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研究生(外文):Hsuan-Yuan Su
論文名稱(外文):Bluetooth-based Wireless Transmission System for Recording Brain Activity in Freely Moving Rats
指導教授(外文):Jia Jin Jason Chen
中文關鍵詞:靈活的傳輸架構神經生理訊號place cell藍芽收發器遙測
外文關鍵詞:TelemetryBluetoothneurophysiological signalsplace cellsflexible transmission structure
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  應用無線傳輸技術於神經科學研究的拓展已成功地讓實驗室動物從束縛脫離且可自由行進中紀錄單一或是多個區域的生理訊號以配合不同性質的實驗。本實驗目的在發展以藍芽為傳輸介面、具備輕巧以及靈活傳輸架構的遙測系統以擷取可自由活動老鼠之神經生理訊號。本遙測系統具備低消耗功率以及足夠的傳輸距離使得受測動物得以於特定空間自由活動。主要的四個架構如下:固定放大倍率的類比前端設計、執行接收到指令的數位電路、連結無線網路的藍芽模組、提供系統所需的充電電池。本系統長寬高分別是 5 × 4 × 1公分,包含充電電池的總重量為26克,受測老鼠如同背負背包般在半徑五公尺內成功地接收指令以及訊號傳遞。在電腦端的部份,透過 LabVIEW平台開發的圖形使用者介面提供實驗人員下達外部指令與接收數位化生理訊號。配合指定的及擷取通道與取樣頻率,系統最大資料傳輸量為 120 kbps。三種訊號擷取組合可執行系統校正、低取樣頻率 (1 kHz) 下提供八個通道訊號擷取、高取樣頻率 (10 kHz) 下紀錄單一指定通道訊號。實驗人員可透過傳遞外部指令且在不中斷動物行為表現的情況下選擇合適的訊號擷取組合。本藍芽傳輸介面的遙測系統可針對老鼠海馬回 “place cells” 執行單一區域訊號擷取。
 The expanding neuroscience research of wireless technology could be successfully applied to single-unit and multi-site recordings from laboratory animals with total freedom from the constraints to accomplish various experiments. The aim of this study is to develop a compact Bluetooth-based telemetry system with flexible transmission structure which is able to acquire neurophysiological signals in freely moving rats. The Bluetooth-based telemetry system with low-power consumption and adequate working distance could free the test subject in the specified field. It comprises four parts: the analog front end for amplification of biological signals, the digital circuitry for executing incoming commands, the Bluetooth transceiver for linking the wireless network, and a set of batteries for supplying the entire system. The entire wireless telemetry system measures 5 cm × 4 cm × 1 cm and weighs 26 gram which is feasible to be mounted as a backpack on rats within a radius of 5 meters. In PC-based side, a programmable graphic user interface programmed in LabVIEW platform can bi-directionally deliver external commands and receive digitized biological signals. The maximum data rate based on desired channel and sampling rate is 120 kbps. Three signal recording schemes have been implemented which include pseudo calibration mode, low-frequency (1 kHz) for all eight channels, high-frequency (10 kHz) for single-channel. The experimenters can choose appropriate recording scheme by sending the commands wirelessly without interrupting the animal behavior. The developed Bluetooth-based telemetry system has been verified in single-unit recording of “place cells” from hippocampus in Wistar rats.
中文摘要 I
Abstract II
Contents Ⅲ
List of Tables Ⅴ
List of Figures Ⅵ

Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Applications of wireless sensing device for brain activity 1
1.2 Comparison between two wireless systems 6
1.3 Place cell and hippocampus 7
1.4 The aim of study 9

Chapter 2 Material and Methods 10
2.1 Construction of bidirectional telemetry system 10
2.1.1 Design of the AFE for sensing signals 11
2.1.2 Development of A/D Converter and Microcontroller unit 12
2.1.3 Transmission protocol of Bluetooth 13
2.1.4 Battery 15
2.2 The PC-based wireless system 16
2.2.1 Design of programmable graphic user interface 16
2.2.2 Flow chart of communication between wireless PC, MCU, and A/D converter 18
2.3 Design of animal experiment 21
2.3.1 Preparation of animal 21
2.3.2 Wire and wireless recording procedures 22

Chapter 3 Results 24
3.1 The structure of Bluetooth-based telemetry system 24
3.2 System validation for numeral string and sinusoid signal sensing 27
3.3 Example of wired recording of single-unit activity of place cells 30

Chapter 4 Discussions and Conclusions 33
4.1 Flexibility of Bluetooth-based telemetry system 33
4.2 Conclusions 34

Reference 36
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