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研究生(外文):Jhih-Min Hsu
論文名稱(外文):Effect of Material Physical Properties on Residual Stress Measurement by EDM Hole-Drilling Method
指導教授(外文):Hwa-Teng Lee
外文關鍵詞:Hole-Drilling Strain-Gage MethodEDMCarbon EquivalentThermal ConductivityResidual Stress
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實驗中以AISI D2使用7組放電條件由其中選擇一組最佳條件以作為不同材料量測放電加工殘留應力之參數。分析AISI 4140、L6、H13、M2、D2五種常用鋼料,量測在無應力試件情況下,所引入的殘留應力值來評估放電加工參數、材料合金元素、機械性質、熱物理性質等因素對放電加工鑽孔法量測殘留應力之影響。
結果顯示,材料熱傳導係數(k)越高,校正應力(σcal.)越低,在放電條件120V/12A/6μs/30μs時,具有一乘冪的關係式:σcal.= 325.5k-0.65 MPa,能用熱傳導係數準確的預測校正應力,故本研究以材料熱傳導係數為觀點,提出一校正程序以正向補償放電加工鑽孔法所引進的額外鑽孔壓應力,以預測方式大幅簡化實驗過程,使放電加工鑽孔法量測殘留應力達到方便與實用化目的。此外,AISI D2因熱傳導係數較低且裂紋敏感性大,在SEM下可觀察到有裂紋的產生,其他材料均無裂紋的產生,而使AISI D2由於白層開裂導致應力量測值偏離熱傳導係數預測最多。
碳當量為另一種簡易的方法亦可用以預估放電加工鑽孔法之校正應力,彼此之間有著線性關係,其公式為:σcal. = 7.6×(Ceq.) + 22.4 MPa。因此以放電加工鑽孔的方式搭配應變規鑽孔法(ASTM standard E837)的規範,提供了另一種量測高硬度、耐磨耗材料之殘留應力的可行方法。
The research aims at probing into the relation between material physical properties and induced residual stress by EDM hole-drilling method. Among the ways to measure residual stresses, the High Speed Hole-Drilling Method is used popularly in industry. However this method is not suitable for materials with high hardness and wear resistance because the drilling tool will be severe wear. In order to solve this problem, the EDM Hole-Drilling Method was introduced and investigated.
Experiments use cold-working tool steel AISI D2 with 7 conditions of EDM to evaluate the influence in process parameters change of EDM characteristic, and then choose one optimum conduction among them. The optimum condition used for measuring EDM residual stress on different material, for analyzing the induced residual stress under non-stress situation to assess the factors of EDM parameter, alloying element, mechanical property, thermal physical property, etc. influence on EDM hole-drilling method.
The result of research shows higher is the material thermal conductivity coefficient, lower is the induced residual stress. When EDM condition is 120V/12A/6μs/30μs, there is a power equation between each other, its formula is : σcal. = 325.5k-0.65 MPa. Therefore, a calibration procedure based on the thermal conductivity (k) of the material is proposed to compensate positively for the additional compressive stress induced by the EDM hole-drilling process. Simplify experiment processes by ways of predicting, it makes EDM Hole-Drilling Method convenience and usability. In addition, AISI D2 has lower thermal conductivity and higher crack susceptibility, it can observe crack under SEM, other materials have not. White layers of cracks conduce to release residual stress, and lose accurately to predict.
Carbon equivalent is another sample method to predict the calibration stress of EDM Hole-Drilling method, there is a linear equation between each other, its formula is: σcal. = 7.6×(Ceq.) + 22.4 MPa. Therefore, the EDM drilling process combining with the Hole-Drilling Strain-Gage Method (ASTM standard E837) provides an feasible means to determine the residual stress in materials with high hardness and good wear resistance.
中文摘要 Ⅰ
英文摘要 Ⅱ
誌謝 Ⅳ
總目錄 Ⅴ
表目錄 Ⅶ
圖目錄 Ⅷ
一、 前言 1
1.1前言 1
1.2文獻回顧 3
二、 殘留應力檢測技術與應變規鑽孔法 8
2.1殘留應力檢測技術 8
2.1.1殘留應力檢測技術簡介 8
2.1.2鑽孔方式簡介 12
2.2應變規鑽孔法 14
2.2.1理論說明 14
2.2.2 ASTM E837規範 22
2.3放電加工法 25
2.3.1放電加工原理 25
2.3.2加工後表面形貌上的特徵 27
2.3.3加工變質層與殘留應力 29
三、 實驗內容 31
3.1實驗設計與流程 31
3.2實驗儀器與設備 33
3.3實驗材料 35
3.4實驗試件備置 39
3.5實驗電極材料 43
四、 實驗結果與討論 44
4.1放電加工最佳參數選取 44
4.1.1放電鑽孔外型與表面形貌 44
4.1.2最佳放電參數選取 52
4.2材料參數對引進應力量測的影響 55
4.2.1多種材料應變釋放曲線 55
4.2.2熱傳導係數對放電加工引進應力的影響 61
4.3碳當量對殘留應力之影響 69
4.3.1碳當量與熱傳導係數關係 69
4.3.2碳當量對殘留應力之影響 73
4.4放電加工鑽孔校正法 77
4.4.1 一般鋼種放電加工鑽孔校正法 77
4.4.2易開裂鋼種放電加工鑽孔校正法 80
五、 結論 84
六、 未來研究方向 86
七、 參考文獻 87
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