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研究生(外文):Chia-Pin Li
論文名稱(外文):Implementation of Bluetooth-Based Telemetry System for Single-Unit Recording of Rats in Three-Dimensional Tunnel
指導教授(外文):Jia-Jin J. Chen
中文關鍵詞:藍芽自由活動的大鼠神經單細胞紀錄place cells
外文關鍵詞:Bluetoothfreely moving ratsplace cellssingle unit recording
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無線遙測是一種重要的技術,它可以用來傳遞從清醒且自由活動的動物身上所得到的神經訊號而且能克服有線系統所受到環境雜訊的干擾。本研究中,我們發展實現了一套靈活且微小化的藍芽無線傳輸訊號擷取系統於三維走道之大鼠的神經單細胞紀錄。我們的藍芽無線傳輸訊號擷取系統可背附在老鼠身上,主要由類比前置放大器、數位控制單元、藍芽傳輸模組和可充電式的鋰電池四部份所構成。本擷取系統的尺寸大小分別為長4公分、寬3.5公分、高1公分,而總重量為25.3克,適合使用在體型較小的動物身上進行實驗。在電腦接收端方面,我們利用程式開發軟體,設計出一套靈活且容易使用的圖控式使用者介面,用來執行外部指令傳達到老鼠身上的無線訊號擷取系統,除此之外,還可以透過此介面在電腦上進行即時的資料接收、顯示和儲存等功能。我們的系統可以提供8個訊號擷取通道使用1 kHz的取樣頻率同時紀錄EEG訊號,來進行訊號品質的檢定,另外,我們的系統還能夠提供單一訊號擷取通道在10kHz的取樣頻率與12位元解析度下,進行單一神經細胞電位記錄。本系統可以在5公尺的傳輸範圍內正確地傳輸腦波訊號到我們的電腦端,而且可以連續使用長達2個小時。此外,我們的系統更可以在三維走道的條件下,成功的從清醒且自由活動的老鼠身上記錄到place cells 所產生的神經單細胞電位。在比較本系統與一般商用的訊號擷取系統所量測到的神經訊號,發現具有很高的訊號相似度。我們的藍芽無線傳輸訊號擷取系統滿足了現今神經電生理學的實驗需求,此外也提供了一種新的研究方式來配合目前行為神經生理學的研究方法對自由活動的動物進行動物行為研究。
Wireless telemetry is a valuable technique that allows the transmission of neural signals in conscious, freely moving animals without environmental interference from connecting wires apparatus. This study implemented a flexible, miniaturized Bluetooth-Based telemetry system for single unit recording of place cells in the male Wistar rats during the three-dimensional (3D) tunnel navigation. The Bluetooth telemetry data acquisition system included analogue front end, digital controller unit, Bluetooth transceiver, and a set of rechargeable batteries carried on the back of the rats. The whole backpack system which was sized up 4 cm x 3.5 cm x 1 cm and weighed 25.3g was a suitable modality for small animal experiments. A flexible user friendly graphical user interface (GUI) was designed for external commands delivering to the wearable telemetry system and real time data receiving on the PC. The quality of each channel was first observed for entire eight channels sampled at 1 kHz per channel. Available single-unit recording was selected to be sampled at 10 kHz of 12-bit resolution. Successful transmission of brain activities was carried out within the distance in 5 meters. Continuous operation time for more than two hours was successfully applied to record the single neuronal signals of place cells from rat navigating in 3D tunnel conditions. Signals were compared to those recorded by a commercially available wired system which found to be nearly identical. This Bluetooth telemetry system that meets the demands of modern electrophysiology might open a new perspective for combined behavioral neurophysiological approaches in freely-behaving animals.
List of tables.............................................................VII
List of figures...........................................................VIII
Chapter 1 Introduction.......................................................1
1.1 Introduction to place cells..............................................1
1.2 Applications of telemetry system for brain activities recordings.........3
1.3 Comparison among digital telemetry systems...............................4
1.4 Motivations and research aims............................................5
Chapter 2 Material and Methods...............................................7
2.1 Implementation of Bluetooth-Based wireless sensing system................7
2.1.1 AFE for neurophysiological signals amplification.......................9
2.1.2 Development of digital data acquisition and control unit..............10
2.1.3 Protocol setting for Bluetooth module.................................11
2.2 PC–based wireless recording system for data transmission...............14
2.2.1 Flexible and convenient design of programmable GUI....................14
2.2.2 Flowchart of Bluetooth-Based wireless data acquisition processes......14
2.3 Experimental design.....................................................16
2.3.1 Fabrication of recording electrodes...................................16
2.3.2 Animal preparation and electrode implantation.........................17
2.3.3 Three-dimensional tunnel for animal behavior studies..................18
2.3.4 Animal training in 3D tunnel..........................................20
Chapter 3 Results...........................................................22
3.1 The structure of Bluetooth-Based telemetry system.......................22
3.2 Control panel for bidirectional wireless transmission...................25
3.3 Validation of Bluetooth-Based telemetry system..........................27
3.3.1 System validation for numeral string and sinusoid signal sensing......27
3.3.2 Elimination of radio frequency coupling interference..................30
3.4 Single-unit recording from place cells during rat navigation............36
Chapter 4 Discussions and Conclusions.......................................48
4.1 Discussions.............................................................48
4.1.1 Bluetooth-Based wireless data acquisition for single-unit recording...48
4.1.2 Special care for designing low noise data acquisition system..........49
4.1.3 Place cells in 3D tunnel studies......................................50
4.2 Conclusions and Future Developments.....................................52
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