1.Black, F., and J.C. Cox, 1976, “Valuing Corporate Securities: Some Effects of Bond Indenture Provisions,” Journal of Finance, 31, 351-367.
2.Black, F., Scholes M., 1973, “ The Pricing of Options and Corporate Liabilities,” Journal of Political Economic, 81, 637-654.
3.Brockman, P., and H.J.Turtle, 2002, “An Barrier Option Framework for Corporate Security Valuation,” Journal of Financial Economics, 67, 511-529.
4.Briys, E., de Varenne, F., 1997, “ Valuing risky Fixed Rate Debt: An Extension,” Journal of Financial Quantities Analysis, 32, 239-248.
5.Das, S. R., D. Duffie, 2005, ”Common Failings: How Corporate Defaults are Correlated,” Working paper.
6.Das, S. R., G. Fong, and G.. Geng, 2004, “Correlated Default Process,” Working paper.
7.Das, S. R., L. Freed, and G. Geng, 2005, ”Correlated Default Risk,” Working paper.
8.Das, S.R., Tufano, P., 1996, ” Pricing Credit-Sensitive Debt When Interest Rate, Credit ratings, and Credit Spreads are Stochastic,” Journal of Financial Engineering, 5 , 161-198.
9.Davis, M. and V. Lo, 2001, “Modelling Default Correlation in Bond Portfolios,” Working paper.
10.Das, S. R., G. Fong, and G. Geng, 2001, “Impact of Correlated Default Risk on Credit Portfolios,” Journal of fixed Income, 9-19.
11.Duffie, D. and Singleton, K., 1997, “An Econometric Model of the Term Structure of Interest-Rate Swap Yields,” Journal of Finance, 52 ,1287-1321.
12.Fridson, M. S., C., Garman and S. Wu, 1997, “Real Interest Rate and the Default Rates on High-Yield Bonds, ” Journal of fixed Income, 29-34.
13.Geske, R., 1977 “The Valuation of Corporate Liabilities as Compound Options,” Journal of Financial and Quantities Analysis,12, 541-552.
14.Jarrow, R.A. and Turnbull, S.M., 1995, “Pricing Options on Financial Securities Subject to Default Risk,” Journal of Finance, 50, 481-523.
15.Jarrow, R.A., Lando, D., Turnbull, S.M., 1997, “A Markov Model for the Term Structure of Credit Risk Spreads,” Review of Financial Studies, 10, 481-523.
16.Jarrow, R., 2001, “Default Parameter Estimation Using Market Prices,” Financial Analysis Journal, 5, 74-92.
17.Kim, I.J., Ramaswamy, K., Sundaresan, S., 1993, “Does Default Risk in Coupons Affect the Valuation of Corporate Bonds?” Financial Management, 22, 117-131.
18.Kim, M.A. and T.S.Kim, 2005, “Default Correlation Dynamics with Business Cycle and Credit Quality Changes,” Journal of Derivates, 8-27.
19.Lando,D., 1998, “On Cox Processes and Credit Risky Securities,” Review of Derivatives Research, 2 ,99-120.
20.Leland, H.E., 1994, “Corporate Debt Value, Bond Covenants, and Optimal Capital Structure,” Journal of Finance, 49, 1213-1252.
21.Leland, H.E., and Toft, K., 1996, “Optimal Capital Structure, Endogenous Bankruptcy, and the Term Structure of Credit Spreads,” Journal of Finance, 51, 987-1019.
22.Li, X.D., 2000, “On Default Correlation: An Copula Function Approach,” Journal of Fixed Income, 43-54.
23.Longstaff, F.A., and Schwartz, E.S., 1995, “A simple approach to valuing risky fixed and floating rate debt,” Journal of Finance, 50, 789-819.
24.Lucas, D. J., 1995, “ Default Correlation and Credit Analysis,“ Journal of Fixed Income, 76-87.
25.Mandan, D.B., Unal, H., 2000, “ A Two-Factor Harzard-Rate Model for Pricing Risky Debt and Term Structure of Credit Spreads,” Journal of Financial Quantities Analysis, 35, 43-65.
26.Merton, R., 1973, “Theory of Rational Options Pricing,” The Bell Journal of Economics, 4, 141-183.
27.Merton, R., 1974, “On the Pricing of Corporate Debt: The Risk Structure of Interest Rates,” Journal of Finance, 29, 449-470.
28.Merton, R., 1977, An Analytic Derivation of the Cost of Deposit Insurance and Loan Guarantee, Journal of Banking and Finance, 1, 3-11.
29.Musiela, M. and Rutkowski, M., 2002. Martingale Methods in Financial Modelling, Springer.
30.Ronn, R Ehud and Avinash, K. Verma, 1986, “Pricing Risk-Adjusted Deposit Insurnace:An Option-Based Model,” Journal of Finance, 871-895.
31.Sharp, W., 1964, “Capital Asset Prices: A Theory of Market Equilibrium under Conditions of Risk,” Journal of Finance, 19, 425-442.
32.Vasicek, O., 1977, “An Equilibrium Characteristic of the Term Structure,” Journal of Finance, 5, 177-188.
33.Zhou, C., 1997, “A Jump-diffusion Approach to modeling credit risk and Valuing Defaultable Securities,” Working paper.
34.Zhou, C., 2001, “An Analysis of Default Correlations and Multiple Defaults,” Review of Financial Studies, 14, 555-576.
2.國際清算銀行(BIS)網站: http://www.bis.org/
3穆迪KMV公司網站: http://www.moodyskmv.com/
4.信用衍生性金融商品網站: http://www.credit-deriv.com/
5.信用風險文章整理網站: http://www.defaultrisk.com/
1.Black, F., and J.C. Cox, 1976, “Valuing Corporate Securities: Some Effects of Bond Indenture Provisions,” Journal of Finance, 31, 351-367.
2.Black, F., Scholes M., 1973, “ The Pricing of Options and Corporate Liabilities,” Journal of Political Economic, 81, 637-654.
3.Brockman, P., and H.J.Turtle, 2002, “An Barrier Option Framework for Corporate Security Valuation,” Journal of Financial Economics, 67, 511-529.
4.Briys, E., de Varenne, F., 1997, “ Valuing risky Fixed Rate Debt: An Extension,” Journal of Financial Quantities Analysis, 32, 239-248.
5.Das, S. R., D. Duffie, 2005, ”Common Failings: How Corporate Defaults are Correlated,” Working paper.
6.Das, S. R., G. Fong, and G.. Geng, 2004, “Correlated Default Process,” Working paper.
7.Das, S. R., L. Freed, and G. Geng, 2005, ”Correlated Default Risk,” Working paper.
8.Das, S.R., Tufano, P., 1996, ” Pricing Credit-Sensitive Debt When Interest Rate, Credit ratings, and Credit Spreads are Stochastic,” Journal of Financial Engineering, 5 , 161-198.
9.Davis, M. and V. Lo, 2001, “Modelling Default Correlation in Bond Portfolios,” Working paper.
10.Das, S. R., G. Fong, and G. Geng, 2001, “Impact of Correlated Default Risk on Credit Portfolios,” Journal of fixed Income, 9-19.
11.Duffie, D. and Singleton, K., 1997, “An Econometric Model of the Term Structure of Interest-Rate Swap Yields,” Journal of Finance, 52 ,1287-1321.
12.Fridson, M. S., C., Garman and S. Wu, 1997, “Real Interest Rate and the Default Rates on High-Yield Bonds, ” Journal of fixed Income, 29-34.
13.Geske, R., 1977 “The Valuation of Corporate Liabilities as Compound Options,” Journal of Financial and Quantities Analysis,12, 541-552.
14.Jarrow, R.A. and Turnbull, S.M., 1995, “Pricing Options on Financial Securities Subject to Default Risk,” Journal of Finance, 50, 481-523.
15.Jarrow, R.A., Lando, D., Turnbull, S.M., 1997, “A Markov Model for the Term Structure of Credit Risk Spreads,” Review of Financial Studies, 10, 481-523.
16.Jarrow, R., 2001, “Default Parameter Estimation Using Market Prices,” Financial Analysis Journal, 5, 74-92.
17.Kim, I.J., Ramaswamy, K., Sundaresan, S., 1993, “Does Default Risk in Coupons Affect the Valuation of Corporate Bonds?” Financial Management, 22, 117-131.
18.Kim, M.A. and T.S.Kim, 2005, “Default Correlation Dynamics with Business Cycle and Credit Quality Changes,” Journal of Derivates, 8-27.
19.Lando,D., 1998, “On Cox Processes and Credit Risky Securities,” Review of Derivatives Research, 2 ,99-120.
20.Leland, H.E., 1994, “Corporate Debt Value, Bond Covenants, and Optimal Capital Structure,” Journal of Finance, 49, 1213-1252.
21.Leland, H.E., and Toft, K., 1996, “Optimal Capital Structure, Endogenous Bankruptcy, and the Term Structure of Credit Spreads,” Journal of Finance, 51, 987-1019.
22.Li, X.D., 2000, “On Default Correlation: An Copula Function Approach,” Journal of Fixed Income, 43-54.
23.Longstaff, F.A., and Schwartz, E.S., 1995, “A simple approach to valuing risky fixed and floating rate debt,” Journal of Finance, 50, 789-819.
24.Lucas, D. J., 1995, “ Default Correlation and Credit Analysis,“ Journal of Fixed Income, 76-87.
25.Mandan, D.B., Unal, H., 2000, “ A Two-Factor Harzard-Rate Model for Pricing Risky Debt and Term Structure of Credit Spreads,” Journal of Financial Quantities Analysis, 35, 43-65.
26.Merton, R., 1973, “Theory of Rational Options Pricing,” The Bell Journal of Economics, 4, 141-183.
27.Merton, R., 1974, “On the Pricing of Corporate Debt: The Risk Structure of Interest Rates,” Journal of Finance, 29, 449-470.
28.Merton, R., 1977, An Analytic Derivation of the Cost of Deposit Insurance and Loan Guarantee, Journal of Banking and Finance, 1, 3-11.
29.Musiela, M. and Rutkowski, M., 2002. Martingale Methods in Financial Modelling, Springer.
30.Ronn, R Ehud and Avinash, K. Verma, 1986, “Pricing Risk-Adjusted Deposit Insurnace:An Option-Based Model,” Journal of Finance, 871-895.
31.Sharp, W., 1964, “Capital Asset Prices: A Theory of Market Equilibrium under Conditions of Risk,” Journal of Finance, 19, 425-442.
32.Vasicek, O., 1977, “An Equilibrium Characteristic of the Term Structure,” Journal of Finance, 5, 177-188.
33.Zhou, C., 1997, “A Jump-diffusion Approach to modeling credit risk and Valuing Defaultable Securities,” Working paper.
34.Zhou, C., 2001, “An Analysis of Default Correlations and Multiple Defaults,” Review of Financial Studies, 14, 555-576.
2.國際清算銀行(BIS)網站: http://www.bis.org/
3穆迪KMV公司網站: http://www.moodyskmv.com/
4.信用衍生性金融商品網站: http://www.credit-deriv.com/
5.信用風險文章整理網站: http://www.defaultrisk.com/
1.Black, F., and J.C. Cox, 1976, “Valuing Corporate Securities: Some Effects of Bond Indenture Provisions,” Journal of Finance, 31, 351-367.
2.Black, F., Scholes M., 1973, “ The Pricing of Options and Corporate Liabilities,” Journal of Political Economic, 81, 637-654.
3.Brockman, P., and H.J.Turtle, 2002, “An Barrier Option Framework for Corporate Security Valuation,” Journal of Financial Economics, 67, 511-529.
4.Briys, E., de Varenne, F., 1997, “ Valuing risky Fixed Rate Debt: An Extension,” Journal of Financial Quantities Analysis, 32, 239-248.
5.Das, S. R., D. Duffie, 2005, ”Common Failings: How Corporate Defaults are Correlated,” Working paper.
6.Das, S. R., G. Fong, and G.. Geng, 2004, “Correlated Default Process,” Working paper.
7.Das, S. R., L. Freed, and G. Geng, 2005, ”Correlated Default Risk,” Working paper.
8.Das, S.R., Tufano, P., 1996, ” Pricing Credit-Sensitive Debt When Interest Rate, Credit ratings, and Credit Spreads are Stochastic,” Journal of Financial Engineering, 5 , 161-198.
9.Davis, M. and V. Lo, 2001, “Modelling Default Correlation in Bond Portfolios,” Working paper.
10.Das, S. R., G. Fong, and G. Geng, 2001, “Impact of Correlated Default Risk on Credit Portfolios,” Journal of fixed Income, 9-19.
11.Duffie, D. and Singleton, K., 1997, “An Econometric Model of the Term Structure of Interest-Rate Swap Yields,” Journal of Finance, 52 ,1287-1321.
12.Fridson, M. S., C., Garman and S. Wu, 1997, “Real Interest Rate and the Default Rates on High-Yield Bonds, ” Journal of fixed Income, 29-34.
13.Geske, R., 1977 “The Valuation of Corporate Liabilities as Compound Options,” Journal of Financial and Quantities Analysis,12, 541-552.
14.Jarrow, R.A. and Turnbull, S.M., 1995, “Pricing Options on Financial Securities Subject to Default Risk,” Journal of Finance, 50, 481-523.
15.Jarrow, R.A., Lando, D., Turnbull, S.M., 1997, “A Markov Model for the Term Structure of Credit Risk Spreads,” Review of Financial Studies, 10, 481-523.
16.Jarrow, R., 2001, “Default Parameter Estimation Using Market Prices,” Financial Analysis Journal, 5, 74-92.
17.Kim, I.J., Ramaswamy, K., Sundaresan, S., 1993, “Does Default Risk in Coupons Affect the Valuation of Corporate Bonds?” Financial Management, 22, 117-131.
18.Kim, M.A. and T.S.Kim, 2005, “Default Correlation Dynamics with Business Cycle and Credit Quality Changes,” Journal of Derivates, 8-27.
19.Lando,D., 1998, “On Cox Processes and Credit Risky Securities,” Review of Derivatives Research, 2 ,99-120.
20.Leland, H.E., 1994, “Corporate Debt Value, Bond Covenants, and Optimal Capital Structure,” Journal of Finance, 49, 1213-1252.
21.Leland, H.E., and Toft, K., 1996, “Optimal Capital Structure, Endogenous Bankruptcy, and the Term Structure of Credit Spreads,” Journal of Finance, 51, 987-1019.
22.Li, X.D., 2000, “On Default Correlation: An Copula Function Approach,” Journal of Fixed Income, 43-54.
23.Longstaff, F.A., and Schwartz, E.S., 1995, “A simple approach to valuing risky fixed and floating rate debt,” Journal of Finance, 50, 789-819.
24.Lucas, D. J., 1995, “ Default Correlation and Credit Analysis,“ Journal of Fixed Income, 76-87.
25.Mandan, D.B., Unal, H., 2000, “ A Two-Factor Harzard-Rate Model for Pricing Risky Debt and Term Structure of Credit Spreads,” Journal of Financial Quantities Analysis, 35, 43-65.
26.Merton, R., 1973, “Theory of Rational Options Pricing,” The Bell Journal of Economics, 4, 141-183.
27.Merton, R., 1974, “On the Pricing of Corporate Debt: The Risk Structure of Interest Rates,” Journal of Finance, 29, 449-470.
28.Merton, R., 1977, An Analytic Derivation of the Cost of Deposit Insurance and Loan Guarantee, Journal of Banking and Finance, 1, 3-11.
29.Musiela, M. and Rutkowski, M., 2002. Martingale Methods in Financial Modelling, Springer.
30.Ronn, R Ehud and Avinash, K. Verma, 1986, “Pricing Risk-Adjusted Deposit Insurnace:An Option-Based Model,” Journal of Finance, 871-895.
31.Sharp, W., 1964, “Capital Asset Prices: A Theory of Market Equilibrium under Conditions of Risk,” Journal of Finance, 19, 425-442.
32.Vasicek, O., 1977, “An Equilibrium Characteristic of the Term Structure,” Journal of Finance, 5, 177-188.
33.Zhou, C., 1997, “A Jump-diffusion Approach to modeling credit risk and Valuing Defaultable Securities,” Working paper.
34.Zhou, C., 2001, “An Analysis of Default Correlations and Multiple Defaults,” Review of Financial Studies, 14, 555-576.
2.國際清算銀行(BIS)網站: http://www.bis.org/
3穆迪KMV公司網站: http://www.moodyskmv.com/
4.信用衍生性金融商品網站: http://www.credit-deriv.com/
5.信用風險文章整理網站: http://www.defaultrisk.com/