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研究生(外文):Guan-Chin Huang
論文名稱(外文):Excimer Laser Micromachining of 3D Microstructures Based on Method of Probability Distribution
指導教授(外文):Yung-Chun Li
外文關鍵詞:Refractive MicrolensSpherical MicrolensMicro-Optic DeviceProbability Distribution MethodExcimer Laser Micromachining
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  本論文主要是利用準分子雷射(Excimer Laser)微細加工技術製作任意曲面三維微結構,文中以機率式加工法(包括「創新式孔洞面積法」與「準分子雷射行星式加工法」)製作非軸對稱以及軸對稱之三維微結構,並將其應用於折射式微光學元件,證明此二種準分子雷射加工法之可行性與精確度。
  而「準分子雷射行星式加工法」方面,利用特殊的光罩設計,配合工件的自轉與公轉,使雷射投射在工件上的機率呈現三維的連續分布,可快速、精確地製作軸對稱球面微透鏡,實驗結果顯示此加工法所製作之微透鏡表面形貌控制佳,且表面粗糙度僅約10 nm,光學特性良好。最後將製作完成之微透鏡與塑膠光纖(Plastic Optical Fiber, POF)結合,使得光纖末端有良好的聚焦效果,以驗證此準分子雷射行星式加工法應用於製作折射式微透鏡之發展潛力。
  This study applies excimer laser micro-machining technology to the manufacturing 3D microstructures of continuous profiles. Two different excimer laser machining methods based on the idea of probability distribution are used to fabricate axially symmetrical and non-axially symmetrical microstructures. Both theoretical and experimental studies are carried out to verify the feasibility and machining accuracy of these excimer laser micromachining processes.
  Firstly, an “innovated hole area modulation method” is applied to fabricate non-axially symmetrical microstructures. We modify several parameters of machining contour paths and mask design process to minimize the roughness of machined microstructures. The experimental results show that this method could improve the surface roughness successfully through different types and contour ranges of excimer laser machining. However, it still has some problems on machining accuracy because the probability distribution of masks is not continuous. If one can design a mask alignment system of high precision orientation, let non-inverse and inverse masks to be used together, this machining method will have great potentials in manufacturing arbitrary non-axially symmetrical micro-optical devices in the future.
  In order to manufacture axially symmetrical spherical microlenses, the “excimer laser planetary contour scanning method” is adopted in this work. The basic idea is based on a specific mask design method and a sample rotation method which includes both self-spinning and circular revolving to provide a probability function of laser machining. The probability function created by the planetary scanning assures a continuous, smooth, and precise surface profile to the machined microstructures. The surface profiles are measured and compared with their theoretical counterparts. Excellent agreements both in profile shapes and dimensions are achieved. The machined microlenses will be combined with plastic optical fiber (POF) to verify potentials in fabricating micro-optic components such as refractive microlenses or other optical-fiber related micro-devices.
摘要 I
Abstract III
誌謝 V
目錄 VI
圖目錄 IX
表目錄 XVII
符號說明 XVIII
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究動機與目的 1
1-2 文獻回顧 4
1-3 本文架構 9
第二章 準分子雷射加工法 11
2-1 準分子雷射原理 11
2-2  KrF準分子雷射加工系統 14
2-3 創新式孔洞面積法 17
2-3-1 孔洞面積法加工原理 17
2-3-2 光罩設計理論 18
2-3-3 加工路徑引入與光罩最佳化設計 22
2-4 行星式加工法 31
2-4-1 行星式加工法原理 31
2-4-2 光罩設計理論 34
第三章 創新式孔洞面積法加工非軸對稱微結構 37
3-1 準分子雷射加工之材料特性檢測 37
3-2 創新式孔洞面積法之加工路徑參數探討 39
3-2-1 光罩設計與路徑規畫 39
3-2-2 三維表面形貌量測 44
3-2-3 掃描式電子顯微鏡(SEM)量測 59
3-3 加工完成後整面轟擊參數探討 62
3-3-1 三維表面形貌檢測 62
3-3-2 掃描式電子顯微鏡(SEM)量測 74
3-4 結果與討論 78
第四章 微型光纖聚焦透鏡設計、製作與檢測 83
4-1 光罩設計結果 83
4-2 準分子雷射加工 85
4-3 微透鏡製作結果檢測 87
4-3-1 微透鏡三維表面形貌量測 87
4-3-2 掃描式電子顯微鏡(SEM)量測 89
4-3-3 表面粗糙度檢測 89
4-3-4 ZEMAX光學特性分析 90
4-3-5 光纖聚焦效率檢測 94
第五章 結論與未來展望 105
參考文獻 110
附錄一 114
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