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研究生(外文):Chao-Lin Yang
論文名稱(外文):Asymmetric Subliminal Channels in Digital Signatures
指導教授(外文):Tzonelih Hwang
外文關鍵詞:subliminal channeldigital signatureasymmetric subliminal channel
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In the age of information explosion, our life is full of security crises. Thus, the information security is an important research to protect our right in this hi-tech environment. Obviously, the privacy of communications is a key issue of information security.

Subliminal channels in digital signatures are good solutions to guarantee the privacy of communications. Outsiders treat the signature as an ordinary verifiable one, only the designated receiver can detect and extract a subliminal message from that signature. Furthermore, since subliminal channels are secret channels, we do not have to worry the exposure of sending a ciphertext. Thus, subliminal channels guarantee the communication security of senders and receivers.

According to the property of subliminal channels, there two types of subliminal channels: the first is the symmetric subliminal channels, in which a subliminal sender has to pre-share a secret key with a subliminal receiver. Therefore, a subliminal sender can not choose a subliminal receiver arbitrarily. Moreover, a receiver may forge a signature of a subliminal sender. The other is the asymmetric subliminal channels, in which a subliminal sender does not have to pre-share any secret key with a subliminal receiver. Consequently, the asymmetric subliminal channels have no drawbacks of symmetric subliminal channels.

This thesis focuses on the research of asymmetric subliminal channels which are more practical than symmetric subliminal channels. This investigation presents the constructions to construct asymmetric subliminal channels in digital signatures. According to the properties of digital signatures and the requirements of applications, asymmetric subliminal channels can be classified to six methods. Hence, signers can determine whether digital signatures are allowed to create asymmetric subliminal channels, and know how to create asymmetric subliminal channels. Furthermore, this thesis purposes a formal model to analyze the security of asymmetric subliminal channels. To verify the validity of constructions, this investigation also presents the realization, subliminal channels in the ID-based threshold ring signature, and adopts the proposed formal model to prove that the schemes satisfy the security requirement.
ABSTRACT ...................................................VI
第1章 導論................................................1
1.1 前言...................................................1
1.2 研究動機...............................................2
1.3 章節概要...............................................2
第2章 密碼學技術簡介......................................3
2.1 數位簽章簡介...........................................3
2.1.1 RSA簽章系統..........................................5
2.1.2 ElGamal簽章系統......................................5
2.1.3 雙線性配對函數及Cheon等人提出之身份式簽章系統........7 雙線性配對.........................................7
2.2 環簽章簡介.............................................10
2.2.1 Rivest等人提出的環簽章介紹...........................11
2.2.2 Chow等人提出的身份式門檻環簽章介紹...................13
2.3 密碼系統簡介...........................................15
2.3.1 身份式加解密系統.....................................15
第3章 潛隱通道簡介........................'...............17
3.1 潛隱通道概念及其應用環境介紹...........................17
3.2 現有潛隱通道簽章介紹及討論.............................20
3.2.1 G. J. Simmons提出的架構在DSA的潛隱通道.............20
3.2.2 Jan等人提出的架構在Okamato的簽章上之潛隱通道.........22
3.2.3 Chang等人提出的非對稱之潛隱通道......................24
3.2.4 Li等人提出的架構在環簽章上的潛隱通道.................26
第4章 非對稱潛隱通道之設計................................29
4.1 非對稱潛隱通道之建構法則...............................29
4.1.1 Method–1............................................31
4.1.2 Method–2............................................34
4.1.3 Method–3............................................37
4.1.4 Method–4 ...........................................39
4.1.5 Method–5 ...........................................40
4.1.6 Method–6 ...........................................43
4.1.7 Case–X..............................................46
4.2 非對稱潛隱通道之安全性分析.............................48
4.2.1 正規模型及系統安全性之定義...........................48
4.2.2 Security Assumptions................................49
4.2.3 正規模型.............................................52
4.2.4 advantage分析........................................54
第5章 身份式門檻環簽章之潛隱通道..........................56
5.1 應用環境介紹...........................................56
5.2 簽署者匿名型...........................................57
5.2.1 應用環境.............................................57
5.2.2 設計.................................................57
5.2.3 安全性分析...........................................59
5.3 簽署者非匿名型.........................................68
5.3.1 應用環境.............................................68
5.3.2 設計.................................................68
5.3.3 安全性分析...........................................70
5.4 多位傳送者之身份式門檻環簽章之潛隱通道.................70
5.4.1 簽署者匿名型之多位傳送者模式.........................70
5.4.2 簽署者非匿名型之多位傳送者模式.......................72
5.4.3 合作型之多位傳送者模式...............................74
5.4.4 多位傳送者之身份式門檻環簽章之潛隱通道安全性分析.....75
第6章 結論與未來展望......................................76
表 1– DECISIONAL ASSUMPTION列表..........................49
圖 2-1 數位簽章之簽署及驗證示意圖........................3
圖 3-1 圖潛隱通道示意圖..................................17
圖 3-2 數位簽章上之潛隱通道示意圖........................18
圖 3-3 不可分辨性示意圖..................................19
圖 3-4 JAN等人提出的潛隱通道示意圖.......................22
圖 4-1 非對稱潛隱通道系統建構法則示意圖..................30
圖 4-2 METHOD-1 示意圖..................................31
圖 4-3 METHOD-2 示意圖..................................34
圖 4-4 METHOD-3 示意圖..................................37
圖 4-5 METHOD-4 示意圖..................................39
圖 4-6 METHOD-5 示意圖..................................40
圖 4-7 METHOD-6 示意圖..................................43
圖 4-8 CASE-X 示意圖....................................46
圖 4-9 正規模型示意圖....................................52
圖 4-11 GAME示意圖.......................................53
圖 4-12 ADVANTAGE分析示意圖..............................54
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