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研究生(外文):Huo-Lieh Tsai
論文名稱(外文):Electrical Properties and Fabrication of GaInNAs PIN Photodetectors
指導教授(外文):Yan-Kuin Su
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In this thesis, we used the novel multiple quantum wells (MQWs) laser structure as our photodetector structure. The GaInNAs/GaAs MQWs was used as the absorption layer of photodetectors by metal organic vapor phase epitaxy (MOVPE). Lattice-mismatch between GaInNAs and GaAs can be reduced by incorporating proper amount of indium and nitrogen and thus the defects due to lattice mismatch can be reduced. Also, the photodetectors with excellent quality demonstrate lower dark current and noise.
In the first part, we discuss the electric characteristics of photodetectors with and without cladding layer”AlGaAs”. The cladding layer”AlGaAs” in our photodetector structure will form a double heterostructure, than the valence band discontinuity (∆Ev) and conduction band discontinuity (∆Ec) will occurs. Although the band discontinuities will suppress both the dark current and photocurrent, the decrease of photocurrent is less significantly compared to that of dark current. Consequently, the photodetectors with cladding layer will has the higher photo/dark current contrast ratio and responsivity rejection ratio.
In the next part, we compare the electric characteristics between the GaInNAs/GaAs and InGaAs/GaAs multiple quantum well laser structure. Also, we compare the difference between 3 and 5 periods of GaInNAs/GaAs multiple quantum well. The best choice is the 3 periods of GaInNAs/GaAs multiple quantum well laser structure with cladding layer”AlGaAs” which the photo/dark current contrast ratio and responsivity are 100000 and two orders at -2V and its ideal factor is 1.417.

Abstract I

Acknowledgement V

Contents VI

Figure Captions Ⅸ

Table Captions XI

Chapter 1 Introduction 1

1-1 Background 1

Chapter 2 Fabrication Systems and device process 10

2-1 Metal Organic Vapor Phase Epitaxy System 10

2-2 Photoluminescence (PL) Spectroscopy 12

2-3 HR-HRD characterization 14

2-4 Hall Measurement 15

2-5 Responsivity Measurement Systems and Other

Measurement Systems 17

2-6 Device Process 18

Chapter 3 Theoretic foundation of the photodetectors 30

3-1 Mechanism of the current transport for
junction photodiodes 30
3-2 Mechanisms of p-i-n photodiodes 32

3-3 Electrical Characteristics of MQW Mesa
p-i-n photodetectors 33

Chapter 4 GaInNAs/GaAs MQW P-I-N Photodetectors 45

4-1-1 Electric characteristics of GaInNAs/GaAs
multiple quantum well photodetectors 46
4-1-2 The Advantages of GaInNAs/GaAs MQW
p-i-n Photodetectors with Cladding Layer AlGaAs 48
4-1-3 Summary 53
4-2 The electric characteristics of photodetectors
with different MQW fabraiction 54
4-2-1 Dislocation issues 54
4-2-2 Characterization of HR-XRD and
photoluminescence (PL) Spectroscopy 57
4-2-3 Discussion of the electric characteristics 58
4-2-4 Junction breakdown voltage 61
4-2-5 Forward I- V Characteristics 62
4-2-6 The noise characteristics discussion 63
4-2-7 The detail discussion of sample 281 66
4-2-8 Summary 66

Chapter 5 Conclusions and Future Works

5-1 Conclusions 89
5-2 Future Works 91

References 92
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