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研究生(外文):Jiun-Jang Yu
論文名稱(外文):A Study on the Compact, Low Loss of Comb-Line Filter With Three-Transmission Zeros by Using LTCC Technology
指導教授(外文):Wen-Hsi Lee
外文關鍵詞:Bandpass FilterLTCCTransmission Zero
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本論文主要研究如何利用短路耦合傳輸線、並聯諧振腔與輸入輸出間的回授電容效應來設計擁有高衰減速度與止帶抑制之二階三零點濾波器。文章內容有包含如何利用短路耦合線架構產生單一傳輸零點、回授電路對傳輸零點的影響與利用並聯諧振器與耦合線架構設計獨立雙零點濾波器,最後設計與利用低溫陶瓷共燒技術在不需打孔且僅需五層金屬層下實作三零點濾波器。實作結果於中心頻率5.15~5.35GHz插入損耗僅2.0dB,低頻於通帶外500MHz即可達-30dB,高頻於900M也可達-30dB的抑制效果,且抑制能力也可維持在30dB左右不錯的特性,濾波器尺寸也只有2.5mm x 2.0mm x 1.0mm,研究結果顯示在此新電路架構下利用低溫陶瓷共燒技術,一個小尺寸、低損耗、三零點的濾波器是可以被實踐的。
The main research of this study is to employ the shorted coupled transmission line, parallel resonators, and feedback capacitors to design a second order bnadpass filter with three transmission zeros and sharp cutoff characteristics. The main studies include how to use coupled transmission line to design a bandpass filter with one transmission zero, the influence of the feedback circuit on transmission zeros, and design the bandpass filter with two independent transmission zeros by changing the coupled-line structure and the parallel LC resonators. The proposed filter with three transmission zeros has been implemented using just five layer of metal without punched holes. The measured insertion loss is less than 2dB between 5.15GHz and 5.35GHz. The rejection is more than 30dB from 3.4GHZ to 4.6GHz and beyond 6.2GHz. The size of this filter is only 2.5mm X 2.0mm X 1.0mm.This study shows, a compact, low loss and high out of band rejection filter, with three transmission zeros by using LTCC technology, is practicable.
第一章、 前言1
1-1 研究背景2
1-2 論文章節介紹6
第二章、 基本濾波器設計與基礎介紹7
2-1 基本濾波器設計7
2-2 諧振腔與耦合傳輸線的介紹15
2-2-1 諧振腔的介紹15
2-2-2 耦合線的介紹17
第三章、 傳輸零點濾波器設計18
3-1 單零點濾波器設計18
3-1-1 單零點濾波器設計原理18
3-1-2 單零點濾波器設計步驟與範例25
3-1-2-1 固定傳輸線結構之單零點濾波器設計步驟25
3-1-2-2 固定傳輸零點位置之單零點濾波器設計步驟28
3-1-3 傳輸零點與耦合傳輸線結構的關係32
3-2 雙零點濾波器設計35
3-2-1 雙零點濾波器介紹35
3-2-2 獨立雙零點濾波器設計與分析39
3-3 新型二階三零點濾波器設計44
3-4 J轉換器實現方式對濾波器相位與頻寬之影響49

第四章、 濾波器的實現與量測 57
4-1 LTCC濾波器實現方式57
4-1-1 大電容之實現方式 57
4-1-2 耦合電容之實現方式58
4-1-3 LTCC濾波器多層化之特點64
4-2 具零點濾波器實現65
4-2-1 雙零點濾波器實現 66
4-2-2 三零點濾波器實現 68
4-2-3 模擬與量測結果與討論74
第五章、 結論77
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