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研究生(外文):Ying-Jhong Zeng
論文名稱(外文):Design and Test of a High-Throughput CABAC Encoder for H.264
指導教授(外文):Ming-Der Shieh
外文關鍵詞:CABAC EncoderSyntax Element
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Because CABAC deals with various types of syntax elements and the inherent data dependency problems exist in the encoding process, it will result in dramatically increased controller complexity if two bins obtained from binarizing any syntax element are handled per clock cycle. In this work, by analyzing the distribution of binarized bins among different video sequences and only allowing a certain type of syntax elements to be processed two bins at a time, we show that significant throughput improvement can be achieved with very limited hardware overhead. In the meanwhile, we also describe the employed memory arrangement scheme and present techniques to improve the operating frequency and the test application time of our design. Experimental results exhibit the advantages of employing the developed design and test schemes.
Chapter 1 Introduction...1
1.1 Introduction to CABAC...1
1.2 Motivation...3
1.3 Organization of this Thesis...5
Chapter 2 Background...6
2.1 Information Theory...6
2.2 Huffman Coding Algorithm...7
2.3 Arithmetic Coding Algorithm...8
2.4 Overview of CABAC Algorithm...11
2.4.1 Basic Components of CABAC...12
2.4.2 Context Modeler...15 Initialization of Contexts...19 Renovation of Contexts...20
2.4.3 Operation Modes in Binary Arithmetic Coder...22 Regular Mode...22 Bypass Mode...26 Termination Mode...26
Chapter 3 Architecture of Context-Based Adaptive Binary Arithmetic Coder...28
3.1 Overall CABAC Coding Flow and Analysis...28
3.1.1 Distribution of Binarized Bins and Syntax Element Coding Flow...29
3.1.2 Syntax Element Generation...32
3.2 Proposed CABAC Architecture...33
3.2.1 The Architecture of Binarizer...35
3.2.2 SE Extraction...36 Contents of SE Extraction Memory...37 SE Extraction Memory Access...40
3.2.3 Context Memory...41 Context Memory Address Generator...42 Partition of Initialization Table...45
3.2.4 Binary Arithmetic Coder...46
3.2.5 Parser Design...48
3.2.6 Operations of Appender...50
Chapter 4 Test Schemes...51
4.1 Previous Test Methodology...51
4.2 Principles for Input Reduction...53
4.3 Test Methodology using ILA...55
4.4 Proposed Test Methods for CABAC...60
Chapter 5 Implementation Results and Performance Analysis...69
5.1 Communication between CABAC and External Components...69
5.2 Proposed CABAC Pipelined Architecture...72
5.3 I/O Pin Definitions....74
5.4 Timing Diagram...75
5.5 Verification Plan...76
5.6 Implementation Results...78
5.7 Test Results...80
Chapter 6 Conclusion and Future Work...82
6.1 Conclusion...82
6.2 Future Work...82
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