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研究生(外文):Wei-Jyun Tu
論文名稱(外文):An Efficient Tree-Based Dynamic Bluetooth Scatternet Formation Algorithm with Self-Healing Capability
指導教授(外文):Ching-Fang Hsu
外文關鍵詞:bluetoothscatternet formationpiconetbridge
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Wireless LAN is a popular medium to be used for mobile networks. It is also promising to use Bluetooth as a medium for mobile ad hoc networks. Bluetooth is a short range wireless communication technology that offers multiple data transfer rates, multiple packet types, low power operation and support for secure communications. Hence, Bluetooth technology is vigorously developed in recent years. Scatternet formation scheme is one of important issues, which is not specified in the specifications of the Bluetooth system.

In this thesis, we proposed a novel scatternet formation algorithm with self-healing capability based on tree structure called Adaptive Five-ary tree scatternet formation (AFTSF). AFTSF overcomes several of earlier work shortcomings. AFTSF is a multi-hop dynamic environment where nodes may arrive and leave arbitrarily. In order to avoid producing loops, which is going against tree structure, we adopt a tree number flag to solve this problem. In addition, our scheme tends to form a scatternet with higher connectivity, communicating between piconets is more efficient, reducing the scatternet formation time and decreasing the number of piconets in the scatternet whenever as possible and AFTSF with self-healing capability which solves the node failed or link disconnected problem. It detects the links between nodes, and assures the data transmission.
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 Bluetooth overview 4
2.1 Physical Channel 7
2.1.1 Basic Piconet Channel 8
2.1.2 Inquiry Scan Channel 9
2.1.3 Page Scan Channel 10
2.2 Physical Links 11
2.3 Logical Layer 12
2.4 L2CAP Layer 13
Chapter 3 Related Work 14
3.1 Centralized Scatternet Formation algorithm 14
3.2 Distributed Scatternet Formation algorithm 15
3.2.1 Tree Scatternet Formation Scheme (TSF) 16
3.2.2 SHAPER Scheme 17
3.2.3 DMSFA Scheme 19
Chapter 4 Proposed schemes 21
4.1 Motivation and problem definition 21
4.1.1 Motivation 21
4.1.2 Problem definition 21
4.2 The characteristics of the scatternet 22
4.3 Adaptive Five-ary tree scatternet formation (AFTSF) algorithm 23
4.3.1 Scatternet formation algorithm 23
4.3.2 Self-healing algorithm 32
Chapter 5 Performance Evaluation 37
5.1 The Metrics for Performance Evaluation 37
5.2 Assumptions and Parameter setting 38
5.3 Simulation Results and Analysis 39
Chapter 6 Conclusions 45
Bibliography 46
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