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研究生(外文):Chien-Fen Liao
論文名稱(外文):Effects of Different Movement Strategies on Forward Reach Distance
指導教授(外文):Sang-I Lin
外文關鍵詞:Functional reach testBalanceCenter of massMovement strategy
  • 被引用被引用:1
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研究方法:共有三十三位健康年輕受試者參與本實驗。此測試要求受試者雙腳與肩同寬站立,右手往前舉到90度,聽到”開始”的指令後就盡量往前伸,越遠越好,但是不可以跨出一步或是跌倒。受試者要完成3種不同的情況,第一種即控制之情況,除了以上所述之口令外,沒有更改或加入其他口令。另外兩種情況是為了誘發受試者出現不同的動作策略,除了先前口令之內容外,還加入其他指令。碼尺之情況(YARDSTICK condition)請受試者在往前伸的動作過程中,手都要沿著擺放在肩膀高度的尺往前伸。目標物之情況(TARGET condition)是請受試者往前方約兩公尺遠、位於肩膀高度之目標物前伸。本研究利用VICON動作分析儀以及38顆反光球來記錄身體運動學在伸取過程中之資料。策略之定義方面,髖策略是指往前伸的過程中踝關節是往蹠曲的方向運動;踝策略指的是開始動作時踝關節是往背曲方向運動,並且動作過程中髖關節之角度位移小於15度。混合策略指的是開始動作時踝關節是往背曲方向運動,但動作過程中髖關節之角度位移大於15度。計算的參數包括前伸距離、質量中心往前位移的距離、髖關節中心往後位移的距離、質量中心移動的速度,以及軀幹、髖關節和踝關節位移的角度。
Background and purposes. Functional reach test (FRT) is a reliable test and frequently used to measure dynamic standing balance clinically. However, it is not clear if reach strategy would affect the association between reach distance and dynamic balance ability. The purposes of this study were to investigate the extent to which reach distance reflected dynamic balance in different strategies.
Methods. Thirty-three healthy young adults performed FRT that required the subjects to stand with the feet shoulder width apart and one arm raised to 90,°and then reach forward as far as possible without moving the feet or losing balance (control condition). Two additional instructions were given to induce different strategies: keeping the raised arm at 90° throughout the test, and reaching toward a shoulder-height target about 2 m in front. The body kinematics was recorded and 3 different strategies, hip, ankle and mixed, were identified based upon angular motion of the hip and ankle.
Results. The results showed that subjects would adopt different strategies during FRT. Significant correlations were found between reach distance and center of mass (COM) displacement in the control condition, ankle, and mixed strategies, except in hip strategy. Reach distance, hip posterior displacement and angular displacement of the trunk, hip and ankle, except the COM displacement or speed, were significantly different among the control condition and three strategies.
Conclusion. Different strategies during FRT would be adopted, and movement strategies affected the extent to which reach distance reflected dynamic balance ability. Reach distance or strategies adopted alone might not serve as an indicator for dynamic balance. It is thus suggested that in clinical test, both reach distance and movement patterns should be monitored.
Abstract ------------------------------------------------------------I
Chinese abstract ----------------------------------------------------------III
Acknowledgement ------------------------------------------------------------V
List of tables ----------------------------------------------------------VII
List of figures ---------------------------------------------------------VIII
Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------1
Methods ------------------------------------------------------------4
Results ------------------------------------------------------------8
Discussion -----------------------------------------------------------10
Conclusion -----------------------------------------------------------15
References -----------------------------------------------------------16
Appendix -----------------------------------------------------------33
Author’s background---------------------------------------------------------35
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