Selected References Abbreviations: Huibian Tao Yuanming yanjiu ziliao huibian 陶淵明研究資料彙編. Beijing: Zhonghua, 1962.
Bass, Eben. “Frost’s Poetry of Fear.” Cady and Budd. 73-80. Baym, Nina. “An Approach to Robert Frost’s Nature Poetry.” American Quarterly 17.4 (1965): 713-23. ---. “Going by Contraries: Robert Frost’s Conflict with Science.” ISIS 94.1 (2003): 178-79. Bidney, Martin. “The Secretive-Playful Epiphanies of Robert Frost: Solitude, Companionship, and the Ambivalent Imagination.” Papers on Language and Literature 38.3 (2002): 270-94. Tao Yuanming yanjiu ziliao huibian 陶淵明研究資料彙編. Beijing: Zhonghua, 1962. Bloom, Harold, ed. Robert Frost: Modern Critical Views. New York: Chelsea House, 1986. Borroff, Marie. “Robert Frost’s New Testament: The Uses of Simplicity.” Bloom, 63-83. Bromwich, David. “Wordsworth, Frost, Stevens and the Poetic Vocation.” Bloom. 111-23. Burns, Robert. The Poetical Works of Robert Burns. Ed. J. Logie Robertson. London: Oxford UP, 1950. Cady, Edwin H., and Louis J. Budd, eds. On Frost. Durham: Duke UP, 1991. Chen, Yi-lian 陳怡良. Tao Yuanming zhi renpin yu shipin 陶淵明之人品與詩品. Taipei: Wenjin, 1993. Cunningham, John. “Human Presence in Frost’s Universe.” Faggen. 261-72. Dai, Yue-fang戴月芳. Forward. Tao Yuanming shiwen陶淵明詩文. Taipei: Jinxiu, 1993. Davis, A. R. T’ao Yüan-ming: His Works and Their Meaning. Hong Kong: Hong Kong UP, 1983. Doyle, John Robert, Jr. The Poetry of Robert Frost. New York: Hafner, 1962. Eoyang, Eugene. “The Solitary Boat: Images of Self in Chinese Nature Poetry.” The Journal of Asian Studies 32.4 (1973): 593-621. Everett, Carter. “Frost’s Design.” The Explicator 47.1 (1988): 23-26. Faggen, Robert, ed. The Cambridge Companion to Robert Frost. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2001. ---. “Frost and the Questions of Pastoral.” Faggen. 49-73. French, Roberts W. “Robert Frost and the Darkness of Nature.” Critical Essays on Robert Frost. Ed. Philip L. Gerber. Boston: G.K.Hall, 1982. Frost, Robert. Robert Frost: Collected Poems, Prose, & Plays. Eds. Richard Poirier and Mark Richardson. New York: The Library of America, 1995. Gerber, Philip L. 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Mason, David. “Robert Frost, Seamus Heaney, and the Wellsprings of Poetry.” Sewanee Review 108.1 (2000): 41-57. Monteiro, George. “Going by Contraries: Robert’s Conflict with Science.” The New England Quarterly 77.1 (2004): 146-51. Murray, Keat. “Robert Frost’s Portrait of a Modern Mind: The Archetypal Resonance of ‘Acquainted with the Night.’“ Midwest Quarterly 41.1 (2000): 370-84. Nedwick, Robert S. “Robert Frost and the Sound of Sense.” Cady and Budd. 1-12. Parker, Blanford. “Frost and the Meditative Lyric.” Faggen. 179-96. Sanders, David. “Frost’s North of Boston, Its Languages, Its People, and Its Poet.” Journal of Modern Literature 27.1 (2003): 70-78. Scheick, William J. “Frost’s October.” The Explicator 62.2 (2004): 96-98. Squires, Radcliffe. The Major Themes of Robert Frost. New York: Michigan UP, 1963. Sun, Cecille Chu-chin. A Sense of Scene: Depictions of Scene as Expressions of Feeling in Chinese and English Poetry. Diss. Indiana U, 1982. Tao, Yuanming陶淵明. Tao Yuanming ji jiaojian陶淵明集校箋. Ed. Gong Bin 龔斌. Shanghai: Shanghaiguji, 1996. Tan, Shilin, trans. The Complete Works of Tao Yuanming. Taipei: Bookman, 1993. Thompson, Lawrance. Robert Frost: The Early Years, 1874-1915. New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1970. ---. Fire and Ice: The Art and Thought of Robert Frost. New York: Russell, 1961. ---. Selected Letters of Robert Frost. London: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1965. Thoreau, Henry David. Walden. New York: Norton, 1966. Ven, Tom Vander. “Robert’s Dramatic Principle of ‘Oversound.’“ Cady, and Budd. 86-99. Waggoner, Hyatt Howe. “The Humanistic Idealism of Robert Frost.” Cady, and Budd. 13-29. Watkins, Floyd C. “Going and Coming Back: Robert Frost’s Religious Poetry.” South Atlantic Quarterly 73 (1974): 445-59. Wordsworth, William. Preface. Lyrical Ballads. Ed. Michael Mason. Singapore: Longman, 1992. 55-87. ---. William Wordsworth. Ed. Stephen Gill. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1984. Yuan, Xing-pei 袁行霈. Tao Yuanming Yanjiu 陶淵明研究. Beijing: Beijing UP, 1997.