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研究生(外文):Yumin Chen
論文名稱(外文):Analysis of Minimum-Fuel Low-Thrust Orbit Transfer by Using Parametric Optimization with Piecewise Continuous Control Models
指導教授(外文):Dong-Long Sheu
外文關鍵詞:optimal trajectoriesorbit transferspace mechanicsgradient methodparametric optimization.
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 The objective of this thesis is to investigate the minimum-fuel orbit transfer with a continuous constant low thrust force of which the direction is controllable. In this study, the athematically strict nonlinear optimal control theory is used to formulate the problem. It is first solved by using the second-order gradient method associated with the backward sweep matrix. After obtaining the characteristic of the optimal control, a simplified control pattern is designed with some parameters left to be determined. These arameters are so chosen that the consumed fuel is minimized when the target orbit is reached. The process of designing a proper model of control function, deriving the necessary conditions for parametric optimization, and determining the corresponding optimal parameters is known as the parametric optimization method, which is the principal theory proposed in this thesis.

 To illustrate the methodology, several numerical examples including coplanar and non-coplanar transfers are given. By using the second-order gradient analysis, it is found that, for coplanar transfer, the control angle of the thrust can be approximately represented with two linear time functions. The control angle quickly switches from one linear time function to another at some time during the transfer. ccordingly, in the optimal parametric control analysis, the parameters to be chosen to minimize the consumed fuel are the coefficients of the two linear time functions, the time for the control to switch from one function to another, and the final time. For non-coplanar transfer, the thrust direction must be represented by two control angles, one being in the original orbital plane and the other out of the original orbital plane. By using the second-order gradient analysis, it is found that both control angles can also be approximately represented with two linear functions, respectively. One interesting point is that the times for both control angles to switch respectively from one linear function to another are very close. Therefore, in the parametric optimization analysis, the switching times are assumed to be the same for both angles. Investigation results show that the parametric optimization analysis developed in this thesis is accurate enough as compared with the second-order gradient analysis.

 After an extensive study of orbit transfers, it is found that the second-order gradient analysis is so restrictive that it can be successful only for the thrust being greater than 0.05g, otherwise, the computation will blow up due to a long integration time. With the parametric optimization analysis developed in this thesis, the successful analyses include the cases in which the thrust is as low as 0.01g. The cases with even lower thrust are not analyzed in this thesis but can also be expected to be successful by using the parametric optimization analysis.
摘要                     i
Abstract                  ii
Extended Chinese Abstract          iv
第一章之中文摘要               v
第二章之中文摘要               vii
第三章之中文摘要               viii
第四章之中文摘要               ix
第五章之中文摘要               x
第六章之中文摘要               xii
第七章之中文摘要               xiii
Contents xiv
List of Tables xvii
List of Figures xix
List of Symbols xxvii
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Impulsive Types of Transfer with High Thrust      1
1.2 Continuous Types of Transfer with Low Thrust      2
1.3 Review for Methods of Analysis      3
1.4 The Method of Analysis Developed in This Thesis      11
2 Equations of Motion and Terminal Conditions      14
2.1 Coplanar Orbit Transfer      14
2.1.1 Equations of Motion in Component Form      15
2.1.2 Terminal Conditions for a Circular Target Orbit      17
2.1.3 Terminal Conditions for an Elliptic Target Orbit      18
2.2 Non-coplanar Orbit Transfer      19
2.2.1 Equations of Motion in Component Form      19
2.2.2 Terminal Conditions for a Circular Target Orbit      22
3 The Necessary Conditions for Optimality      25
3.1 Coplanar Orbit Transfer      26
3.1.1 Terminal Conditions for a Circular Target Orbit      27
3.1.2 Terminal Conditions for an Elliptic Target Orbit      28
3.2 Non-coplanar Orbit Transfer      29
4 Solutions by Using the Second-Order Gradient Method      34
4.1 Initial Guess for the Second-Order Gradient Method      34
4.1.1 Release of Some Constraints      36
4.1.2 Reenforcement of Previously Released Constraints      38
4.1.3 Transfer between Two Very Close Coplanar Circular Orbits      42
4.2 Coplanar Transfer from Circular Orbit to Circular Orbit      42
4.2.1 Transfer to More Distant Coplanar Circular Target Orbits      43
4.2.2 Comparison with the Hohmann Transfer      48
4.3 Coplanar Transfer from Circular Orbit to Elliptic Orbit      50
4.3.1 Transfer to Elliptic Target Orbits with the Same Orientation Angle but Different Eccentricities 51
4.3.2 Transfer to Elliptic Target Orbits with the Same Eccentricity but Different Orientation Angles      55
4.4 Non-coplanar Transfer from Circular Orbit to Circular Orbit      60
4.4.1 Transfer To Target Orbits with the Same Longitude but Different Inclination Angles      61
4.4.2 Transfer To Target Orbits with the Same Inclination Angle but Different Longitudes      68
5 The Parametric Optimization with Formats of Piecewise Continuous Controls      78
5.1 Definitions of the Format for Parametric Controls      78
5.2 Optimal Parametric Control Methods      80
5.3 Coplanar Orbit Transfer to Circular and Elliptic Target Orbits      87
5.3.1 Discrete Constant Control of Thrust Direction      88
5.3.2 Discrete Linear-Time-Function Control of Thrust Direction      89
5.4 Coplanar Orbit Transfer to Circular and Elliptic Target Orbits      89
5.4.1 Discrete Constant Control of Thrust Direction      90
5.4.2 Discrete Linear-Time-Function Control of Thrust Direction      91
6 Solutions by Using the Optimal Parametric Method      93
6.1 Coplanar Transfer from a Circular Orbit to Circular Orbits      93
6.1.1 Comparison with the Results Obtained by Using the Gradient Method   94
6.1.2 A Further Study of Low Thrust Orbit Transfer      99
6.2 Coplanar Transfer from a Circular Orbit to Elliptic Orbits      103
6.2.1 Transfer to Elliptic Target Orbits with the Same Orientation Angle but Different Eccentricities      104
6.2.2 Transfer to Elliptic Target Orbits with the Same Eccentricity but Different Orientation Angles      109
6.2.3 A Further Study of Low Thrust Orbit Transfer      115
6.3 Non-coplanar Transfer from Circular Orbit to Circular Orbits 121
6.3.1 Transfer To Target Orbits with the Same Longitude but Different Inclination Angles      121
6.3.2 Transfer To Target Orbits with the Same Inclination Angle but Different Longitudes      129
6.3.3 A Further Study of Low Thrust Orbit Transfer      137
7 Conclusions      145
Bibliography      148
Appendices      153
Appendix A Derivatives Used in the Second-Order Gradient Method      154
A.1 Coplanar Orbit Transfer      154
A.1.1 The First-Order Derivatives      154
A.1.2 The Second-Order Derivatives      155
A.2 Non-coplanar Orbit Transfer      155
A.2.1 The First-Order Derivatives      156
A.2.2 The Second-Order Derivatives      156
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