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研究生(外文):Sheng-Po Chang
論文名稱(外文):ZnSe-Based Photodetectors
指導教授(外文):Shoou-Jinn Chang
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另外一方面,同質磊晶和異質磊晶之硒化鋅金半金光檢測器也是被製作和分析。我們發現同質磊晶之硒化鋅金半金光檢測器可以有較小之暗電流和較大之光電流。在入射波長448nm時,同質磊晶和異質磊晶之硒化鋅金半金光檢測器的響應度分別為0.128、0.045 A/W,而所對應之量子效率分別為36、12%。因此,在同質磊晶和異質磊晶之硒化鋅金半金光檢測器可以獲的最小雜訊等必v分別為7.6×10^-13、2.9×10^-12 W和最大的正規化檢測度分別為9.3×10^11、2.44×10^11 cmHz^0.5W^-1。
然後,在不同接觸電極(氧化銦錫、鎢化鈦、鎳/金)之硒化鋅同質磊晶金半金光檢測器是被製作和分析。而在不同接觸電極(氧化銦錫、鎢化鈦、鎳/金)之硒化鋅同質磊晶金半金光檢測器的蕭基位障高度分別0.66、0.695、0.715eV。在入射波長448nm時,不同接觸電極(氧化銦錫、鎢化鈦、鎳/金)之硒化鋅同質磊晶金半金光檢測器的響應度分別為120、50.6、28.1 mA/W,而所對應之量子效率分別為33.5、14、8%。在頻寬100HZ和偏壓1V下,不同接觸電極(氧化銦錫、鎢化鈦、鎳/金)之硒化鋅同質磊晶金半金光檢測器的雜訊等必v分別為8.14×10^-13、1.73×10^-12、9.25×10^-13 W,而所對應之的正規化檢測度分別為8.7×10^11、4.09×10^11、7.65×10^11 cmHz^0.5W^-1。
最後, 在不同絕緣層(二氧化矽、鈦酸鍶鋇)之硒化鋅同質磊晶金屬-絕緣層-半導體檢測器也是被製作和分析。可以發現硒化鋅同質磊晶金屬-絕緣層-半導體檢測器之暗電流密度比硒化鋅蕭基位障檢測器至少小一個準位。而且硒化鋅同質磊晶金屬-絕緣層-半導體檢測器之紫外光與可見光拒斥比值都是很大的。在不同絕緣層(二氧化矽、鈦酸鍶鋇)之硒化鋅同質磊晶金屬-絕緣層-半導體檢測的雜訊等必v分別為1.24×10^-13、1.9×10^-13 W,而所對應之的正規化檢測度分別為2.55×10^12、1.67×10^12 cmHz^0.5W^-1。這些數據都顯示了比成長在砷化鎵之異質磊晶之硒化鋅光檢測器來的更好。
In this thesis, properties of Ni/Au contact on homoepitaxial p-ZnSe with oxygen plasma treatments were investigated. It was found that Zn atom distribution profiles for p-ZnSe with and without treatments were almost identical. It was also found that Se concentration near the surface became less while oxygen concentration near the surface became larger after oxygen plasma treatment. We also observed hillocks, which were related to Se vacancies and/or isoelectronic oxygen impurities, on the surface of 15 W oxygen plasma treated sample. Furthermore, it was found that we can achieve lowest offset voltage from the sample treated with 15 W oxygen plasma treatment.
Moreover, homoepitaxial and heteroepitaxial ZnSe MSM photodetectors were both fabricated and characterized. It was found that homoepitaxial ZnSe MSM photodetector shows smaller dark current and larger photocurrent. With an incident wavelength of 448 nm, it was found that the maximum responsivity for the homoepitaxial and heteroepitaxial ZnSe photodetectors were 0.128 and 0.045 A/W, which corresponds to a quantum efficiency of 36 and 12% respectively. Furthermore, it was found that we achieved the minimum NEP of 7.6×10^-13 W and the maximum D* of 9.3×10^11 cmHz^0.5W^-1 from our homoepitaxial ZnSe photodetector. In contrast, NEP and D* of the heteroepitaxial ZnSe photodetector were 2.9×10^-12 W and 2.44×10^11 cmHz^0.5W^-1, respectively,
Then, we reported fabrication of homoepitaxial ZnSe MSM photodetectors with ITO, TiW and Ni/Au contact electrodes. It was found that barrier heights for electrons were 0.66, 0.695 and 0.715eV for ITO, TiW and Ni/Au on the homoepitaxial ZnSe, respectively. With an incident wavelength of 448 nm, it was found that the maximum responsivities for the homoepitaxial ZnSe MSM photodetectors with ITO, TiW and Ni/Au contact electrodes were 120, 50.6 and 28.1 mA/W, which corresponds to quantum efficiencies of 33.5, 14 and 8% respectively. For a given bandwidth of 100 Hz and a given bias of 1 V, it was found that the corresponding NEP of our homoepitaxial ZnSe MSM photodetectors with ITO, TiW and Ni/Au electrodes were 8.14×10^-13, 1.73×10^-12 and 9.25×10^-13 W, respectively. Furthermore, it was found that the corresponding D* were 8.7×10^11, 4.09×10^11 and 7.65×10^11 cmHz^0.5W^-1, respectively.
Finally, ZnSe MIS photodetectors with SiO2 and BST insulator layers were fabricated on ZnSe substrates. It was found that dark current densities of these MIS photodetectors were at least one order of magnitude smaller than ZnSe Schottky barrier photodetector without the insulator layers. UV-to-visible rejection ratios of these MIS photodetectors were also large. It was found that NEP were 1.24×10^-13 and 1.9×10^-13 for the homoepitaxial ZnSe MIS photodetectors with SiO2 and BST insulator layers, respectively. The corresponding D* were 2.55×10^12 and 1.67×10^12 cmHz^0.5W^-1, respectively. These values were better than those observed from the heteroepitaxial ZnSe photodetectors prepared on GaAs substrates.
Abstract (in Chinese)------------------------------------------------------I
Abstract (in English)-----------------------------------------------------IV
Figure and Table Captions--------------------------------------------------X
Chapter 1 Introduction-----------------------------------------------------1
1-1 The history of ZnSe-based II-VI compound devices----------------------1
1-2 Organization--------------------------------------------------------- 5

Chapter 2 Fabrication System and Measurement Theory-----------------------13
2-1 RF and DC Sputtering System------------------------------------------13
2-2 Photo-CVD System-----------------------------------------------------14
2-3 Measurement of barrier height----------------------------------------17
2-3-1 Capacitance-Voltage (C-V) Measurement-----------------------------17
2-3-2 Current-Voltage (I-V) Measurement---------------------------------18
2-3-3 Photoelectric Measurement-----------------------------------------18
2-4 Type of Low Frequency Noise------------------------------------------19

Chapter 3 Contact Properties on Homoepitaxial P-ZnSe ---------------------30
3-1 Ni/Au contacts on homoepitaxial p-ZnSe with Surface Oxygen Plasma
treatments ----------------------------------------------------------30

Chapter 4 The Fabrication and Characteristics of ZnSe Photodetectors----- 45
4-1 Introduction---------------------------------------------------------45
4-2 Fabrication of ZnSe Photodetectors ----------------------------------47
4-3 The ZnSe MSM Photodetectors------------------------------------------50
4-3-1 Heterepitaxial and Homoepitaxial ZnSe MSM Photodetectors ---------50
4-3-1-1 The characteristics of Heterepitaxial and Homoepitaxial MSM
4-3-1-2 Noise characteristics of Heterepitaxial and Homoepitaxial MSM
Photodetectors ------------------------------------------------52
4-3-2 Homoepitaxial ZnSe MSM Photodetectors with various transparent
electrodes -------------------------------------------------------56
4-3-2-1 The characteristics of Homoepitaxial ZnSe MSM Photodetectors with
various transparent electrodes---------------------------------56
4-3-2-2 Noise characteristics of Homoepitaxial ZnSe MSM Photodetectors
with various transparent electrodes----------------------------58
4-4 The ZnSe MIS and Schottky diodes Photodetectors----------------------61
4-4-1 The characteristics of ZnSe MIS and Schottky diodes Photodetectors--
4-4-2 Noise characteristics of ZnSe MIS and Schottky diodes Photodetectors

Chapter 5 Conclusions and Future Works----------------------------------- 97
5-1 Conclusions----------------------------------------------------------97
5-2 Future Works---------------------------------------------------------99
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