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研究生(外文):Hsiu-Ting Chen
論文名稱(外文):The Impacts of the Heavy Metals on the Phosphate Release/Uptake Mechanisms of the Activated Sludge Under Different SRT and Internal Carbon Concentration Conditions
指導教授(外文):Yung-Pin TsaiBo-Chuan Cho
外文關鍵詞:Biological Phosphorus RemovlB-SBR systemHeavy metalIntracellularPolymerPAOsPHAs
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本研究目的主要為控制在不同污泥停留時間(SRT)之操作條件下,探討高低內部碳源、重金屬種類及濃度,對活性污泥在厭/好、厭/缺狀態下釋磷及攝磷反應行為,與活性污泥去除生物營養鹽之影響,以作為日後管理管制工業廢水重金屬污染問題的參考。研究結果顯示,無論在SRT 10 day或15 day的操作條件下,經馴養的B-SBR系統中活性污泥對COD及PO43--P之去除率均可維持在90 % 以上;而於SRT 5 day之操作下對PO43--P的去除亦能維持80%以上,唯總氮之去除成效有限(去除率約為50 % 以上),主要原因為缺氧相的碳源不足,導致脫硝作用不完全。厭氧狀態下污泥須藉由攝取外部碳源(COD),以釋出正磷酸鹽並累積PHAs,且隨著所提供之外部碳源濃度的增加,釋磷量將會增加,但在好氧或缺氧狀態下,若殘餘的外部碳源濃度過高,反而會使磷蓄積菌呈現釋磷反應。此外,內部碳源濃度之高低亦會影響攝磷反應的結果,污泥內部PHAs累積量愈多,則比攝磷速率亦會隨之增加。經SRT 10 天馴養下的活性污泥對重金屬Cu2+、 Zn2+的耐受性(Tolerance)較SRT 15 天所馴養者為佳,此結果顯示,縮短活性污泥之SRT有助於提升生物除磷程序承受突增重金屬之能力;且重金屬會先抑制微生物之攝磷行為,Cu2+大於2 mgl-1、Zn2+大於1 mgl-1則生物攝磷現象明顯受到影響,此現象可能是因重金屬的存在改變了微生物細胞膜的電化位能(電位勢),而影響生物攝磷之質子主動傳輸動力,進而抑制系統之攝磷行為。而重金屬的存在對釋磷反應之影響較不明顯,當重金屬濃度添加至60 mgl-1時,活性污泥仍具有釋磷現象,此現象亦可能為重金屬濃度過高,對污泥造成毒害,導致微生物死亡而釋出體內的正磷酸鹽。另由研究結果顯示利用缺氧環境進行生物攝磷作用亦可達到良好的效果,倘若可多加利用缺氧反應來攝取好氧相殘餘之正磷酸鹽,方能減少好氧反應時間,降低曝氣成本。
This research mainly investigated the effects of internal carbon source, category of heavy metals and concentrations on the mechanism of phosphate release and uptake of anaerobic/aerobic and anaerobic/anoxic conditions. The activated sludges used in the study were well controlled by sludge retention time (SRT), including 15, 10 and 5 days. The study also aimed to the investigation of the impact of heavy metal on nutrient removal. The results were hoped to be the references of the management for industrial wastewater.
The results showed that the removal rates of COD and PO43-P for the activated sludge of the SBR system could be maintained above 90% for 10 and 15 days of SRT conditions. However, the removal rates of phosphate and total nitrogen (TN) were significantly reduced to about 80% and 50%, respectively, because of lacking carbon source in anoxic phase and the inhibition of denitrification reaction.
In the anaerobic phase, sludge should uptake external carbon source (COD) to release PO43--P and accumulate PHAs. And, the amount of the released PO43--P would be increased by the increase of the external carbon source. However, in the anoxic phase or aerobic phase, the phosphate accumulation organisms (PAOs) would release phosphate when the remaining external carbon source is too much.
In addition, the concentration of internal carbon source also affected the result of phosphorous uptake. The more the internal PHAs accumulation, the larger the specific phosphate uptake rate (SPUR) was. The tolerances to Cu2+ and Zn2+ heavy metals for the sludge of SRT 10 days were better than of 15 days. It implied that the shortening of the SRT would be contributive to the ability of enhanced biological nutrient removal (EBNR) system facing to the shock loading of heavy metals.
And, heavy metals would inhibit the mechanism of biological phosphate uptake first. Biological phosphate uptake mechanism would be inhibited completely when Cu2+>2 mgl-1or Zn2+>1 mgl-1. It might be because that the existence of the heavy metals changed the electric potential ability of microorganism’s cell membrane, and then further affected the actively deliver motive of proton in phosphate uptake and inhibited the phosphate uptake mechanism.
The influence of the heavy metals on phosphate release was not obvious. The phosphate release mechanism still occurred when 60 mgl-1 heavy metal were added. This appearance might be resulted from the destruction of the microorganism by the toxic of high heavy metals concentration. Microorganisms’ death could result in the release of PO43--P from cells.
In addition, the results also displayed that phosphate uptake could perform well in anoxic phase. The reaction time and aeration cost could be reduced in aerobic phase, if the uptake reaction in anoxic phase could be developed well.
中文摘要 II
英文摘要 III
目 錄 V
圖目錄 IX
表目錄 XV
第一章 前言 1
1.1 研究緣起 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 研究流程及重點 2
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2.1水污染問題及需求說明 4
2.2生物除磷機制與程序 5
2.2.1生物除磷 5
2.2.2 生物除磷代謝模式 8
2.2.3 生物釋磷 8
2.2.4 生物攝磷 11 缺氧狀態下,內部碳源對攝磷之影響 12 缺氧狀態下,外部碳源對釋磷/攝磷之影響 13
2.2.5 影響生物除磷效率之重要因素 13 污泥停留時間 13 硝酸鹽濃度對釋磷/攝磷行為之影響 14 有機碳源種類對磷蓄積菌的影響 14 污泥膨化對生物除磷之影響 16
2.3 高級生物處理 18
2.3.1 高級生物脫氮除磷處理程序 18
2.3.2 B-SBR 系統之沿革 21
2.4 重金屬對生物處理系統之影響 23
第三章 實驗設備與方法 25
3.1 研究架構 25
3.2 研究設備 26
3.2.1 B-SBR模廠 26
3.2.2 批次實驗設備 27
3.2.3 污泥馴化與人工合成基質 28
3.3 研究方法 29
3.3.1 B-SBR模廠操作條件 29
3.3.2 批次實驗設計 31 系統之總釋磷/總攝磷量 31 外部碳源對釋磷/攝磷之影響 33 重金屬與污泥含高低內部碳源對活性污泥釋磷攝磷之影響 35
3.4分析方法與設備 41
3.4.1 分析方法 41 SBR模廠分析項目與方法 41 批次實驗分析項目與方法 42
3.4.2 分析設備 43
第四章 結果與討論 44
4.1 B-SBR系統對氮磷生物營養鹽之去除特性 44
4.1.1 控制SRT為15天 44
4.1.2 控制SRT為10天 48
4.1.3 控制SRT為5天 51
4.1.4 小結 56
4.2系統總釋磷/攝磷量 57
4.2.1 SRT = 15天 57 總釋磷量 57 總攝磷量 58
4.2.2 SRT = 10天 60 總釋磷量 60 總攝磷量 61
4.2.3 SRT = 5天 62 總釋磷量 62 總攝磷量 64
4.2.4小結 66
4.3外部碳源對釋磷/攝磷之影響 68
4.3.1 高內部碳源污泥 68
4.3.2 低內部碳源污泥 69
4.4內部碳源濃度對生物除磷反應特性之影響 73
4.4.1 高內部碳源污泥 73
4.4.2 低內部碳源污泥 74
4.5重金屬銅濃度對微生物除磷反應特性之影響 76
4.5.1 SRT = 15天 76
高低內部碳源污泥,重金屬對厭氧釋磷及好氧/缺氧攝磷之影響 76 重金屬對PHAs蓄積/分解之影響 87
4.5.2 SRT = 10天 89 高低內部碳源污泥,重金屬對厭氧釋磷及好氧/缺氧攝磷之影響 89 重金屬對PHAs蓄積/分解之影響 98
4.5.3 SRT = 5天 100 高低內部碳源污泥,重金屬對厭氧釋磷及好氧/缺氧攝磷之影響 100 重金屬對PHAs蓄積/分解之影響 108
4.5.4 小結 110
4.6重金屬鋅濃度對微生物除磷反應特性之影響 112
4.6.1 SRT = 15天 112 高低內部碳源污泥,重金屬對厭氧釋磷及好氧/缺氧攝磷之影響 112 重金屬對PHAs蓄積/分解之影響 121
4.6.2 SRT = 10天 123 高低內部碳源污泥,重金屬對厭氧釋磷及好氧/缺氧攝磷之影響 123 重金屬對PHAs蓄積/分解之影響 132
4.6.3 SRT = 5天 134 高低內部碳源污泥,重金屬對厭氧釋磷及好氧/缺氧攝磷之影響 134 重金屬對PHAs蓄積/分解之影響 142
4.6.4 小結 144
4.7 綜合討論 146
4.7.1 SRT對生物釋磷攝磷機制之影響 146 不同SRT下,添加重金屬銅對生物除磷之影響 146 不同SRT下,添加重金屬鋅對生物除磷之影響 149
4.7.2 重金屬對生物釋磷攝磷機制之影響 152 SRT=15天下,不同重金屬對生物除磷之影響 152 SRT=10天下,不同重金屬對生物除磷之影響 155 SRT= 5天下,不同重金屬對生物除磷之影響 158
4.7.3小結 161
第五章 結論與建議 162
5.1結論 162
5.2 建議 164
參考文獻 165
附 錄 173
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