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研究生(外文):Meng-Han Cheng
論文名稱(外文):Design of an Improved Matrix Multiplier
指導教授(外文):Dyi-Rong Duh
外文關鍵詞:matrix multiplicationmerged arithmeticfixed-point arithmeticpartial product matrix reduction
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Since matrix multiplication is one of the most used operations in science and engineering, a lot of efforts for improving its efficiency have been made greatly. To accelerate such enormous computing, parallel processing architectures are mostly considered by decades. For the advance of manufacturing technology, high clock rate processors or multiple processors are also used to speed up the computation. In this thesis, another approach called merged arithmetic is included into our parallel architecture. It dissolves the boundary between the individual multipliers and adders to perform multiple multiply and addition in parallel. However, none of the methods which were presented previous for reducing partial product matrix is absolutely better than others. This study proposes a combined method to find out the most efficient reduction. Respecting the user’s demand is not the same all the time; our simulation results include three metrics, delay, cost, and delay × cost. Besides, the hardware interconnection for further implementation is also offered. It is very helpful for the design of such systems because a high performance throughput and low cost system are both what we concern.
論文摘要 i
Abstract ii
Contents iii
List of Figures v
List of Tables vi
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background and Motivation 1
1.2 Related Work 2
1.3 About This Thesis 3
2 Matrix Multiplication 4
2.1 Matrix Multiplication 4
2.2 SIMD Matrix Multiplication 5
3 Former Work 8
3.1 Fast Multiplier 8
3.1.1 Wallace Tree 10
3.1.2 Dadda Tree 11
3.1.3 Fast Adder 13
3.2 2’s-Complement Multiplication 13
3.3 Merged Arithmetic 14
3.4 Fixed-Point Number System 19
4 Our Result 20
4.1 The Estimation Method 20
4.2 Simulation Results of the Previous Appraoches 21
4.3 Two Reduction Methonds on Demand 23
4.4 Our Result 26
4.5 An Improved Matrix Multiplier 28
5 Conclusion and Future Research 30
5.1 Concluding Remarks 30
5.2 Future Research 31
Bibliography 32
Appendix A 35
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