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研究生(外文):Ping-Hsun Yang
論文名稱(外文):Interconnection-Aware Register Transfer Level Partitioning for Low-Power Datapath
指導教授(外文):Lih-Yih Chiou
外文關鍵詞:partitioningresource sharinginterconnect powerlocality
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  在本論文中提出一個暫存器轉移級的分割演算法,以及探討其對於在資料導向電路設計上,硬體線路功率消耗的影響程度。此分割演算法將資料流程圖內的功能運算子節點劃分成幾個群集,且使得群集之間的訊號傳輸數量較少,以達成資料傳輸區域化目標。然而,硬體資源共享分配可能會造成群集之間的訊號傳輸數量增加,破壞了資料傳輸區域化的目標。我們所提出的分割演算法名稱叫RS-Partitioning,可以同時執行硬體資源共享和高階層運算分割,並把資料區域化考量進來。我們的高階層分割演算法把硬體資源共享納入可以去避免破壞資料區域化。經過分割和硬體資源分配後的資料路徑電路設計,將保有資料區域化,可以降低會消耗大量功率之廣域硬體線路的使用率。此外,分割演算法將使得分割過的資料流程圖較容易抓取規則性,也就能造成硬體線路上的簡化。因此,分割演算法使資料路徑電路保有資料區域性可以降低硬體線路上的功率消耗。而從經驗結果得知,使用我們所提出的方法可以分別在2分割和4分割方式上,達到平均28.5 %和34.2 %的硬體線路功率消耗。
 In this thesis, we present a register transfer level partitioning algorithm and discuss the impact of interconnect power consumption in a data-dominated design. The partitioning divides the functional operation nodes of data flow graph into several groups that have less inter-cluster communication for preserving data locality. However, resource sharing may increase inter-cluster communication and destroy data locality on the physical level. The proposed partitioning algorithm called RS-Partitioning performs resource sharing and high-level partitioning simultaneously under consideration of data locality. Our high-level partitioning takes resource sharing into account to avoid destroying data locality. Partitioned and allocated datapath design that preserves data locality can reduce the number of access of power hungry global wires. Besides, partitioning makes the partitioned data flow graph easier to get regularity that results in simplifying the structure of interconnects. Therefore, partitioning with data locality can reduce interconnect power consumption, and from experimental results our approach can achieve 28.5% and 34.2% interconnect power reduction on average for 2-way and 4-way partitions, respectively.
Chapter 1 Introduction.......................1
1.1 Introduction.............................1
Chapter 2 Background.........................9
2.1 Background...............................9
Chapter 3 Interconnect Power................17
3.1 Interconnect Power......................17
3.2 Literature Survey.......................17
3.3 Interconnect Power Model................20
3.3.1 Local Interconnect Power Modeling.....20 Steering Logics.....................21 Local Wires.........................22
3.3.2 Global Interconnect Power Modeling....23 Global Wires........................24 Repeaters...........................26
Chapter 4 Proposed Partitioning Algorithm...28
4.1 RS-Partitioning Algorithm...............28
4.2 Preliminary.............................28
4.3 Procedures..............................36
4.3.1 ASAP/ALAP.............................37
4.3.2 RS-Scheduling Algorithm...............39
4.3.3 RS-Partitioning Algorithm.............44 First Phase – Clustering...........46 Second Phase – Partitioning........59 Register Allocation/Assignment......62
Chapter 5 Experimental Results..............64
5.1 Test Cases..............................64
5.2 Results.................................64
Chapter 6 Conclusions and Future Work.......72
6.1 Conclusions.............................72
6.2 Future Work.............................73

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