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研究生(外文):Chia-Hao Hsu
論文名稱(外文):An OAI-Based Portal System for Integrating and Managing Internet Resources
指導教授(外文):Shian-Hua Lin
中文關鍵詞:數位圖書館Open Archives Initiative-Protocol for Metadata Open Archives Initiative-Protocol for Metadata HarvestingOAI資源整合
外文關鍵詞:Digital LibraryOpen Archives Initiative-Protocol for Metadata HarvestingOAIResource Integration
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隨著網際網路的興起,網路上的資源已呈爆炸性的成長。各政府、機構、組織將資料數位化後放置在網路上,並提供便民的服務。然而資訊系統管理著各式各樣的異質資源,因此資源的整合及交流(尤其是在數位圖書館領域)已經成為現今一個重要的議題。Open Archives Initiative (OAI)提出了Open Archives Initiative-Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH) 以促進各圖書館之間資源的互通性,它訂定了依照後設資料(metadata)做資訊交換的標準。隨著OAI架構的普及,越來越多的資訊系統提供了OAI相容的資訊交換服務。我們也利用了OAI的架構來整合各式各樣的異質資源並提供依照Dublin Core欄位的搜尋服務。除此之外,我們也指出現今OAI架構的不足並將其做延伸以達成更有效率的資料交換服務。而我們所做的延伸相容於現今的OAI架構。
With the explosive growth of the Web, integrating various resources from diverse information systems is becoming an increasingly important task, especially for integrating digital archives into digital libraries. Organizations make efforts to digitize archives and carry out information systems to manage these archives and publish them on the Web. Archives managed by various information systems are hard to be seamlessly exchanged. Consequently, the interoperability problem becomes a significant issue of resource integration in digital libraries. The Open Archives Initiative–Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH) is proposed to facilitate metadata sharing based on the Web. With the growing acceptance of the OAI framework, many information systems support OAI-compliant services. In this paper, we implement the OAI system as a framework to integrate heterogeneous resources. The system is also integrated with portal and search systems to provide union catalog and search services. Based on the common metadata, Dublin Core, various resources like HTML, XML, files system and databases can be integrated into a single portal through our OAI system. We also consider the synchronization issue not involved in the OAI-PMH. Based on these criteria, we implement an OAI-based portal system to integrate heterogeneous resources from diverse systems. We also extend the OAI-PMH for improving drawbacks that data cannot be synchronized through the OAI framework. The enhancement is also compatible with other OAI-compliant systems.
中文摘要 I
Abstract II
Contents III
List of Figures V
List of Tables VII
1. Introduction 1
2. Related Work 4
2.1 Metadata 4
2.2 OAI-PMH 6
2.2.1. OAI Record 6
2.2.2. OAI Query Verbs 8
2.2.3. OAI-Compliant Systems 12
2.3 Resource Integration and Management 13
2.4 Information Extraction 14
3. Concepts and Definitions 16
3.1 OAI Identifier 16
3.2 Repository 17
4. System Architecture 18
4.1 Data Provider 19
4.1.1. Resource Adapter 19
4.1.2. Metadata Retriever 22
4.2 Service Provider 25
4.2.1. Metadata Harvester 25
4.3 Union Catalog and Search Services 27
5. Heterogeneous Resource Integration 29
5.1 File System 29
5.2 XML-based System 30
5.3 Database System 32
5.4 Web-based System 39
6. Extensions of OAI-PMH 44
6.1 Arguments Added in ListIdentifiers, ListRecords and ListSets 44
6.1.1. Argument namespace 44
6.1.2. Argument set 45
6.2 Flow Control 45
6.3 Metadata Synchronization 46
6.4 Compatible with the Current Version 48
7. Conclusions and Future Work 49
8. Acknowledgements 50
9. References 50
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[2]Henry N. Jerez, Xiaoming Liu, Patrick Hochstenbach and Herbert Van de Sompel, “The Multi-faceted Use of the OAI-PMH in the LANL Repository,” JCDL’04, June 7–11, 2004, Tucson, Arizona, USA
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[4]Kurt Maly, Mohammad Zubair and Xiaoming Liu, “Kepler - An OAI Data/Service Provider for the Individual,” D-Lib Magazine, April 2001, Volume 7 Number 4.
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[6]Xiaoming Liu, Kurt Maly and Mohammad Zubair, “Arc - An OAI Service Provider for Digital Library Federation,” D-Lib Magazine, April 2001, Volume 7 Number 4.
[7]Xiaoming Liu, Kurt Maly, Mohammad Zubair, Qiaoling Hong, Michael L. Nelson and Frances Knudson, “Federated Searching Interface Techniques for Heterogeneous OAI Repositories,” Journal of Digital Information, Volume 2 Issue, 2002.
[8]Yunhua Hu, Guomao Xin, Ruihua Song, Guoping Hu,Shuming Shi, Yunbo Cao and Hang Li, “Title Extraction from Bodies of HTML Documents and its Application to Web Page Retrieval,” SIGIR’05, 2005.
[9]Yunhua Hu, Hang Li, Yunbo Cao, Li Teng, Dmitriy Meyeron and Qinghua Zheng, “Automatic Extraction of Titles from General Documents using Machine Learning,” JCDL’05, 2005.
[10]Arc - A Cross Archive Search Service, http://arc.cs.odu.edu/
[11]Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), http://www.acm.org/
[12]CiteSeer.PSU OAI, http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/oai.html
[13]Digital Bibliography and Library Project (DBLP) , http://dblp.uni-trier.de/
[14]Dublin Core Metadata Element Set: Version 1.1, http://dublincore.org/documents/dces/
[15]Extensive Markup Language (XML), http://www.w3.org/XML/
[16]Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/
[17]Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), http://www.w3.org/Protocols/
[18]Guidelines for Repository Implementer, http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/guidelines-repository.htm
[19]Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), http://www.ieee.org/
[20]Machine Readable Cataloging (MARC), http://www.loc.gov/marc/
[21]Open Archives Initiative (OAI), http://www.openarchives.org/
[22]Open Archives Initiative-Repository Explorer, http://re.cs.uct.ac.za/
[23]Open Directory Project, http://dmoz.org/
[24]Open Language Archives Community (OLAC), http://www.language-archives.org/
[25]PChome 網站目錄, http://dir.pchome.com.tw/
[26]The Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH), http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/openarchivesprotocol.html
[27]Samba, http://www.samba.org/
[28]Specification and XML Schema for the OAI Identifier Format. http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/guidelines-oai-identifier.htm
[29]Yahoo! 奇摩分類, http://tw.dir.yahoo.com/
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