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研究生(外文):Seng-Jay Wang
論文名稱(外文):The study on process of atomization copper powder andthe thermal property of copper matrix composite
指導教授(外文):Chi-Yuan Tsao
外文關鍵詞:powder characteristicscopper matrixGas atomization
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氣體霧化銅粉於近年來已有許多研究,對於其粉末性質亦多所討論。本實驗以實驗室特有之專利『雙氣流霧化』方式並搭配田口式實驗法建立銅粉霧化設備與製程參數,目前已成功製得平均粒徑20μm之球狀銅粉。研究中探討霧化壓力6~8 bar對粉末粒徑與其特性之影響,發現霧化壓力及過熱度100K~200K之提高有助於製得較細且較圓之粉末。但當霧化壓力過大易產生不規則球狀粉末,而過熱度太高時則易造成粉末團聚凝結成衛星狀。
熱壓法製作搭配田口氏實驗設計,製作純銅之壓胚並分析出最 佳參數應用於銅/鑽石複合材料,以773 K、650 MPa、40分鐘之參數製作鑽石含量比 0.1~0.8 之試片,並進一步以熱傳熱膨脹模型探討熱傳導與熱擴散係數對於強化相含量之關係,以及探討熱膨脹係數與鑽石添加之體積比之間關係。結果發現熱傳導值由350W/m‧K降至150W/m‧K隨著鑽石含量之由10%增加80%,而熱膨脹係數則是有效地隨鑽石含量之添加由10×10-6/K減少至2×10-6/K。
Over the past few years a considerable number of studies have been made on the process gas atomization for copper powder.The properties of this research is to establish the equipment of gas atomization for copper powder and the parameter pf process with “Dual-jet atomization” of our unique patent accompanying with the experiment og Taguchi method. We have successfully made the 20um average size of spherical copper powder.To study the effect of atomization pressure from 6 to 8 bar on discovered powder size and characteristics, it is the high gas pressure leads to the irregular shape of powder and high degree of overheating comes to the satellite of morphology due to powder aggregation.
Furthermore, applying the method of hot-pressing to copper matrix composite, and Cu composites containing diamond volume fractions between 0.1 and 0.8 were fabricated by hot pressing the powder mixtures of diamond and Cu at 773 K with a pressure of 650 MPa under flowing reduction gas. In this study, it will be discussed the relation the amounts of reinforcement and thermal conductivity with several thermal conductivity models. Moreover, increasing the volume percentage of reinforcement causes the decrease of thermal conductivity from 350W/m‧K to 150W/m‧K. The thermal expansion property of composites was measured (10×10-6/K ~ 2×10-6/K) and compared with those predicted from various theoretical models.
摘要.......................................................................... I
英文摘要..................................................................... II
第一章 序論....................................................................1
第二章 文獻回顧與理論基礎......................................................3
2-1 銅粉製程...................................................................3
2-1-1 電解法...................................................................3
2-1-2 氧化還原法...............................................................4
2-1-3 水霧化法.................................................................4
2-1-4 氣體霧化法...............................................................5
2-1-5 雙氣流氣體霧化法.........................................................5
2-2 田口式實驗設計及變異數分析.................................................7
2-3 銅基複合材料之回顧.........................................................9
2-4 熱壓機構..................................................................11
2-5 熱膨脹....................................................................13
2-6 熱傳導....................................................................15
2-5-1 熱傳導理論..............................................................15
2-5-2 熱傳性質與複合材料熱傳..................................................16
第三章 實驗方法與步驟.........................................................19
3-1 實驗方法與步驟............................................................19
3-1-1 田口式實驗設計..........................................................19
3-1-2 純銅粉末之製備..........................................................19
3-1-3 粒徑分析................................................................20
3-1-4 視密度與敲擊密度之測量..................................................20
3-1-5 粉末流動率測試..........................................................21
3-1-6 粉末之混合..............................................................21
3-1-7 模具之設計..............................................................22
3-1-8 熱壓設備架設與實驗......................................................22
3-1-9 緻密度之量測............................................................22
3-1-10 熱傳導係數之量測.......................................................23
3-1-11 熱膨脹係數之量測.......................................................24
3-2 實驗流程圖................................................................25
3-3 實驗設備..................................................................26
第四章 結論與討論.............................................................29
4-1 田口式L9 直交表探討銅粉霧化製程參數.......................................29
4-1-1 粒徑分析................................................................29
4-1-2 粉末特性分析............................................................30
4-1-3 製程參數對粉末粒徑大小與分佈之影響......................................31
4-1-4 製程參數對粉末形狀與微結構之影響........................................32
4-1-5 粉末粒徑對粉末特性之影響................................................34
4-2 田口式分析熱壓製程參數....................................................36
4-2-1 純銅粉熱壓結果..........................................................36
4-2-2 複合材熱壓結果..........................................................37
4-3 複合材料之熱擴散及熱傳導..................................................39
4-3-1 熱傳導值與添加相含量....................................................39
4-3-2 添加相含量對熱擴散係數與比熱之影響......................................40
4-4 複合材料之熱膨脹..........................................................41
4-2-1 TMA 升溫曲線與添加相含量................................................41
4-2-2 熱膨脹係數與添加相含量..................................................42
第五章 結論...................................................................43
第六章 參考文獻...............................................................45
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