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研究生(外文):Qian-Ji Gong
論文名稱(外文):Influences of Temperature and Strain-Rate on the Dynamic Shear Properties of Unweldable Al-Sc Alloy
指導教授(外文):Woei-Shyan Lee
外文關鍵詞:Dynamic shearUnweldable Al-Sc alloytorsional split-Hopkinson barStrain-rate
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本文所探討之主題為非可銲性鋁鈧合金受動態剪切荷載下之塑性變形行為,利用霍普金森扭轉試驗機所產生之一維彈性扭轉波傳效應來達到所需之動態剪切行為。其實驗所設定之條件為-150℃、25℃、300℃之環境溫度下,應變速率800 、1500 、2200 、2800 等四種不同的扭轉荷載速率。由最後所得之巨觀機械性質與破壞特性,來探討溫度與應變速率兩者於動態剪切荷載下對材料塑變行為之影響與關係,並引入一構成方程式用以描述鋁鈧合金於高速動態剪切荷載下之塑變過程,以利於工程設計與模擬分析之用。
This study uses the torsional split-Hopkinson bar to investigate the shear response and fracture characteristics of unweldable Al-Sc alloy during mechanical testing at shear strain rates of 800 s-1, 1500 s-1, 2200 s-1 and 2800 s-1 and temperatures of -150 , 25 and 300 . The experimental results show that both the shear strain rate and the temperature have a significant effect on the shear properties of the Al-Sc alloy. At a constant temperature, the shear stress, fracture shear strain, work hardening rate, yielding shear strength, work hardening coefficient, strain rate sensitivity and temperature sensitivity all increase with increasing strain rate. However, the inverse tendency is observed with increasing temperature at a constant strain rate. It is found that the Kobayashi and Dodd constitutive equation provides accurate predictions of the high strain rate shear plastic behaviour of unweldable Al-Sc alloy. SEM fractographic observations reveal that the fracture surfaces are characterized by a dimple-like structure. The density of the dimples increase with increasing strain rate at a constant temperature, or with an increasing temperature at a constant strain rate. The presence of precipitates in the fracture surface indicates that the fracture initiates at the interface of the matrix and the precipitates. Finally, twisted shear bands are observed on the equatorial plane of the gauge length section of the deformed specimens. The microhardness of these shear bands increases with the strain rate, but decreases with the temperature as a result of different work hardening effects.
中文摘要 II
誌 謝 III
總目錄 IV
表目錄 VII
圖目錄 IX
符號說明 XIV
第一章 前言 1
第二章 理論與文獻回顧 5
2-1 鋁合金之介紹 5
2-1-1 鋁合金之處理 5
2-1-2 合金成份對鋁合金之影響[32] 6
2-1-3 鋁合金之析出硬化[33,34] 7
2-2 鋁鈧合金之介紹[35] 8
2-3 塑性變形之機械測試類別 10
2-4 一維扭轉波傳理論 12
2-5 霍普金森扭轉試驗機原理 14
2-6 材料塑性變形行為之特性 17
2-7 材料變形構成方程式 20
第三章 實驗方法與步驟 34
3-1試件製作 34
3-2 實驗儀器設備 35
3-2-1 霍普金森扭轉試驗機 35
3-2-3 掃描式電子顯微鏡 (SEM) 36
3-2-4 光學顯微鏡 (OM) 37
3-2-5 微小硬度試驗機 (Micro-Hardness Tester) 37
3-3 實驗方法與步驟 37
3-3-1 動態扭轉試驗 37
3-3-2 破斷面之觀察 (SEM) 39
3-3-3 試件金相之觀察 (OM) 39
3-3-4 試件之微硬度分析 39
第四章 實驗結果與討論 44
4-1 剪應力-剪應變曲線之討論 44
4-2 加工硬化率之探討 45
4-3 應變速率效應 48
4-4 溫度效應 49
4-5 活化能 50
4-6 理論溫升量 53
4-7 材料變形構成方程式 54
4-8 微觀分析 55
4-8-1 破壞形貌觀察 (SEM) 55
4-8-1-1 試件破斷面形貌之觀察 55
4-8-1-2 試件破壞形貌之觀察 56
4-8-1-3 析出物之觀察 57
4-8-2 金相組織觀察 (OM) 58
第五章 結論 104
參考文獻 106
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