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研究生(外文):Cheng-Hsun Lin
論文名稱(外文):Are Implied Volatilities Consistent with the Stochastic Properties of Underlying Asset Return? An Empirical Analyze on S&P 500 Index Options Market
指導教授(外文):Tse-Shih Wang
外文關鍵詞:Average Expected VolatilityImplied volatilityTerm structure
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本篇主要在研究,隱含波動率是否配適隨機波動率過程下的波動率期間結構模型。Heynen(1994)有類似的研究。但Heynen的研究方法使用時間序列模型,而 Black-Scholes公式倒推的隱含波動率具有風險中立世界的假設,與時間序列模型下的真實世界不一。我們以風險中立下的波動率隨機過程,且考慮到波動率風險,去建構波動率期間結構的模型,驗證S&P 500指數選擇權的隱含波動率是否能為模型解釋。
This study is aimed to answer this question:” Are implied volatilities consistent with the stochastic properties of underlying asset return?” The importance of this study is that we make the comparison between actual implied volatilities and underlying return volatility with certain specifications that few studies discuss. Though Heynen, Kemma and Vorst(1994) have the similar study, we develop term structure model in the risk-neutral world, rather than Heynen’s model in the real world. Moreover, unlike other studies, volatility risk premium is considered in our term structure model which is developed from the average of expected volatility assumption.
Three major findings are as follows. First, all models may not be well descriptive about implied volatility behavior, which suggests the average expected volatility assumption does not hold. Second, the estimated mean reversion parameter of volatility in the term structure model is larger. A larger mean reversion parameter suggests a flatter term structure curve and more possibility that spot volatility reverts to the long-term mean variance level. Third, there should be theoretical equivalent relation on the mean reverting parameter between any two models among three models in this study. However, the empirical result does not support the equivalent relation among models.
Chapter 1 
Introduction 3
1.1 Research Background and Motivation 3
1.2 Objectives of This Study 3
1.3 Structure of This Study 4
1.4 Importance of This Study and Major Finding 5

Chapter 2 Literature review 7
2.1 Implied Volatility and Realized Volatility 7
2.2 Some Problems of Measurement Errors on Implied Volatility 7
2.3 The Informational Content of Implied Volatility 8
2.3.1 Can Implied Volatility Predict Underlying Asset Movement? 8
2.3.2 Can Implied Volatility Predict Future Volatility? 8
2.4 Deterministic and Stochastic Volatility 10
2.5 Volatility Process 11
2.5.1 AR(1) Model 11
2.5.2 GARCH Models 12

Chapter 3 Data 14
3.1 Interpolation for At-the-money Exercise Price 14
3.2 Data Processing in Daily Timeframe 14
3.3 Exogenous Variable : Mean of Unconditional Variance 15
3.4 Data Missing 16
3.5 Sampling Period 16

Chapter 4 Methodology 17
4.0 Elementary Tests and Important Introduction 17
4.0.1 Unit Root Test 17 
4.0.2 White Noise Test 18
4.0.3 An Important Assumption in This Study 18
4.1 Term Structure Model 19
4.1.1 Stochastic Volatility Process 1 19
4.1.2 Stochastic Volatility Process 2 23
4.2 Time Series Model :GARCH 24
4.3 The Equivalent Relation between Term-structure Models and GARCH 
Model 26

Chapter 5 Results 28
5.1 GARCH Model 28
5.1.1 Determination ARMA(p,q)-GARCH(1,1) 28
5.1.2 The Comparison among Candidate Models 30
5.1.3 Test of the Consistence between Implied Volatility and GARCH 
Specification 31
5.2 Term Structure Model 33
5.2.1 Test of the Consistence between Implied Volatility and Stochastic 
Properties 34
5.2.2 The Mean Reversion Parameter 36
5.2.3 Volatility Risk Premium 39
5.3 Test on the Equivalent Relation between Term-structure Model and 
GARCH Model 40

Chapter 6 Conclusion 42

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