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研究生(外文):Weichieh Su
論文名稱(外文):The Motives of Employee Ownership and Consequent Risk-taking Behavior: Evidence from Taiwan's Privatized Firms
指導教授(外文):Hsueh-Liang Wu
外文關鍵詞:hierarchical linear modeling (HLM)privatized firmemployee ownershiprisk-taking
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This paper develops a hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) to explain the behavioral consequence of employee ownership. In this study, we first identify two kinds of motives of employee ownership and then examine the consequent employees’ risk-taking behavior. The results based on 328 employees and 182 mangers from 14 Taiwan's privatized firms reveal that individual intrinsic motives of employee ownership are significantly positively related to consequent risk-taking behaviors. The effects of individual extrinsic motives of employee ownership on risk-taking behaviors are positively moderated by climate of self-determination and are negatively moderated by environmental hostility. Empirical findings also suggest climate of self-determination has a main effect on employees’ risk-taking behaviors. According to our findings, we suggest managerial teams should initiate the human resource practices which can increase employees’ organizational identification. Besides, managerial teams should create uncontested market space, making the competition irrelevant and creating new demand. This way not only can reduce the environmental hostility but also can offer firms ample opportunity for growth. Interpretation of results and future research are discussed.
1.1. Overview 1
1.2. Context of the Theme 4
1.3. Organization of the Theme 6
2.1. Theoretical Background 7
2.2. Motives of Employee Ownership and Risk-taking Behavior 11
2.3. Climate of Self-determination and Risk-taking Behavior 13
2.4. Contextual Influences and Cross-level Interactions 15
3.1. Research Framework 19
3.2. Sampling Process 20
3.3. Measure 21
3.4. Data Analysis 22
4.1. Factor Analysis 25
4.2. Construct Validity of Risk-taking Behavior 25
4.3. Data Aggregation 29
4.4. HLM Results for Employee Risk-taking Behavior 30
5.1. Discussion and Implication 35
5.2. Limitation and Future Research 38
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