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研究生(外文):Wei-Yu Chen
論文名稱(外文):The Study and Implementation of Alert Integration, Correlation and Presentation System in SOC
指導教授(外文):Chi-Sung Laih
外文關鍵詞:Attack GraphAlert CorrelationSecurity Operation Center
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With the coming of information era, Internet has been developed rapidly and offered more and more services. However, intrusions, viruses, and worms follow with the development of Internet, and spread swiftly all over the world with high speed network. In order to defense these threats, network security devices, such as intrusion detection systems (IDSs), firewalls, and antivirus software, have become essential equipments. Network security devices have been deployed in most of the organizations. However, there are at least three problems existing. First, the alarms generated by these devices are with high false positive rate and redundancies. Second, it requires deploying multiple IDSs and firewalls in large environments, which cause the administrators have difficulty to maintain and manage these alerts generated by those scattered devices. Third, because different devices generate alerts with different types, formats, and presentations, the administrators should investigate these reports and recognize what happen on the protected hosts. In addition, it requires sufficient experiences to determine the types of attacks precisely.
In this thesis, we propose an architecture of security operation center (SOC), design and implement the related components concerning alert integrations and correlations. In our proposed SOC, it contains five units: (1) Alert Generator Unit, which is used to generate alert and transfer to IDMEF format, (2) SOC Database, which operates and stores alerts, (3) Core Procedure unit, which is the main unit, including our proposed classification, verification, integration and correlation, (4) System Operation Unit, which automate the system to operate and announce incident tickets to administrator, and (5) Event Reaction, which is the user interface, including incident lists, security statistics and attack graph presentation. Finally, we enumerate several real attacks to test and verify our SOC architecture on TWANST (Taiwan Network Security Testbed). The results show that our proposed SOC cannot only show the integrated alert, but also generate attack graph and announce automatically. Therefore, we are convinced such the SOC can help administrators maintain network security more effectively in a large enterprise environment.
Chapter 1. Introduction                      1
1.1 The Role of Security Operation Centers (SOCs) in Internet   1
1.2 Motivation                          1
1.3 Contribution                         3
1.4 Thesis Organization                      4
Chapter 2. Overview of Security Operation Centers         5
2.1 A Typical Architecture of a SOC                5
2.2 Components and Functionalities in SOCs            5
2.3 Security Operation Center in Taiwan              7
Chapter 3. Related Works                     9
3.1 Event Generators                       9
3.2 Intrusion Detection Message Exchange Format (IDMEF)     11
3.3 Alert Correlation                      15
3.4 Attack Graphs                        19
Chapter 4. System Design and Implement              23
4.1 System Architecture                     24
4.2 Sensor Group Region                     26
4.2.1 Alert Generator                      26
4.2.2 Format Transform Module                  27
4.3 Security Operation Center Region               28
4.3.1 SOC DB                           28
4.3.2 Core Procedure Unit                    34
4.3.3 System Operation Unit                   44
4.4 User Interface Region                    46
4.4.1 Attack Graph Presentation                 46
Chapter 5. Experiments and Results                48
5.1 System Environment                      48
5.2 Experiments                         49
5.2.1 The Attack Scenario I ( in Inside Network )        49
5.2.2 The Attack Scenario II ( in Internet )           54
5.2.3 The Attack Scenario III (MS SQL worm )           58
5.2.4 The Attack Scenario IV (DARPA 2000 DDOS )         60
5.2.5 The Attack Scenario V (U.C. Davis)             62
5.2.6 The Attack Scenario VI (Nature Traffic in TWANST)     64
5.2.7 The Presentation of Accident Tickets            67
Chapter 6. Conclusions and Future Works             70
References                            71
Appendix                             74
I. The Format of Snort Raw Data Table              74
II. Original Snort Classification                76
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