
2.4.1可靠度(Reliability) 33
2.4.2系統模擬 34
第三章 資料分析 37
3.1資料蒐集 37
3.2資料說明 39
3.3敘述統計 39
3.3.1延誤與取消之數量分析 39
3.3.2延誤時間分析 44
3.4平均延誤時間分析 50
3.4.1變異數分析(ANOVA) 50
3.4.2事後檢定 51
3.4.3小結 52
3.5延誤事件預測模式 53
3.5.1延誤資料分類 53
3.5.2模式說明 53
3.5.3模式結果 55
3.5.4 小結 57
3.6航機系統延誤率監控指標 59
3.7討論 61
第四章 系統模擬 64
4.1上限控制值調整策略之研擬 64
4.1.1 變數與定義 66
4.1.2 上限控制值設定方法 67
4.2模擬基本假設 70
4.3模擬程序 71
4.3.1資料分類與檢定 72
4.3.2情境設定 74
4.3.3模擬延誤資料產生 76
4.3.4上限控制值設定方法測試指標 76
4.4模擬測試結果 77
4.4.1單次警告 77
4.4.2連續警告 85
4.5成本分析 91
4.5.1延誤成本 91
4.5.2調查成本 94
4.5.3延誤成本與調查成本綜合分析 95
第五章 綜合討論 100
5.1資料分析結果 100
5.2模擬實驗結果 102
5.3研究限制 108
第六章 結論與建議 110
6.1結論 110
6.2建議 112
參考文獻 114
附錄A 117
附錄B 128
附錄C 139
附錄D 150
附錄E 171

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