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研究生(外文):Wang Ming-hua
論文名稱(外文):On Lonely Furrows: The Farmer-Poet in the Poetry of Robert Frost and Tao Yuanming
指導教授(外文):Robert Reynolds
外文關鍵詞:Robert FrostTao Yuanmingpastoral poetrynatural poetry
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本論文是美國詩人佛洛斯特與中國田園詩人陶淵明作品之比較研究, 說明他們獨特的田園詩在主題及意象之相似性, 及其不同於自然詩人及西方傳統田園詩人之處。本文分為兩大部份: 第二章從詩人的個人與社交生活切入, 進而探討他們與社會之關係及其對社會之批判。第三章處理一般性的議題, 分析詩人的人生哲學,包括他們對於自然及生死的態度。研究結果顯示佛洛斯特與陶淵明的作品,在本論文所探究的面相有頗多相似之處,與其他田園詩人或自然詩人亦有顯著的不同。
This thesis is a comparative study of the American poet Robert Frost (1874-1963) and the Chinese poet Tao Yuanming (365-427), showing their similarity in certain themes, subjects, and images. This thesis argues that their poetry is distinct from either pastoral or natural poetry, the genres that Frost and Tao are often categorized with.
The main body of the thesis is divided into two parts. Chapter 2 is based on the concrete facts of the poets’ personal life and social life, followed by a discussion on their relation to and criticism on society. Chapter 3 deals with more general topics analyzing the poets’ philosophy, including their attitudes toward nature, life, and death. The results of the thesis show that their similarities are strong in the areas I have chosen, which are different from either pastoral or natural poetry.
Acknowledgements ii
Table of Content v
Chapter 1: Introduction 1
Why Frost and Tao? 1
Methods and problems 3
Background of Robert Frost and Tao Yuanming 4
Poetic genre 7
Poetic style in Frost and Tao 8
Common themes in Frost and Tao 9
Chapter 2: Laboring Poets 12
The poet in the field 14
The poet and his neighbors 25
The poet and society 35
Chapter 3: The Philosopher Farmers 44
Man and Nature 45
Faith and Skepticism 56
Solitude 65
Aging 72
Death 81
Chapter 4: Conclusion 89
Selected References 95
Index of Poems Cited 100
Selected References
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