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研究生(外文):Dah-Yuan Lin
論文名稱(外文):Content-Based Image Retrieval by Association Mining of User Logs
指導教授(外文):Vincent Shin-Mu Tseng
外文關鍵詞:ClusteringAssociation RuleCBIRDecision Tree
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In recent years, due to the rapid progress of computer science, the improved storage techniques and popularity of digital images, content-based image retrieval (CBIR) has gradually become an important issue for multimedia processing. In order to increase the precision of image retrieval, the methods of relevance feedback arise to complement traditional CBIR systems that concentrate only on the computation of similarity among images. In this research, we utilize the association rules mining methods to satisfy the requests from different users by analyzing users' behavior during the whole retrieval procedure. Accordingly, we combine the image content and usage log to discover the useful association rules and the feature weights are adjusted dynamically for the relevant image feedback. Through experimental evaluation, our proposed approach is shown to deliver significant improvement on retrieval precision. That is to say, better retrieval results can be provided for users by our approach with less numbers of feedback.
<font face="Courier New"><font face="細明體">英文摘要..............................................I

第一章 導論..........................................1
 1.1 研究目的.......................................1
  1.1.1 研究背景...................................1
  1.1.2 研究動機...................................2
  1.1.3 問題描述...................................2
 1.2 研究方法.......................................4
 1.3 研究貢獻.......................................6
 1.4 論文架構.......................................6

第二章 文獻探討......................................7
 2.1 影像低階特徵...................................7
  2.1.1 色彩佈局 (Color Layout)....................8
  2.1.2 可調色彩 (Scalable Color)..................8
  2.1.3 顏色結構 (Color Structure).................9
  2.1.4 齊次性紋理 (Homogeneous Texture)...........9
  2.1.5 邊界直方圖 (Edge Histogram)...............10
  2.1.6 區域形狀 (Region Shape)...................10
 2.2 影像內容檢索(Content-Based Image Retrieval)...11
  2.2.1 影像檢索技術..............................11
  2.2.2 影像相似度比對............................12
  2.2.3 關聯性回饋 (Relevance Feedback)...........14
  2.2.4 特徵值權重調整............................15
 2.3 CBIR系統簡介..................................16
  2.3.1 Blobworld.................................17
  2.3.2 MARS......................................18
  2.3.3 NETRA.....................................19
  2.3.4 QBIC......................................19
  2.3.5 VIR Image Engine..........................21
  2.3.6 VisualSEEK................................21
 2.4 關聯規則探勘 (Association Rule Mining)........22
  2.4.1 關聯規則定義..............................23
  2.4.2 問題分析..................................23
  2.4.3 Apriori演算法.............................24
 2.5 資料分群演算法 (Clustering)...................26
  2.5.1 分割式分群法..............................26
  2.5.2 K-Means...................................27
  2.5.3 K-Medoids.................................27
 2.6 決策樹分類法 (Classification).................28
  2.6.1 決策樹分類................................28
  2.6.2 ID3.......................................29
  2.6.3 C4.5......................................30

第三章 研究方法.....................................32
 3.1 方法架構......................................32
 3.2 特徵值權重預測................................33
  3.2.1 目的......................................33
  3.2.2 特徵值權重日誌............................34
  3.2.3 權重的分群................................35
  3.2.4 特徵值權重決策樹..........................36
  3.2.5 權重預測的修正............................38
 3.3 圖片關聯規則..................................38
  3.3.1 圖片查詢日誌..............................38
  3.3.2 圖片關聯規則..............................39
  3.3.3 關聯規則查詢..............................39
  3.3.4 關聯規則查詢與相似度查詢的整合............40
 3.4 系統整合架構..................................45

第四章 實驗分析.....................................47
 4.1 影像檢索系統..................................47
  4.1.1 系統簡介..................................47
  4.1.2 系統特性..................................49
 4.2 實驗資料及參數設定............................49
  4.2.1 實驗資料..................................49
  4.2.2 參數設定..................................53
 4.3 實驗規劃......................................53
  4.3.1 自動測試..................................54
  4.3.2 人工測試..................................55
 4.4 實驗結果......................................55
  4.4.1 實驗數據..................................55
  4.4.2 實驗範例..................................58
 4.5 實驗總結......................................60

第五章 結論與未來研究方向...........................61
 5.1 結論..........................................61
 5.2 應用..........................................62
 5.3 未來研究方向..................................62

第六章 參考文獻.....................................63</font></font>
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