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研究生(外文):Li-Tin Lin
論文名稱(外文):Laboratory Mixed-Flow-Reactor Studies For Aerobic Cometabolism of Trichloroethylene Using Toluene as the Primary Substrate
指導教授(外文):Ming-Ching, Tom, Kuo
外文關鍵詞:trichloroethylenemixed flow reactor (MFR)aerobic cometabolismhydraulic detention time.toluene
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本研究目的藉由混合連續流反應器(mixed flow reactor),在不同水力滯留時間(hydraulic detention time)穩態操作條件下,觀察甲苯分解菌好氧共代謝三氯乙烯行為。混合連續流實驗分為兩階段,第一階段僅單獨進流主要基質甲苯。實驗目標評估在不同水力滯留時間,甲苯生物降解之化學計量及反應動力參數。第二階段同時進流甲苯及三氯乙烯。實驗目標評估甲苯分解菌好氧共代謝三氯乙烯生物降解效率及反應動力參數。
由第一階段實驗(混合連續流反應器僅進流甲苯)得知,甲苯分解菌擬一階反應甲苯移除動力參數 (1/天)及淨細胞生長係數 (mg- biomass/mg-toluene)隨不同水力滯留時間遞減而增加。水力滯留時間8.4天、6.0天、2.5天及1.0天時, 值分別為15 /天、44 /天、54 /天及614 /天。 值分別為0.36、0.33、0.56及0.78 mg-biomass/mg-toluene。
由第二階段實驗(混合連續流反應器同時進流甲苯及三氯乙稀)得知,水力滯留時間為4.5天及1.0天操作達到穩態後,三氯乙稀共代謝降解效率分別為99%及89%。甲苯分解菌好氧共代謝三氯乙烯擬一階反應移除動力參數 值分別為6.25/天及7.42/天。進流濃度10 mg/L基質甲苯接近完全降解。
The steady-state behavior of toluene-oxidizing bacteria and TCE cometabolism were observed in a mixed flow reactor (MFR) operated at various hydraulic detention times. Laboratory experiments were conducted in two phases. In phase 1, toluene was fed as the primary substrate to study the kinetics of toluene degradation. During phase 2, both toluene and TCE were fed to investigate the cometabolism of TCE.
The results of phase 1 experiments show that both the removal-rate and cell yield coefficients for toluene biodegradation increased as the hydraulic detention time decreased. The measured removal-rate coefficient and cell yield coefficient for toluene biodegradation were 15, 44, 54 and 614 day-1, and 0.36、0.33、0.56 and 0.78 mg-biomass/mg-toluene for the hydraulic detention time at 8.4, 6.0, 2.5 and 1.0 day, respectively.
The results of phase 2 experiments indicated that the steady-state TCE removal efficiency was 99% and 89% for the hydraulic detention time at 4.5 day and 1.1 day, respectively. The TCE removal-rate coefficient was 6.3 day-1 and 7.4 day-1 for the hydraulic detention time at 4.5 day and 1.1 day, respectively. The influent concentrations of toluene and TCE were 10 mg/L and 0.5 mg/L, respectively. Toluene was essentially completely removed.
第一章 前言......................................................1
第二章 文獻回顧..................................................3
2-1 地下水主要污染物.............................................3
2-2 三氯乙烯生物處理.............................................4
2-3 苯環類分解菌好氧共代謝三氯乙烯...............................7
2-4 基質競爭效應.................................................9
2-5 三氯乙烯對微生物之毒性......................................10
2-6 混合連續流生物反應器(Mixed Flow Reactor)..................12
第三章 實驗材料與方法...........................................15
3-1 實驗藥品....................................................15
3-1-1 實驗用水..................................................15
3-1-2 碳源及目標污染物..........................................15
3-1-3 無機營養鹽................................................16
3-1-4 葡萄糖營養液..............................................17
3-1-5 培養基....................................................18
3-1-6 菌種來源..................................................18
3-2 實驗裝置及操作條件..........................................19
3-2-1 混合連續流反應裝置........................................19
3-2-2 混合連續流實驗操作條件....................................23
3-3 採樣分析方法................................................24
3-3-1 採樣方法..................................................24
3-3-2 甲苯及三氯乙烯分析方法....................................24
3-3-3 溶氧測定..................................................25
3-3-4 酸鹼值測定................................................26
3-3-5 菌落數分析................................................26
第四章 結果與討論...............................................27
4-1 第一階段─甲苯連續流實驗....................................30
4-1-1 甲苯濃度變化..............................................30
4-1-2 溶氧消耗..................................................31
4-1-3 菌落數變化................................................31
4-1-4 不同水力滯留時間下化學計量................................32
4-2 第二階段─甲苯共代謝三氯乙烯連續流實驗......................40
4-2-1 甲苯濃度變化..............................................40
4-2-2 溶氧消耗..................................................40
4-2-3 菌落數變化................................................41
4-2-4 三氯乙烯濃度變化..........................................41
4-2-5 不同水力滯留時間下共代謝三氯乙烯反應動力參數..............42
第五章 結論與建議...............................................48
5-1 結論........................................................48
5-2 建議........................................................49
第六章 參考文獻.................................................50
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