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研究生(外文):Wei-Lun Wang
論文名稱(外文):Longest Common Subsequence with Constraints
指導教授(外文):Richard Chia-Tung Lee
外文關鍵詞:Longest Common Subsequence ProblemConstraintLongest Common
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給定兩條序列X、Y 及一條限制序列Z,我們要找出一條X 和Y 的最長共同序列P,
而且,Z 必須是P 的一個子序列。子序列P 就被稱做是X、Y 和Z 的最長共同子序列。
Chin 及另外四位作者在2004 年發表了一篇具限制性之最長共同子序列問題的論
空間複雜度皆為O(nmr),n、m 和r 是X、Y 和Z 的序列長度。藉由回顧Chin 的方法,
相對於Chin 的方法,我們簡省掉相當多不必要的計算。所以,我們的方法會比Chin
In this thesis, we address the constrained longest common subsequence problem
which is defined as follows. Given two sequences X and Y, and a constrained sequence Z,
find a longest common subsequence P of X and Y such that Z is a subsequence of P.
Recently, Chin and other four authors [CSFHK2004] proposed an O(nmr) time and
space algorithm to solve this problem using the dynamic programming technique, where n,
m and r are the lengths of X, Y and Z, respectively. By reviewing Chin’s method, we
found that many computations in Chin’s method can be ignored.
In this thesis, we present an algorithm to solve the constrained longest common
subsequence problem in O(nmr) time and space also. But, our method runs faster than
Chin’s method because fewer computations are need in our method. In addition, less
memory space is needed in our method.
List of Figures ...................................................................................................................... v
List of Tables ....................................................................................................................... vi
Chapter 1 Introduction .................................................................................................1-1
Chapter 2 A Dynamic Programming Approach .........................................................2-1
2.1 The Dynamic Programming Approach to the Constrained Longest Common Subsequence
Problem ..................................................................................................................................... 2-1
2.2 The Time Complexity................................................................................................................ 2-5
2.3 An Example............................................................................................................................... 2-5
Chapter 3 Our Method to Solve the Constrained Longest Common Subsequence
3.1 The Characterization of the Constrained Longest Common Subsequence Problem.......... 3-1
3.2 The Main Idea of Our Method ................................................................................................. 3-3
3.3 Our Method to Solve the Constrained Longest Common Subsequence Problem................ 3-9
3.4 Our Algorithm........................................................................................................................ 3-18
3.5 The Time Complexity and Space Complexity....................................................................... 3-20
3.6 An Example............................................................................................................................. 3-21
Chapter 4 Experiments .................................................................................................4-1
Chapter 5 Conclusion....................................................................................................5-1
Appendix ...........................................................................................................................7-1
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