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研究生(外文):Tung-Hsien Lin
論文名稱(外文):An Image Hiding Method for JPEG Compression Images Based on Vector Quantization
指導教授(外文):Yu-Kuen Ho
外文關鍵詞:JPEGVector QuantizationImage Hiding
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  近年來隨著網路技術的進步,各種多媒體資料能夠輕易地在網際網路上傳送,影像隱藏技術(Image Hiding Technique)在此亦有著相當的進展,在網路傳輸上JPEG壓縮影像廣泛的使用率使其成為一個很好的影像隱藏載體。由於一般影像資料量甚大,因此將欲隱藏之秘密影像利用高壓縮率的向量量化法壓縮後減少所需的容量,在藏入影像之後較能降低對掩護影像畫質之影響也較不亦被察覺。
  With the progress of network techniques in recent years, various multimedia data can be conveyed on internet easily, and image hiding technique also have great improvement in this respect. JPEG image is a suitable secret image carrier because it’s popular usage on internet. On the other hand, due to the capacity of secret image is high and it could degrade the cover image’s quality seriously after embedded. It’s suitable to use high compression ratio method such like vector quantization (VQ) to compress the secret image.
  Pervious research about embed VQ secret image into JPEG cover image, it’s done by an invertible embed method with changing the coefficients of JPEG quantization table, so the JPEG cover image could directly use as the VQ codebook training image. Therefore, both side of secret channel no need to build up codebook in advance to increase the maneuverability of the system. But the JPEG quantization table is restored in it’s header and it could take out easily to observe if it’s a suspicious image, It is probably inadequate when high security demanded situation.
  An image hiding method is proposed in this paper, VQ secret image is embedded into JPEG cover image utilizing the features in frequency domain of JPEG image and no need to modify the JPEG quantization table. The degradation due to embed is like the degradation of higher JPEG compression to reduce the chance to be suspicious. At the same time, cover image can also be use as the codebook training image to keep the maneuverability of the system. Experiment shows this method can maintain good imperceptibility than other methods to transmit secret image.
第一章 緒論............................................1
第二章 相關背景. ......................................5
2.1 JPEG壓縮標準概觀. ..............................5
2.2 向量量化影像編碼...............................13
2.3 影像隱藏技術...................................16
2.4 利用JPEG特徵之資料隱藏技術.....................18
2.5 影像品質評估方式...............................22
第三章 一個將向量量化影像藏入於JPEG影像之隱藏技術.....24
3.1 JPEG最小編碼區塊係數之劃分.................... 26
3.2 編碼簿訓練.....................................28
3.3 區塊平均變動率計算.............................29
3.4 秘密影像向量量量化編碼與嵌入...................31
3.5 秘密圖像之萃取.................................32
第四章 實驗結果.......................................34
4.1 實驗相關配備及環境.............................36
4.2 不同品質參數對於JPEG掩護影像壓縮之影響.........36
4.3 編碼簿大小與碼向量維度.........................37
4.4 不同JPEG品質參數與嵌入後掩護影像品質之影響.....41
4.5 與相關研究之比較...............................45
第五章 結論與未來展望.................................46
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