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研究生(外文):Ji-Kun Lin
論文名稱(外文):Fast H.264 Inter Mode Decision Based on Hierarchical Homogeneous Detectionand Cost Analysis
指導教授(外文):Jar-Ferr Yang
外文關鍵詞:residuemode decisionintrainterhomogeneous
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先進視訊壓縮標準H.264/AVC為了達到高度的編碼效能,提供了七種不同方塊大小的框外(inter)動態補償(motion compensation)模式,以及九種不同方向性的框內(intra)模式預測。最佳編碼過程必須計算所有模式的成本以找出一個擁有最小成本(minimum cost)的最佳編碼模式。模式成本的計算是非常複雜的,在框外模式決策上,七種模式亦即代表了七次的動態估測(motion estimation)運算,本論文為了減少動態估測的次數,提出了兩種技術:以殘值齊性(residual homogeneous)偵測為基礎的提早結束(early termination)策略以及以成本分析(cost analysis)為基礎的模式消除(mode elimination)方法。若將此兩法組成一階層式(hierarchical)的快速模式選擇法,我們即能夠完成一有效的選擇模式以消除不必要的計算量。模擬結果顯示,在沒有明顯效能下降的情況下,對於各種不同性質的影像序列,本法能省下一半以上的動態估測次數。
To achieve the highest coding efficiency, H.264/AVC utlizes seven modes in different block sizes for motion-compensation in inter prediction and nine spatial directional prediction modes in intra prediction. To search the best mode, we have to calculate the costs of all possible modes and choose the best one with the minimum cost. The mode cost calculation process leads to high computational complexity. Seven modes also mean that seven times of motion estimation are needed. In order to reduce the number of times in motion estimation, we propose two techniques, a residual homogeneous detection strategy for early termination and an effective cost analysis for mode elimination. If we combine them together, the mode detection algorithm becomes a hierarchical and fast decision scheme. Thus, the proposed efficient mode selection with residual homogeneous detection and mode elimination process can reduce unnecessary computation. Simulation results show that the proposed methods can reduce encoding time by more than half the times in motion estimation for various kinds of sequences without introducing any considerable performance degradation. 
Table of Contents
Abstract i
Acknowledgement iii
Table of Contents iiv
List of Figures vi
List of Tables viii
1. Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation 1
1.2 Organization for the Thesis 2
2. Basic Concepts of Video CODEC and Inter Mode Decision in H.264/AVC 3
2.1 Basic Concepts for Video Coding 3
2.2 Overview of H.264/AVC Video Coding Standard 9
2.3 Overview of H.264/AVC Inter Mode Decision 23
3. Proposed Residue Analysis and Cost Analysis for Fast Inter Mode Decision 26
3.1 Motivation 26
3.2 Introduction 27
3.3 Related Work on H.264/AVC Mode Decision 28
3.4 Residual Homogeneous Detection for Early Termination 29
3.5 Cost Analysis for Mode Elimination 35
3.6 Brief Conclusion and Summery 40
4. Proposed Fast Mode Decision Scheme for H.264/AVC Encoder 41
4.1 Introduction 41
4.2 Simplified Homogeneous Detection and Motion Vector Reusing Based Fast Mode Decision Scheme 42
4.3 Hybrid Hierarchical Cost Analysis and Homogeneous Detection Based Fast Mode Decision Scheme 44
4.5 Simulation Results 49
4.6 Summary 57
5. Conclusions and Future Work 58
5.1 Conclusions 58
5.2 Future Work 59
References 60
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