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研究生(外文):Ching-Lung Chi
論文名稱(外文):Low-Complexity Step-by-Step Decoding Algorithm of Some Cyclic Codes
指導教授(外文):Szu-Lin Su
外文關鍵詞:Computational ComplexityError Control Coding
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循環碼是被廣泛應用在數位通訊系統的糾錯碼。有一些方法如代數、歐基理德和步階解碼演算法被發展出來解循環碼。本論文提出新的步階解碼法來降低解循環碼的運算複雜度。首先一種低複雜度步階解碼演算法被提出來解t個錯的二位元BCH 碼。步階解碼法省略錯誤位置多項式係數和求根的計算,所以它的複雜度比標準代數解碼法低。然而傳統步階解碼法並未嘗試去降低矩陣運算量,而本文提出的方法藉由邏輯分析,可以將傳統步階解碼法判斷接收的一個位元訊息是否錯誤簡化成一個簡單式,其所需要的矩陣運算大約只有傳統方法的一半。應用本新解碼法,我們也提出一個簡單規則的步階解碼演算法,進一步降低步階解碼法中的矩陣及乘法運算。此外,我們將這種解碼法應用在 (23, 12, 7) 格雷碼解碼,可以有效的降低運算複雜度。最後,本論文提出一種結合步階解碼法與QAM系統解RS碼的低複雜度演算法,由於傳統RS步階解碼法需要較高的疊代及徵候矩陣運算,所以在高解碼能力時無法被廣泛使用,而相較於傳統RS步階解碼法,本文提出的方法在解碼時只要以(2m-1)分之一倍的疊代次數測試錯誤值,所以它的運算複雜度低於傳統RS步階解碼法。
Among the many error-correcting codes, cyclic codes are widely employed in digital communication system. Some decoding techniques have been proposed for decoding the cyclic codes, such as the standard algebraic algorithm, the Euclid’s algorithm and the step-by-step algorithm. To reduce the computational complexity, novel step-by-step decoding algorithms are proposed in this thesis. To begin with, a low-complexity step-by-step decoding algorithm for t-error-correcting binary Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem (BCH) codes is proposed. The step-by-step decoding method avoids calculating the coefficients and searching for the roots of the error-location polynomial, so it is less complex than the standard algebraic method. However, the conventional step-by-step decoding algorithm has not tried to reduce the number of matrix-calculations. By using logical analysis, the determination whether a received bit is erroneous in the new scheme as the conventional step-by-step decoding algorithm can be further simplified into general functions. The new decoder requires only approximately half of the matrix calculations as the conventional step-by-step decoder. Based on the new decoder, we obtain a simple rule and propose a novel step-by-step decoding algorithm. The decoder significantly reduces the matrix calculations and the operations of multiplication compared with the previous algorithms. Moreover, the proposed method can be applied to decode the (23, 12, 7) Golay code. The computational complexity can be reduced significantly using this scheme. Finally, this dissertation proposes a low-complexity decoding algorithm for Reed-Solomon codes which combines a modified step-by-step decoder with 2m-QAM system. The conventional step-by-step decoding algorithm has not been widely employed for RS code with large error-correcting capability, since the calculation of the iteration and syndrome matrix determinant. The computational complexity of this decoder is less than the conventional step-by-step decoder, since it reduces the computations of iteration-calculation of testing the error values by a factor of (2m-1).

摘要............................................................................................................................ ......Ⅰ
Abstract ............................................................................................................................. Ⅱ
誌謝 ................................................................................................................................... Ⅳ
Contens ...............................................................................................................................Ⅴ
List of Tables ..................................................................................................................... Ⅷ
List of Figures ................................................................................................................... Ⅷ
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Historical Overviews 3
1.2 The Motivation of the Disseration 6
1.3 Organization of the Dissertation 7
Chapter 2 Preliminaries 9
2.1 Linear Block Codes 9
2.1.1 Vector Spaces and Subspaces 11
2.1.2 Decoding Task 12
2.1.3 Decoder Implementation 23
2.2 Cyclic Codes 25
2.2.1 The Generator Polynomial 28
2.2.2 Systematic Cyclic Code 30
2.3 Hamming Codes and BCH Codes 31
2.3.1 Decoding of BCH Codes 33
2.4 Reed-Solomon Codes 38
2.5 Golay Codes 40
2.5.1 Two-error correcting algorithm 41
2.5.2 Algebraic decoding algorithm 43
Chapter 3 Low-Complexity Step-by-Step Decoding for Binary BCH Codes ...... 47
3.1 Overview 47
3.2 Preliminaries 49
3.3 Proposed Decoding Algorithm 53
3.4 Illustrative Example 61
3.5 Summary of this Chapter 63
Chapter 4 A Simple Decoder of Binary BCH Codes 64
4.1 Decoding Algorithm 64
4.2 Decoder Architecture 69
4.3 Example of Decoding of Binary (15, 5) BCH Code 70
4.4 Summary of this Chapter 72
Chapter 5 Decoding for Golay Codes 74
5.1 Overview 74
5.2 Preliminaries 75
5.3 Proposed Decoding Algorithm 78
5.4 Decoder Architecture 80
5.5 Illustrative Example 83
5.6 Summary of this Chapter 84
Chapter 6 A Low-Complexity Decoding of Reed-Solomon Decoder Combined
with 2m-QAM System 85
6.1 Overview 85
6.2 Preliminaries 86
6.3 Proposed Decoding Algorithm 88
6.4 Summary of this Chapter 92
Chapter 7 Conclusion and Future Works 94
Appendix 96
References 100
作 者 簡 歷 104

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