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研究生(外文):Chih-Yuan Hsu
論文名稱(外文):A 14-bit 100MSPS Current-Steering DAC with RMDWA Algorithm and New Return-to-Zero Scheme
指導教授(外文):Tai-Haur Kuo
外文關鍵詞:DACdigital-to-analog converterRMDWAreturn-to-zero
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使用上述新提出之技術,本篇論文實現出一個低功率、小面積的十四元位、每秒一百百萬次操作頻率的電流驅動式數位類比轉換器。此數位類比轉換器包含使用隨機式資料加權平均技術的五位元最大位元與高位的最小位元,而此十元位使用熱碼編碼,低位最小位元則維持使用二元碼。轉換器的輸出放置一新式的歸零機制,以使轉換器在高頻輸出時,還能保持較高的效能。此轉換器所含的面積僅0.26 mm2,採用TSMC 0.18微米、1P6M CMOS 製程。經由模擬得知,此轉換器在低頻輸出能達到89dB的無雜訊動態範圍,即使輸出到達Nyquist-rate,也有69dB的無雜訊動態範圍。在1.8伏的電源供應下,類比電路之功率消耗為21mW,數位電路之功率消耗為3mW。
Current-steering digital-to-analog converters (DACs) can drive the external loading directly in high-speed applications. However, the performance of these current-steering DACs is determined by both the static and dynamic linearity. In this thesis, a DEM-like algorithm called “Random Multiple Data-Weighted Averaging, RMDWA” is accomplished to diminish the harmonic distortions resulted from process mismatches with its simple circuit design. BM rotated walk layout technique is proposed to increase the effect. Besides, the DACs also suffer from the glitches when they are operated at high speed. The return-to-zero (RTZ) switching scheme becomes a best candidate to eliminate the glitches from transients. Nevertheless, conventional RTZ schemes are the ways which are shorted the output to the ground. Abrupt voltage change results in current variations and more distortions. A proposed return-to-zero scheme with constant switching load can keep the same environments when transients and can maintain the high spurious free dynamic range (SFDR) in high-speed operations.
Using the antecedent of new techniques, a low-power and small-area 14-bit 100-MHz current-steering DAC is implemented in this thesis. The DAC includes a 5-bit MSBs and ULSBs with thermometer decoders and RMDWA algorithm and 4-bit binary-coded LLSBs. A new return-to-zero switching scheme is placed in output of DAC to maintain the high-performance at high-speed output frequency. It just occupies 0.26mm2 in a TSMC 0.18um 1P6M CMOS process. In the simulation, the SFDR achieves 89dB at the lower output frequency, and 69dB at the Nyquist-rate output frequency with operated frequency of 100MS/s. The power consumptions are 21mW for analog circuits and 2mW for digital circuits from a 1.8V supply.
1 Introduction.............................................1
1.1 Motivation...............................................1
1.2 Organization.............................................2

2 Nyquist-Rate Digital-to-Analog Converter.................3
2.1 Digital-to-Analog Converter Fundamentals.................3
2.1.1 Ideal DAC................................................4
2.1.2 Static Performance.......................................5
2.1.3 Dynamic Performance......................................8
2.1.4 Spectrum Specification...................................9
2.2 Binary-Weighted DAC Architecture.........................13
2.2.1 Resistor-String DAC......................................14
2.2.2 R-2R Ladder DAC..........................................15
2.2.3 Charge Redistribution DAC................................15
2.2.4 Current-Steering DAC.....................................17
2.3 Thermometer-Coded DAC Architecture.......................18
2.4 Segmented DAC Architecture...............................19
2.5 Summary..................................................20

3 System Analysis and Design of DAC........................21
3.1 Mismatch of Current Source...............................21
3.1.1 Gradient Error Distributions.............................21
3.1.2 Random Error.............................................24
3.1.3 Minimum Required Matching and Size of Current Sources....25
3.2 Finite Output Impedance of Current Source................28
3.3 Number of Thermometer Code...............................31
3.4 Random Multiple Data-Weighted Averaging Algorithm........32
3.4.1 Traditional Data-Weighted Averaging Algorithm............32
3.4.2 Random Multiple DWA Algorithm............................34
3.5 Layout Techniques........................................38
3.5.1 QN Rotated Walk Layout Scheme............................38
3.5.2 Proposed BM Rotated Walk Layout Scheme...................41
3.6 Return-to-Zero Scheme....................................45
3.6.1 Conventional-Voltage Shorted RTZ.........................45
3.6.2 Proposed RTZ of Constant Switching Load..................47
3.6.3 Applications for RTZ.....................................51
3.7 Summary..................................................52

4 Circuit Design of DAC....................................53
4.1 DAC Architecture.........................................53
4.2 Current Cell.............................................54
4.2.1 Cascode Current Source...................................54
4.2.2 Bias of Current Cell.....................................56
4.3 High-Speed Latch.........................................58
4.4 Digital Circuit..........................................61
4.4.1 Linear Feedback Shift Register Circuit...................61
4.4.2 Binary-to-Thermometer Decoder............................63
4.4.3 RMDWA Control Circuit....................................64
4.5 Layout...................................................67
4.6 Summary..................................................70

5 Simulation Result and Measurement........................71
5.1 Simulation Results.......................................71
5.2 Measurement Setup........................................77

6 Conclusion and Future Work...............................78

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