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研究生(外文):Jen-Chieh Yang
指導教授(外文):Shih-Ming Yang
外文關鍵詞:backlight unitgeometry opticsthin film optics
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  本論文亦應用光學薄膜之技術,來增加顯示系統之光學穿透性。利用光學特徵矩陣與導納軌跡法,最佳化多層高穿透性抗反射光學薄膜,最佳化之結果為SiNx (N=1.90, 58nm)/ SiNx (N=2.10, 84nm)/ SiOx (N=1.46, 83nm)三層結構,所得到在可見光範圍內94.98%的高穿透性,並對製程誤差的敏感性較低。應用此高穿透性之光學結構於背光模組中,提昇了模組之光學特性。論文中也利用具電磁波防護效果(EMI)之導電性材料進行光學薄膜設計,提出多層光學薄膜電磁防護之計算模式,評估出透明導電材料氧化銦錫(ITO)的防護效果為12dB。將防護效果較高之Ag(100nm)/Ni(10nm)半透性金屬薄膜,應用於穿反式背光模組之設計中,在外界光源足夠之情況下,提昇了背光模組之光學特性,並在900 MHz頻率下的電磁防護效果為66.89 dB。
  This dissertation aims at improving the optical performance of the display device by backlight unit and thin film coatings. An integrated software is developed where a systematic interface between mechanical design and optical analysis of geometry optics is established. Current design practices of try-and-error and/or relying on expert-only can be significantly improved. Optical performance of backlight unit with linear and/or an-isotropic light source(s) satisfying the uniformity and brightness can be achieved by the modification of the optical patterns. Design, analysis and verification of the 4-inch CCFL and 2.2-inch LED backlight units show that the luminance uniformity improves 37% and 33%, respectively. In the development of the backlight unit, the optical pattern design and modification dominate the characteristics of the unit.
  The thin film optics is also applied in backlight unit to enhance the optical transmittance of display device. A model of multi-layer anti-reflection thin film coating is developed for analyzing optical performance and electromagnetic shielding effectiveness. Analysis is conducted by the admittance loci using the optical characteristic matrix to select the thin film materials and thickness. The results show that the three-layer dielectric coating of SiNx/SiNx/SiOx at 58/84/83 nm achieves an average transmittance of 94.14% in the visible region. The coating enhances the mean luminance of the 4-inch backlight unit design from 810 to 1019 cd/m2. The shielding effectiveness of the anti-reflection design embedded with the transparent conductive material is also analyzed. For the multi-layer conductive optical design, the shielding effectiveness is about 12 dB, regardless of the layer sequence and the dielectric materials. Better shielding effectiveness is achieved by placing the thin metallic film with higher conductivity to permeability ratio closer to the substrate. The 2-layer polymer/Ag(100nm)/Ni(10nm) semi-transparent metallic structure can be applied to the 4-inch transflective backlight unit. The mean luminance improves from 1011 to 1130 cd/m2 at 2250 Lux external light. The shielding effectiveness is 66.89dB at the frequency of 900MHz.


Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Motivation 1
1.2 Literature Review 1
1.2.1 Geometric optics in backlight unit 1
1.2.2 Thin film optics in optical coating 3
1.3 Outline 5

Chapter 2 Integrated Design and Analysis of Backlight Unit
2.1 Introduction 9
2.2 CAD on Optical Pattern 10
2.3 Illumination on Optical Component 14
2.3.1 Analysis of LED light source 15
2.3.2 Analysis of white plastic plate 17
2.3.3 Analysis of prismatic microstructure 19
2.4 Conclusions 19

Chapter 3 Computer Aided Design of Optical Patterns in Light Guide Plate
3.1 Introduction 32
3.2 Optics in Backlight Unit 33
3.3 Light Guide with Isotropic CCFL 34
3.4 Light Guide with An-isotropic LED 37
3.4.1 Design of the light guide 38
3.4.2 Analysis of the light guide 39
3.4.3 Implementation of the backlight unit 41
3.5 Sensitivity Analysis 42
3.6 Conclusions 44

Chapter 4 Anti-reflection Coating by Thin Film Optics
4.1 Introduction 60
4.2 Thin Film Optics and Process 61
4.3 Multi-layer AR Coating Design 63
4.3.1 AR coating by V- and W-coating design 63
4.3.2 AR coating by optimization design 65
4.4 Multi-layer AR Coating 68
4.4.1 Thin film deposition 68
4.4.2 Characteristics of the AR coating 70
4.5 Anti-reflection Coating on Backlight Unit 72
4.6 Conclusions 73

Chapter 5 Electromagnetic Shielding Effectiveness of Multilayer Thin Films
5.1 Introduction 85
5.2 A Model of Electromagnetic Shielding 86
5.3 Analysis of Shielding Effectiveness 89
5.3.1 Optical thin film 89
5.3.2 Metallic thin film 91
5.4 Experimental Verification 93
5.5 Transflective Backlight Design by Thin Metal Films95
5.6 Conclusions 97

Chapter 6 Summary and Conclusion 109

References 112

Appendix A Illumination Improvement by Using the Integrated Software
A.1 Introduction 120
A.2 LGP Design Software 121
A.3 Illumination Improvement by the Software 124
A.4 Conclusion 128

Publication List 145

Vita 146
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